Site list of vertebrates:

See this page for pictures of animals at the site



Great Basin Spadefoot Toad

Scaphiopus intermontanus

Painted Desert Whiptail
(Western Whiptail)

Aspidoscelis tigris

Plateau Striped Whiptail

Aspidoscelis velox

Long-nosed Leopard Lizard

Gambelia wislizenii

Short Horned Lizard or 1 or 2

Phrynosoma hernandesi

Great Basin Gopher Snake

Pituophis melanoleucus

Western Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans

Mammals.The mammal list is not very complete.  Most rodents and bats have not been identified.


Ord's Kangaroo Rat

Dipodomys ordi

Northern Pocket Gopher

Thomomys talpoides

White-tailed prairie dog 1, 2 or 3

Cynomys leudovicianus

Black-Tailed Jackrabbit Lepus californicus

Desert Cottontail or here

Sylvilagus audubonii

Long-tailed Weasel

Mustela frenata


Procyon lotor


Canis latrans


Taxidea taxus

Pronghorn Antelope

Antilocapra americana

Mule Deer

Odocoileus hemionus

Birds.  The bird list includes all species that we have seen at the site, either on the ground or vegetation or overhead.  We note if we have only seen the bird flying overhead (o); or breeding (*).  We have not spent time at the site during migrations and presume that a number of waterbirds (particularly) fly overhead, but are not of consequence.


Sandhill Crane (o)


Whooping Crane (o)


Upland Sandpiper  

Ring-necked Pheasant (adjacent ag lands)


Gambel's Quail  (Adjacent ag lands)


Northern Harrier *


Red-Tailed Hawk


Swainson's Hawk


Golden Eagle


Turkey Vulture


American Kestrel


Prairie Falcon


Great Horned Owl (Adjacent ag lands)


Burrowing Owl *


Barn Owl (Adjacent Ag lands)


Poor Will*  

Belted Kingfisher (o)


Mourning Dove


Rock Dove (o)


Broad-Tailed Hummingbird


Northern Flicker


Western Kingbird


Say's Phoebe


Horned Lark *


White-Throated Swift


Barn Swallow


Tree Swallow


Viole-Green Swallow


Common Raven


Black-Billed Magpie


Rock Wren *  patios 1, 2


Sage Thrasher*  

Northern Mockingbird *


Mountain Bluebird


Loggerhead Shrike *


Red-winged Blackbird


Western Meadowlark *


Northern Oriole (Bullock's)


Brewer's Sparrow*  

Lark Sparrow *


Lapland Longspur


Lark Bunting