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Web Based Physics Resources
Physics Sites
- Yahoo! - Science:Physics
- Yahoo! - Science:Physics:Indices
- Yahoo's List of Sites with Lists of Physics Sites, which is reproduced here as of
- Yahoo! -
Science:Physics:Education:Higher Education:Courses:Courses Online
- Institute of Physics
- American Institute of Physics
- Physics Web
- The Internet Pilot To Physics
- Physics Education in
North America
- Kami! Home Page: Java Applets (English)
This site is one that that has the really neat animations and simultions of stuff in
- The U of O Physics Student Page
- This site has a bunch of examples and problems.
- The Interactive Physics Problem Set
Contents Page
- The Interactive Physics Problem Set
Contents Page
- Another site with on-line problems. Mostly 1311!
- Help for Physics Students
- The World-Wide Web
Virtual Library: Physics
- Newton's Laws of
Motion Workshop Lessons
- Cutting Edge Science on
the slopes
- The Physics Hypertextbook
- University of Illinois
Physics 101
- University of Illinois
Physics 140
- 209 Physics I Lecture Notes
(University of Wisconsin)
- This is a Web Page for a virtually identical course to Physics 1311
- IUN/FYDE Introductory Physics
- University of Winnipeg General Physics Web Page
- Harvard Physics 15b
- Equivalent to Honors 2313
- Eric's Treasure
Trove of Physics
- Cheryl Tripplet's Physics Pages
- Learn Physics Today
- Another Interactive tutorial developed by a high school class!
- 202
General Physics II (University of Wisconsin)
- Web page for a course much like 1302
- Physics
319 - Scientific Computing (TAMU)
- Has Phys 1311 examples
- Physics 211, General Physics Lab (University of
- Has Java Applets that Do Examples
- How Does a Little Thing Like
That Work?
- Physics Demonstration site
- Bang! Boing! Pop!?
- Interactive Site With Instructive Java Applets
- Impact and Gravity Simulator
- Interactive Site Good for 1311, Ch 10 and 14.
- Web Physics
- Physics Real Life Examples
- Hands on Physics
- Bungee: Advanced Mechanics
- Science 122 (Honolulu
Community College)
- The Nature of Physical Science
- Physics
131 (Ohio State University)
- Another Mechanics Course Home Page
- Physics 161 (University of Oregon)
- Another Mechanics Course Home Page
- Fundamentals of Physics
- The Halliday, Resnick and Walker Web Site
- Physics Tutorials
- University of Guelph Physics Tutorials
- Physics Problem
- Requires Registration
- My Tutor
- An online tutoring service. No endorsement implied!
- Kepler's Law's and
Newton's without Calculus
- Chabot College Astronomy Site
- Physics Net
-Interactive Physics on the Net
- Requires Special Plug-in
- Stevenson High
School Physics Web Page
- This site has a lot of good worked examples.
Energy and Matter Links
- Physics is Phun
- An example of how to use the Web for science instruction developed by a high school
class in Australia. Neat and well presented.
- Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
- The "Scientific Activities" section gives information on the experiments the
institute is currently involved in
- Univ. of Pittsburgh, Dept. of Physics
- One of the better University links
- The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Institute
- Read about a neutrino study
- Explore Science
- Animated demos explain the concepts, mostly physics
- Virtual Trips to Black Holes
and Neutron Stars
- animations and explanations of what you see
- Asteroid Virtual Reality Movies
- More entertainment than education, but...
- The Mad Scientist Network
- large brains who are crazy about science.. demos and ask-an-expert areas
- String Theory Web Site
- Bill Nye, The Science Guy
- 'nuff said!
- Exploring Gravity
- G.Tek Cyber School
- Particle Adventure
- Albert Einstein Online
- K-12 Science Ed. Resources
- Cool Links to Hot
Topis in Physics
- Moscow State University
- St. Petersburg State University
- Syracuse Physics -Educational
Modules and Simultationsl
- What is Chaos?
- Superluminal Motion -
Fact or Fiction?
- Physics Games Amusement Park
- D. Rennon's Physics Links
And Last, but not least.....
- Physics Humor Links
- A collection of humor from across the Web.
- More Physics Humor
- The Cartoon Laws of
Educational Materials and Space Physics
- ISPEC - International Space Physics Educational
- Space Physics WWW Reference
- UCLA Space Physics Group
- UCLA Space Physics Group
Educational Software
- Rice University Public Connection
- Rice University Space Weather Home Page
and Model
- Athena, K-12 Curriculum Development
- Earth and Sun
- The Aurora
- Aurora Borealis - the
northern lights
- Nasa's
Observatorium Education Reference Module
- Sonoma
State University Physics Links
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala
(IRFU) Wave Group
Other Universities and Professors
- Space Scientists' Personal Home Pages
- UCLA/IGPP Home Page
- University of Washington Geophysics Program
Some Guys Named Bob
- Bob's Home Page!
- C.
Robert Clauer, AOSS
- Robert L. Lysak
Textbooks on Space Physics
Instabilities in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, by D. B. Melrose
Introduction to
Space Physics by M. G. Kivelson and C. T. Russell
The Solar-Terrestrial Environment, by J. K. Hargreaves
Data Archives
- National Space Science Data Center
- NASA's Space Physics Data System - An
- IMP-8 Project Information
- Solar images at SDAC
- NASA Shuttle Web
- National Geophysical Data Center
- National Geophysical Data
Center, Solar Terrestrial Physics, GEOMAG SUB 1
- ALIS Control Centre
- Sprites and Jets
- Current Weather Maps/Movies
- Planetary Data System /
Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PDS/PPI)
- UCLA Space Physics Data System
- CDAWeb (ISTP Public)
Government Agencies
- National Science Foundation
- http://www.nsf.gov:80/od/opp/start.htm
- http://www.nsf.gov:80/od/opp/publist.htm
- NASA Home Page
- NASA Space Physics Division Home
- Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics -
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- NIST Physics Laboratory
- Plasma Physics Lab, Naval Research
Journals, Programs and Professional Organizations
- AGU Home Page - American Geophysical Union
- AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy
Section Home Page
- JGR-Space Physics Home
- Eos Electronic
Home Page
- NSF Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM)
Program Home Page
- Science Daily (not just physics, but good)
- Planet Science (not just physics, but good)
- American Journal of Physics
Other Stuff
- University of Houston Home Page
- Houston Real-Time Traffic Map
- AccuTraffic: Houston, TX
- AccuTraffic Home Page
- Mosaic and External
- HTML By Example Home Page
- Tumbleweed Viewer
- Novell Free Software: Envoy 1.0a Viewer
- UH Space Physics Group
- Dr. E. A. Bering
- The InterNIC InfoGuide Home Page
- Virtual Vineyards
- WebMuseum: Bienvenue! (ticket office)
At this point, you can go to the 1301 page, the UH Space Physics Group Web Site, or
my personal Home Page.
Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu>