Recommended Additional Exercises
Grading Policy
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
Homework 6
Homework 7
Homework 8
Homework 9
Homework 10
Homework 11
Homework 12
Test 1, F99
Test 2, F99
Test 3, F99
Physics Resources
Lecture Slides

University of Houston

Physics 3315: Modern Physics


Welcome to Modern Physics!

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  1. Top
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Questions?
  5. Syllabus
  6. Recommended Additional Problems
  7. Grading Policy
  8. Homework Solutions
  9. Hour Tests
  10. Endgame
  11. More Course Material
  12. Student Activity


This Page will grow during the course of the semester. I plan to post homework solutions, the hour test questions and solutions after the tests are given and other related materials as they become available. In particular, watch this space for special announcements regarding schedule changes, etc



Got a Question? Try This Link

Physics 3315 Syllabus

Edgar A. Bering, III
Science & Research I, Room 530D
Phone: 743-3543
Office Hours: MWF 1:30-2:30; otherwise by appointment
Personal Home Page:
Course Home Page:

PHYS 3315, Sec. 08557, MWF 12:00 noon- 1:00 pm, SR1 136

This course will cover at least chapters 1 through 10 in Modern Physics, 2nd edition, by Kenneth Krane, John Wiley & Sons publishers. If we have time, we will cover selected topics from the remaining chapters of the book. There will be three hour exams: one at the end of chapter 4 on Oct. 06, one at the end of chapter 8 on Nov. 03 and one at the end of the course on Dec. 01. The final will be held 11:00-2:00 on Monday, Dec 13, and will be comprehensive. No calculators or notes will be permitted during any examination; paper will be provided, so you only need to bring with you to each exam a pencil and an eraser. Each exam will focus on testing your problem solving skills.

Required homework will be assigned once each week and will be collected almost every Monday. Because of Labor Day, the first HW will be due on Friday, Sept. 3. Each problem will be graded on a scale of 0 to 10. Solutions will be posted below on the course home page. A penalty of 15 points will be assessed for homework turned in late. Under normal circumstances, students will not be permitted more than 2 late homework papers. Late homework must be turned in directly to me, not buried in a subsequent submission stack. Late homework will not be accepted after the solutions are posted or the next assignment is due, whichever comes first. The homework that is due the day before any hour test will not be accepted late under any circumstances. The homework assignments are listed below:

Due Date Chapters Problems
Sept. 03 1 1- 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16    
Sept. 13 2 2- 02 08 10 12 20 28 34 36    
Sept. 20 3 3- 04 10 16 17 22 26 30 32    
Sept. 25 4 4- 08 12 18 20 22 26 30 32    
Oct. 04 5 5- 02 10 14 16 22 26 32 34    
Oct. 11 6 6- 06 12 14 18 28 32 36 38    
Oct. 18 7 7- 04 06 12 14 16 18 20 22    
Oct. 25 8 8- 06 08 12 14 16 18 20 22    
Nov. 01 9, 10 9- 08 12 16 18 20 28; 10- 04 06  
Nov. 08 10, 12 10- 08 12 16 20 24; 12- 04 12 16  
Nov. 15 12, 14 12- 26 32 38; 14- 02 06 12 14 16  
Nov. 22 14, 15 14- 20 22 24; 15- 06 10 12 16 18  
Nov. 29 15, 16 15- 24; 16- 02 08 10 14 16 18 20  


Recommended Additional Problems and Exercises

The list of required homework problems should NOT be taken to represent the entirety of the problem solving that you should be doing in studying this material. The size of the homework assignments is determined by the grading budget not by pedagogical considerations. Ideally, you should do every exercise at the back of each chapter. Practically, this may not be possible for many of you. As a minimum target, you should try to do at least 24 exercises in addition to the required homework each week. The exact choice is up to you. For those who may some guidance in this choice, a list of recommendations is posted here.

The formula used to compute your numeric grade is the following:

1311for1.gif (2035 bytes)

Note that each quiz is equally weighted, that the quizzes constitute 45 percent of your final grade, that the final is 35 percent, and that you can gain 20 points by doing all of the homework correctly. That's usually more than the difference between a C and an A. Homework solutions, exam solutions and curves will only be distributed via posting to the course Web site.



Grading Policy

A copy of the instruction memo that I give to the grader is posted here.

Homework Solutions

Homework 1, Sept. 03

Homework 2, Sept. 13

Homework 3, Sept. 20

Homework 4, Sept. 27

Homework 5, Oct. 04

Homework 6, Oct. 11

Homework 7, Oct. 18

Homework 8, Oct. 25

Homework 9, Nov. 01

Homework 10, Nov. 08

Homework 11, Nov. 15

Homework 12, Nov. 22

Homework 13, Nov. 29

Hour Tests

Each link will show both solutions and the grade distribution

Fall, 1999

Hour Test 1

Hour Test 2

Hour Test 3



Final Exam, Fall, 1999

Homework Histogram

Total Score Histogram

Got a Question? Try This Link

More Course Material

will appear here when available.

Physics Resources on the Web

Lecture Outline Slides

Student Activity

So far, there have been students who have accessed this material.

Right now, all you can do is return to Prof. Bering's Personal Home Page: