








Edgar A. Bering, III - Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information


Chronology of Experience

Professional and Honorary Societies

Honors and Awards


Summary of Experience

Refereed Publications

Technical Reports

Invited Talks


Past Campaigns

Data Base Description

Data File Access

Work in Progress

Future Plans

Research Grants and Contracts





Barbara and Janet
My Fami;y



Edgar Andrew Bering, III

Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Born Jan. 9, 1946, New York, N. Y.

United States Citizen

Married, Two Children, Edgar, and Janet



B.A., cum laude in Physics, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., June 1967.

Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, June 1974.

Dissertation Title: Auroral Zone Electric Current Measurement on Sounding Rockets.




University of Houston, Houston, Texas

1974: Research Scientist

1975-1981: Assistant Professor of Physics

1981-1989: Associate Professor of Physics

1989-1998: Professor of Physics

1998-present: Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering


University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston, Texas

2008-present: Professor of Physics







Member of Space Physics Group









Participated in experiments to measure electron bremsstrahlung beneath auroras, electron bremsstrahlung accompanying both natural and triggered VLF events, auroral zone electric fields, plasmapause electric fields, electric fields at high altitude due to thunderstorms, and the electromagnetic radiation spectrum of lightning at high altitude, VLF magnetic fields accompanying active experiments in the ionosphere, dc plasma properties in the ionosphere near pulsating aurora, electric fields near the magnetospheric cusp and atmospheric electric parameters at the South Pole. Presently involved in the development of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) at the Ad Astra Rocket Company. 




American Astronomical Society

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

2004-2005: Senior Member

2005-present: Associate Fellow

American Geophysical Union

American Physical Society

Commission H, U.S. National Committee, International Union of Radio Science (USNC,URSI)

New York Academy of Science

Sigma Xi



Harvard College Scholarship

Dean’s List

B.A. cum laude


1981, 1986: Antarctica Service Medal

1984: Nominee, Mayor’s Annual Volunteer Service Awards

1984-present: Listed in Who’s Who in Frontier Science and Technology

1987-present: Listed in Who’s Who in the World

1993: Greenwood Award, City of Houston

2000: Rotary National Award for Space Achievement, Stellar Award, Team Category, member, VASIMIR Team

2001-present: member, Commission H, USNC, URSI

2004: AIAA Best Paper of the Year, Plasmadynamics and Lasers

2005: AIAA Special Service Citation

2012: AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Committee Chairman's Award



1983: Aerospace Consultant

Associated International Insurance Co., Los Angeles, Calif.

1984-1987: Partner

IF&G Technical Consultants, Houston, Texas

1986: Consultant

Bell and Trotti, Inc., Houston, Texas

1987-present: Officer and Director

IF&G Technical Consultants, Inc., Houston, Texas

2005-2008: SAIC

NASA proposal review consultant

2018-present: AdAstra Rocket Company

Outer planets mission design consultant

2020-present: Cornell Technical Services

NASA proposal review consultant

I am available to consult on your problem. Send me e- mail at <>.



Area of Specialty


 Doctoral degree and fifty years post-doctoral experience in space plasma physics. I have extensive hands-on experience in sounding rocket (40 flights) and balloon (200+ flights) operations. I have some experience (1 experiment) in the preparation of satellite experiments, in addition to a summer's work at the Spacecraft Techniques Laboratory of COMSAT. I have participated in the design, construction and interpretation of data from plasma probe, electric field, magnetic field, plasma wave, energetic particle and x-ray detection experiments. As a necessary consequence of this work, I have extensive experience in computer programming and related aspects of electronic data processing, including hardware operation and repair. I am actively involved in Space and Laboratory Plasma Physics Research at this time.In particular, I am a member of the VASIMR electric spacecraft propulsion team. I led the 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign and the 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign. Recently I participated in the 2023 and 2024 PARS summer schools at HAARP.


I have fifty years experience teaching the basic areas of physics at all levels. In addition, I have taught astrophysics at the senior undergraduate level and plasma physics in space and the laboratory at the undergraduate and graduate levels. My major teaching activity right now is the Undergraduate Student Instrument Project, in which we teach undergraduates how to build spacecraft.

Areas of Diversification


As an undergraduate and graduate student, I worked as an R.A. in neurophysiology, neurosurgery, pharmacology and marine biology laboratories. Within physics, I have some experience with high energy physics.


As a graduate student, I was first a Teaching Assistant and then Head Teaching Assistant of an interdisciplinary natural sciences course that required me to teach both chemistry and biology at the college level.

Other Skills

Competitive Snow Skiing -

10 years of active competition, 3 years of coaching and 10 years of officiating (including some overlap, of course) culminating in assisting at the 1980 Winter Olympics.


Fine Art -

Formerly enrolled as a student at the Alfred C. Glassell Jr. School of Art. I am pursuing a secondary vocation as a painter and sculptor.


Theater -

Over 40 production credits, including 24 lead credits as either producer or designer.


Community Service -

58 years experience as an officer or director of a number of community service organizations.





1.         Split Langmuir probe measurements of current density and electric field in an aurora, E. A. Bering, M.C. Kelley and F.S. Mozer, J. Geophys. Res., 78, 2201-2213 (1973).

2.         Theory and operation of the split Langmuir probe, E.A. Bering, M.C. Kelley, F.S. Mozer and U.V. Fahleson, Planet. Space Sci., 21, 1983-2001 (1973).

3.         Properties of the wake of small Langmuir probes and sounding rockets, E.A. Bering, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 37, 119-129 (1975).

4.         A measurement of perpendicular current density in an aurora, E.A. Bering, and F.S. Mozer, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3861-3872 (1975).

5.         Observations of an intense thermal ion Birkeland current and associated intense narrow band electric field oscillations, E.A. Bering, M.C. Kelley, and F.S. Mozer, J. Geophys. Res., 80, 4612-4620 (1975).

6.         Evidence that the electrostatic ion cyclotron instability is saturated by ion heating," M.C. Kelley, E.A. Bering, and F.S. Mozer, Phys. Fluids, 18, 1590-1597 (1975).

7.          Investigation of the electric field below 80 km from a parachute deployed payload, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 82, 1925-1932 (1977).

8.         Correlative effects of VLF chorus activity and electron precipitation near the plasmapause, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, and J. Lavergnat, J. Geomag. Geoelec., 30, 357-358 (1978).

9.         Some aspects of the interrelationship of magnetospheric substorm-associated particle precipitation and thunderstorm electric fields, E.A. Bering, T.J. Rosenberg, D. Detrick, J.R. Benbrook, D.L. Matthews and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geomag. Geoelec., 30, 359-360 (1978).

10.       On the relationship of ~3 mHz (Pc5) electric, magnetic, and particle variations, C. G. Maclennan, L.J. Lanzerotti, A. Hasegawa, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, W.R. Sheldon, T.J. Rosenberg and D.L. Matthews, Geophysical Research Letters, 5, 403-406 (1978).

11.       Longitudinal variation in the high-altitude X-ray flux during quiet geomagnetic conditions, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, H. Leverenz and J.L. Roeder, Space Research, XIX, 347-350 (1979).

12.       Artificial stimulation of auroral electron acceleration by intense field aligned currents, G. Holmgren, R. Boström, M.C. Kelley, P.M. Kintner, R. Lundin, U.V. Fahleson, E.A. Bering, and W.R. Sheldon, Geophysical Research Letters, 6, 789-792 (1979).

13.       Electric fields, electron precipitation, and VLF radiation during a simultaneous magnetospheric substorm and atmospheric thunderstorm, E.A.Bering, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, D. Detrick, D.L. Matthews, M.J. Rycroft, M.A. Saunders and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 55-72 (1980).

14.       Problems with mesospheric electric field measurements, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, Nature, 283, 695 (1980).

15.       Trigger, an active release experiment that stimulated auroral particle precipitation and wave emissions, G. Holmgren, R. Boström, M.C. Kelley, P.M. Kintner, R. Lundin, U.V. Fahleson and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 5043-5053 (1980).

16.       The results from the X-ray bremsstrahlung experiment of project Trigger, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, E.G. Stansbery, W.R. Sheldon and J.L. Roeder, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 5079-5095 (1980).

17.       X-ray measurements during project ARAKS, J.L. Roeder, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering and H. Leverenz, Annales de Géophysique, 36, 401-409 (1980).

18.       Simultaneous rocket and radar measurements of currents in an auroral arc, R.M. Robinson, R.R. Vondrak, H.R. Anderson, P. Cloutier and E.A. Bering, J. Geophys. Res., 86, 7703-7717 (1981).

19.       Evidence for beam stimulated precipitation of high energy electrons, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, J.L. Roeder and W.R. Sheldon, in Artificial Particle Beams in Space Plasma Studies, edited by B. Grandal, pp 147-157, Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., (1981).

20.       An upper limit on the aperture separation of ion drift meters, E.A. Bering, U.V. Fahleson, and K.G. Weber, Astrophysics and Space Science, 83, 37-49 (1982).

21.       Quiet-time electron precipitation at L=4 in the South Atlantic Anomaly, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 189-200 (1983).

22.       A sounding rocket observation of an apparent wake generated parallel electric field, E.A. Bering, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 961-979 (1983).

23.       Apparent electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in the diffuse aurora, E.A. Bering, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10, 647-650 (1983).

24.       The plasma wave environment of an auroral arc, 1., Electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in the diffuse aurora, E.A. Bering, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 1635-1649 (1984).

25.       The plasma wave environment of an auroral arc, 2, ULF waves on an auroral arc boundary, C. Gelpi and E.A.Bering, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 10847-10851 (1984).

26.       Waterhole auroral arc modification experiments: electrodynamic response, B.A. Whalen, A.W. Yau, F. Creutzberg, D.D. Wallis, A.G. McNamara, F.R. Harris, M.B. Pongratz, P.M. Kintner, J. Labelle, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, P.A. Forsyth, and R A. Kochler, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 8387-8396 (1985).

27.       X-ray microbursts and VLF chorus, J.L. Roeder, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 10975-10982 (1985).

28.       The plasma wave environment of an auroral arc, 3. VLF hiss, E.A. Bering, J.E. Maggs, and H.R. Anderson, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 7581-7605 (1987).

29.       The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, J.M. Howard, D.M. Oró, E.G. Stansbery, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews and T.J. Rosenberg, Proceedings of the Nagata Symposium on Geomagnetically Conjugate Studies and the Workshop on Antarctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere Physics Which Were Held at SCAR XIX, Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, Special Issue No. 48, 313-317 (1987).

30.       Electron precipitation near L=4 : Longitudinal variation,W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder, and E.G. Stansbery, Adv. Space Res., 7(8), 49-52 (1987).

31.       Conjugate ionospheric electric field measurements, E.A. Bering and J.R. Benbrook, Annales Geophysicæ, (Series A), 5A, 485-502 (1987).

32.       Observations of the stratospheric conductivity and its variation at three latitudes, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, D.M. Oró, C.O. Seubert and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 3879-3892 (1988).

33.       Longitudinal differences in electron precipitation near L=4, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder, E.G. Stansbery, and W.R. Sheldon, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 11385-11404 (1988).

34.       Rocket investigations of electron precipitation and VLF waves in the Antarctic upper atmosphere, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, Revs. Geophys., 26, 519-534 (1988).

35.       Dayside energetic electron precipitation over the South Pole (Λ = 75°), D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, E.A. Bering, and J.R. Benbrook, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 12941-12945 (1988).

36.       Comment on “Highly relativistic magnetospheric electrons: A role in coupling to the middle atmosphere?”, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 1449-1450 (1988).

37.       Impulsive electric and magnetic field perturbations observed over South Pole: Flux transfer events?, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, B.Liao, J.R. Theall, L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, and G.L. Siscoe, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 1545-1548 (1988).

38.       Summertime stratospheric wind measurements above the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 51, 51-60 (1989).

39.       ELF and VLF waves in the polar clefts and caps, E.A. Bering, in Electrodynamic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps, edited by A. Egeland and P. E. Sandholt, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, pp 211-229 (1989).

40.       Balloon observations of the electric field over South Pole: Convection patterns, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, D. Liang and Z.-M. Lin, in Electrodynamic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps, edited by A. Egeland and P. E. Sandholt, D. Reidel, Dordrecht pp 137-150 (1989).

41.       Particle radiation near the orbit of the vacuum wake shield, E.A. Bering, and A. Ignatiev, J. Spacecraft Rockets, 27, 38-42 (1990).

42.       Observations of ionospheric flux ropes above South Pole, Z. M. Lin, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, G.J. Byrne, D. Liang, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, in Physics of Magnetic Flux Ropes, AGU Geophysical Monograph 58, pp 581-590 (1990).

43.       Solar radiation (190-230 nm) in the stratosphere: Implications for photoelectric emissions from instrumentation at balloon altitudes, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, and D. M. Oró, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 5557-5566 (1990).

44.       Solar wind properties observed during high-latitude impulsive perturbation events," E. A. Bering, L. J. Lanzerotti, J. R. Benbrook, Z.-M. Lin, C. G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, R. E. Lopez, and E. Friis-Christensen, Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 583-586 (1990).

45.       The longitude dependence of whistler and chorus characteristics observed on the ground near L=4, A.J. Smith, D.L. Carpenter, Y.Corcuff, J.P.S. Rash, and E.A. Bering, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 275-284 (1991).

46.       Balloon observations of stratospheric electricity above the South Pole: Vertical electric field, conductivity and conduction current, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 53, 859-868 (1991).

47.       The intense magnetic storm of 19 December 1980: Observations at L=4, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, R. Haacke, J.R. Dudeney, L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan and T.J. Rosenberg, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 5597-5617 (1991).

48.       Measurement of vertical atmospheric electric current at a network of sites in Antarctica including manned stations and automatic geophysical observatories (Project Description), E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, and A.A. Few, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., \/ D-35(238), 119-135 (1991).

49.       Ground based instrumentation for measurements of atmospheric conduction current and electric field at the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, A.A. Few, G.J. Morris, W.J. Trabucco, and E.W. Paschal, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 2611-2617 (1993).

50.       Investigation of S3-2 satellite data for local time variation of energetic electron precipitation, S. Robbe, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, and A. L. Vampola, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 3845-3854 (1994).

51.       Particle and field signatures during pseudobreakup and major expansion onset, R. Nakamura, D.N. Baker, T. Yamamoto, R.D. Belian, E. A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook and J. R. Theall, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 207-222 (1994).

52.       Balloon observations of nightside Pc 5 quasi-electrostatic waves above the South Pole, B. Liao, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Theall, L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 3879-3892 (1994).

53.       Experimental results of Polar Patrol Balloon project in Antarctica, M. Ejiri, H. Akiyama, R. Fujii, M. Hayashi, Y. Hirasima, A. Kadokura, H. Kanzawa, M. Kodama, H. Miyaoka, H. Murakami, M. Nakagawa, M. Namiki, J. Nishimura, S. Ohta, H. Suzuki, F. Tohyama, Y. Tonegawa, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, H. Yamagishi, M.D. Yamanaka, and E.A. Bering, III, Proc. NIPR Symp. Upper Atmos Phys., 8, 60-64, (1995).

54.       Balloon measurements above the South Pole: Study of ionospheric transmission of ULF waves, E.A. Bering, B. Liao, J. R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, J. R. Theall, L. J. Lanzerotti, and C. G. Maclennan, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 7807-7820, (1995).

55.       Statistical studies of impulsive events at high latitudes, Z. M. Lin, J. R. Benbrook, E.A.Bering, III, B. Liao, L. J. Lanzerotti, C. G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, and E. Friis-Christensen, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 7553-7566, (1995).

56.       Intense 2.3 Hz electric field pulsations in the stratosphere at high auroral latitude, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J. Geophys. Res. , 100, 7791-7806, (1995).

57.       The global circuit: Passive load, proxy variable or active element?, E. A. Bering, III, Rev. Geophys., 33(Supplement), 845-862 (1995) (U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994).

58.       A convection enhancement event observed with the Polar Patrol Balloon #4, Y. Ebihara, A. Kadokura, Y. Tonegawa, F. Tohyama, N. Sato, Y. Hirasima, M. Namiki, E.A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, and M. Ejiri, Proc. NIPR Symp. Upper Atmos Phys., 9, 12-24, (1996).

59.       The global circuit, E.A. Bering, III, A. A. Few and J. R. Benbrook, Physics Today, 51(10), 24-30, 1998.

60.       Ionospheric electric fields from stratospheric balloon-borne probes, R.H. Holzworth and E.A. Bering, III, Geophysical Monograph Series : Measurement Techniques for Space Plasmas, edited by R. Pfaff, J. Borovsky, and D. Young, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC (1998), pp 79-84.

61.       Simultaneous electric and magnetic field observations of Pc 1-2, and Pc 3 pulsations, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, M. J. Engebretson, and R. L. Arnoldy Jr., J. Geophys. Res., 103, 6741-6761, 1998.

62.       The geoelectric field - a link between the troposphere and the ionosphere, G. B. Burns, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, O. A. Troshichev, E. A. Bering III, and V. O. Papitashvili, Ann. Glac.,103, 6741-6761, 1998.

63.       On the hourly contribution of global lightning to the atmospheric electric field, M. Füllekrug, A. C. Fraser-Smith, E. A. Bering, III and A. A. Few, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 61, 745-750, 1999.

64.       The global electric circuit, E. A. Bering, III, A. A. Few, and J. R. Benbrook, Parity, 4, 33-41, 1999.

65.       The geoelectric field at Vostok, Antarctica: it's relation to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and the polar cap potential, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, G. B. Burns, O. A. Troshichev, V. O. Papitashvili, E. A. Bering, III and W. J. R. French, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 61, 1347-1356, 1999.

66.       The hundred year hunt for the red sprite, W. A. Lyons, R.A. Armstrong, E. A. Bering, III, and E. R. Williams, EOS, Trans. AGU., 81(33), 373-377, 2000.

67.       Sprite and elve electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W. A. Lyons, Adv. Space Res., 30, 2585-2595, 2002.

68.       The electrodynamics of sprites, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W. A. Lyons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2001GL013267, 2002.

69.       Polar Patrol Balloon experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, T. Okada, and E. A. Bering, Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 16, 157-172, 2002.

70.       The geoelectric field at Vostok, Antarctica, R. C. Corney, G.B. Burns, K. Michael, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, O.A. Troishichev, E.A. Bering, V.O. Papitashvili, and A. Breed, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 65, 345-354, 2003.

71.       Multi-station studies of the simultaneous occurrence rate of Pc 3 micropulsations and magnetic impulsive events, D. W. Shields, E. A. Bering, III, A. Alaniz, S. E. M. Mason, W. Guo, R. L. Arnoldy Jr., M. J. Engebretson, W. J. Hughes, D. L. Murr, L. J. Lanzerotti, and C. G. Maclennan, J. Geophys. Res., 108(A6), 1225 (12 pages), doi:10.1029/2002JA009397, 2003.

72.       Progress in Experimental Research of the VASIMR® Engine, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, D. G. Chavers, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, R. W. Boswell, R. H. Goulding, M. Light, Proceedings of Open Systems, July 1-5, 2002, Jeju Island, Korea, 2002, Transactions of Fusion Technology, 43, 111-117, 2003. (Invited)

73.       Long term changes in the electrical conductivity of the stratosphere, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, G. J. Byrne, and S. P. Gupta, Adv. Space Res., 32, 1725-1735, 2003.

74.       Calibrating and deriving physical parameters using plasma contactor data from the international space station, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, Adv. Space Res., 32, 2343-2348, 2003.

75.       Observations of transient luminous events (TLEs) associated with negative cloud to ground (-CG) lightning strokes E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, L. Bhusal, J. A. Garrett, A. M. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W. A. Lyons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(5), L05104, doi10.1029/2003GL018659, 03 March 2004.

76.       Statistics and properties of TLE’s found in 1999 sprites balloon campaign, L.Bhusal, E.A.Bering, III, J.R.Benbrook, J.A.Garrett, A.M. Paredes, E.M.Wescott, D.R.Moudry, D.D.Sentman, H.C.Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A.Lyons, Adv. Space Res., 34, 1811-1814, 2004.

77.       The results from the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, Adv. Space Res., 34, 1782-1791, 2004.

78.       Seasonal variations of atmospheric electricity measured at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, B. N. Reddell, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering III, E. N. Cleary, and A. A. Few, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A09308(17 pages), doi:10.1029/2004JA010536, 2004.

79.       The uses of RF waves in space propulsion systems, E. A. Bering, III, F.R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, Radio Science Bulletin, 310, 92-106, 2004. (Invited)                   

80.       Experimental evidence of parametric decay processes in the variable specific impulse magnetoplasma rocket (vasimr) helicon plasma source. R. W. Boswell, O. Sutherland, C. Charles, J. P. Squire, F. R. C. Diaz, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, D. G. Chavers, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering, R. H. Goulding, and M. Light, Physics of Plasmas, 11(11):5125-5129, 2004

81.       Inter-annual consistency of seasonal differences in diurnal variations of the geoelectric field, G. B. Burns, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, O. V. Troshichev, E. A. Bering, and B. D. Reddell, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D10106(14 pages), doi:10.1029/2004JD005469, 2005.

82.       Latitude gradients in the natural variance in stratospheric conductivity - implications for studies of long term changes, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, G. J. Byrne, and S. P. Gupta, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1385-1397, 2005.

83.       Balloon observations of temporal and spatial fluctuations in stratospheric conductivity, E. A. Bering, III, R. H. Holzworth, B. D. Reddell, M. F. Kokorowski, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, Adv. Space Res., 35, 1434-1449, 2005.

84.       Balloon observations of temporal variation in the global circuit compared to global lightning activity, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, M. F. Kokorowski, E. H. Lay, B. D. Reddell, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, T. Okada, and R. L. Dowden, Adv. Space Res., 36, 2223-2228, 2005.       

85.       Acceleration of Dense Flowing Plasmas using ICRF Power in the VASIMR® Experiment, J.P. Squire, and the VASIMR® Team, 16th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, edited by S.J. Wukitch and P.T. Bonoli, Park City, UT, AIP Press, Volume 787, pg 421, 2005.                                         

86.       Antarctic polar plateau vertical electric field variations across heliocentric current sheet crossings, G.B. Burns, B.A. Tinsley, A.R. Klekociuk, O.A. Troshichev, A.V. Frank-Kamenetsky, M.L. Duldig, E.A. Bering, and J.M. Clem, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 68, 639-654, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2005.10.008, 2006.

87.       Rapid fluctuations of stratospheric electric field following a solar energetic particle event, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, S. D. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. W. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, P. H. Stoker, and L. Woodger, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L20105, 2006.

88.       Interplanetary magnetic field and atmospheric electric circuit influences on ground level pressure at Vostok, G.B. Burns, B.A. Tinsley, A.V. Frank-Kamenetsky and E.A. Bering, J.Geophys. Res., 112, D04103, doi:10.1029/2006JD007246, 2007.

89.        Electromagnetic ion cyclotron resonance heating in the VASIMR, E. A. Bering, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, M. Brukardt, T. W. Glover, R. D. Bengtson, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, and L. Cassady, Adv. Space Res., 42, 192-205, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.09.034, 2008.

90.        The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics pre-college outreach program, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bacon, K. K. Copper, L. J. Hansen, and M. J. Sanchez, Adv. Space Res., 42, 1869-1878, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.11.009, 2008.

91.        Magnetospheric electric field variations caused by storm-time shock fronts, M. Kokorowski, E. A. Bering, III, M. Ruohoniemi, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, S. D. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Morall, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, P. H. Stoker, and L. Woodger, Adv. Space Res., 42, 181-191, doi:1016/j.asr.2008.03.006, 2008.

92.        Variations in cloud cover and the fair weather vertical electric field, D. R. Kniveton, B. A. Tinsley, G. B. Burns, E. A. Bering, and O. A. Troshichev, J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys., 70, 1633-1642, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2008.07.001, 2008.

93.       Simultaneous observations of Pc 1 micropulsation activity and stratospheric electrodynamic perturbations on 27 January 2003, E. Bering, M. Engebretson, R. Holzworth, A. Kadokura, M. Kokorowski, B. Reddell, J. Posch, and H. Yamagishi, Adv. Space Res., 43, 802-818, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2008.06.011, 2009.

94.       Validating a plasma momentum flux sensor with a Hall thruster mounted on an inverted pendulum thrust stand, B. W. Longmier, A. D. Gallimore, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, D. G. Chavers, E. A. Bering III, and B. M. Reid, J. Prop. Power, 25, 746-752, doi: 10.2514/1.35706, 2009.

95.       Observations of single-pass ion cyclotron heating in a transsonic flowing plasma, E. A. Bering, III, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, M. D. Carter, G. E. McCaskill, B. W. Longmier, M. S. Brukardt, W. J. Chancery, and V. T. Jacobson, Phys. Plasmas, 17, 043509, doi: 10.1063/1.3389205, 2010 (19 pages).

96.       Ambipolar ion acceleration in an expanding magnetic nozzle , B. W. Longmier, E. A. Bering, III, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, N. Hershkowitz, A. V. Ilin, G. E. McKaskill, C. S. Olsen and J. P. Squire, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 20, 015007, doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/20/1/015007, 2011 (9 pages).

97.       VX-200 magnetoplasma thruster performance results exceeding 50% thruster efficiency, B. W. Longmier, L. D. Cassady, M. G. Ballenger, M. D. Carter, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, A. V. Ilin, G. E. McKaskill, C. S. Olsen, and E. A. Bering, III, J. Prop. Power, 27, No. 4, doi:10.2514/1.B34085, 2011.

98.       Atmosphere-ionosphere conductivity enhancements during a hard solar energetic particle event, M. Kokorowski, A. Seppälä, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, M. P. McCarthy, E. A. Bering, E. Turunen, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A05319, doi:10.1029/2011JA017363, 2012

99.       Improved efficiency and throttling range of the VX-200 magnetoplasma thruster, B. W. Longmier, J. P. Squire, C. S. Olsen, L. D. Cassady, M. G. Ballenger, M. D. Carter, A. V. Ilin, T. W. Glover, G. E. McCaskill, F. R. Chang Díaz, and E. A. Bering, III, J. Prop. Power, 30, 123-132, 2014.

100.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 1: Solar System Overview – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

101.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 1: Solar System Overview – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

102.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 2: Introduction to Mars and the Mars Rover Celebration Project – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

103.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 2: Introduction to Mars and the Mars Rover Celebration Project – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

104.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 3: Research Tools and Skills – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

105.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 3: Research Tools and Skills – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

106.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 5: Selecting Team’s Rover Mission – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

107.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 5: Selecting Team’s Rover Mission – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

108.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 6: Mission Measurements – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

109.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 6: Mission Measurements – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

110.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 9: Spacecraft Structure and Design – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

111.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 9: Spacecraft Structure and Design – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

112.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 11: Brainstorm and Preliminary Design – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

113.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 11: Brainstorm and Preliminary Design – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

114.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 14: Manual and Skit – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

115.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 14: Manual and Skit – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2014.

116.      Temperature gradients due to adiabatic plasma expansion in a magnetic nozzle, J. P. Sheehan, B. W. Longmier, E. A. Bering, C. S. Olsen, J. P. Squire, M. G. Ballenger, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol, 23, doi:10.1088/0963-0252/23/4/045014, 2014.

117.      Investigation of plasma detachment from a magnetic nozzle in the plume of the VX-200 magnetoplasma thruster, C. S. Olsen, M. G. Ballenger, M. D. Carter, F. R. Chang Díaz, M. Giambusso, T. W. Glover, A. V. Ilin, J. P. Squire, B. W. Longmier, E. A. Bering, III, and P. A. Cloutier, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 43, 252-368, doi:10.1109/TPS.2014.2321257, 2015

118.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 4: Investigate Mars – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

119.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 4: Investigate Mars – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

120.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 7: How do I measure this? – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015

121.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 7: How do I measure this? – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

122.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 8: Where is the best place to make these measurements – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

123.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 8: Where is the best place to make these measurments – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

124.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 10: Landing, Moving, and Surviving Conditions – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

125.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 10: Landing, Moving, and Surviving Conditions – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

126.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 12: Final Design (Captions and Diagrams) – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

127.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 12: Final Design (Captions and Diagrams) – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

128.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 13: Construct Mock-Up – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

129.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 13: Construct Mock-Up – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

130.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 15: Present Skits and Rovers – Grade 3-5 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

131.       Mars Rover Model Celebration Lesson 10: Present Skits and Rovers – Grade 6-8 [Online], E. A. Bering, III, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, and C. Carlson, Houston, TX, NASA, Available: and, 2015.

132.       Vortices in Saturn’s Northern 1 Hemisphere (2008-2015) Observed by Cassini ISS, Harold Justin Trammell, Liming Li, Xun Jiang, Yefeng Pan, Mark A. Smith, Edgar A. Bering III, Sarah M. Hörst, Ashwin R. Vasavada, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Michael A. Janssen, Robert A. West, Carolyn C. Porco, Cheng Li, Amy A. Simon, and Kevin H. Baines, J. Geophys Res.: Planets, 121, 1814-1826, , 2016.

133.       Atmospheric global circuit variations from Vostok and Concordia electric field measurements, GB Burns, AV Frank-Kamenetsky, BA Tinsley, WJR French, P Grigioni, G Camporeale, EA Bering, J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 783-800,, 2017.

134.       Development of a Double Hemispherical Probe for Improved Space Plasma Measurements, X. Wang, J. I. Samaniego H.‐W. Hsu M. Horányi J.‐E. Wahlund R. E. Ergun E. A. Bering, J. Geophys Res.: Space Physics, 123, 2916-2925, , 2018.

135.       Electric mode excitation in the atmosphere by magnetospheric impulses and ULF waves, V.А. Pilipenko, E.N. Fedorov, V.А. Martines-Bedenko, and E.A. Bering, Front. Earth Sci., 27 January 2021 |

136.       MARSCat: Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere using a CubeSat Constellation, E. A. Bering, L. Andersson, M. Moldwin, and P. Withers, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53(4), 022, 2021.

137.       Solar and Hybrid Electric Propulsion to the Kuiper Belt and Beyond, E. A. Bering, A. Parker, M. Giambusso, M. Carter, J. Squire, F. C. Díaz, and S. M. Hörst, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53(4), 307, 2021.

138.       Student Space Missions—Facilitating Pathways to Success for Next Generation Professionals in Space, E. Bering III, Khan, S. , Jacobs, L. , Hampton, D. , Mölders, N. , Thorsen, D. , Gamblin, R. , Greer, M. , Greer, P. , Gunawan, B. , Hernandez, E. , Humble, E. , Lehnen, J. , Nguyencuu, A. , Piña, M. , Porat, I. , Prince, J. , Pessoa, A. , Salas, C. , Simmons, J. , Tovar, C. and Ulinski, A., Creative Education, 14, 607-636, 2023. doi:

139.       Identifying Ice Wedges in Ground Penetrating Radar data from the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, Fox Alaska, Presley Greer, Shuhab Khan, and Edgar Bering, Interpretation, 12(3), August 1, 2024. doi:

140.       Ionospheric and stratospheric electric field responses to an extreme solar energetic particle event, Edgar A. Bering, III, Michael Kokorowski, John G. Sample, Robert H. Holzworth, Michael P. McCarthy, Robyn M. Millan, Leslie Woodger, David M Smith , Juan V. Rodriguez, in preparation




This section includes a bunch of stuff that appears in print, but in unrefereed places.


1.         In Situ and Radar Measurements of Plasma Properties in the Vicinity of an Auroral Arc, E.A. Bering, III, R.M. Robinson, and J.D. Kelly, U.H. Space Physics Tech. Rep. 84-1, 70 pages (1984).

2.         The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.M. Howard, D.M. Oró, E.G. Stansbery, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, Antarctic J. United States, 20(5), 267-269 (1986).

3.         Lloyd's Mirror at 250 Mhz. An amusing footnote on Antarctic telemetry, E.A. Bering, III, J R. Benbrook, J.R. Theall, Antarctic J. United States, 20(5), 270-273 (1986).

4.         A preliminary search for evidence of flux transfer events seen in the ionospheric electric field above the South Geographic Pole, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and G.J. Byrne, Antarctic J. United States, 22(5), 274-275 (1987).

5.         Balloon-borne measurements of energetic electron precipitation in the vicinity of South Pole Station, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, Antarctic J. United States, 22(5), 276-277 (1987).

6.         Implementation of Future Programs in Antarctic Upper Atmosphere Physics, T.J. Rosenberg, R.L. Arnoldy, E. A. Bering, III, and U. S. Inan, Report of an ad hoc Committee of the Polar Research Board, Polar Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C. (1987).

7.         A summary of recent results from the 1985-1986 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY, The Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 112-117 (1988).

8.         Stratospheric Conductivity Measurements above the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY, The Institute of High Voltage Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 788-793 (1988).

9.         The Role of the Drift Loss Cone in the Precipitation of Trapped Electrons at Mid-Latitudes, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, and E. A. Bering, III, U.H. Space Physics Tech. Rep. 88-1, 14 pages (1988).

10.       Neutral wave driven dynamo production of Ultra-Low-Frequency fluctuations in the ionospheric electric field, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne and J.R. Theall, Antarctic J. United States, 23(5), 208-209 (1988).

11.       Internal gravity waves in the stratosphere above the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, Antarctic J. United States, 23(5), 205-206 (1988).

12.       Dawn sector energetic electron precipitation above the South Geographic Pole, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, Antarctic J. United States, 23(5), 206-208 (1988).

13.       Balloon observations of ULF waves in the electric field above the South Pole, B. Liao, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, and J.R. Theall, Antarctic J. United States, 23(5), 202-204 (1988).

14.       Balloonborne measurements of energetic dayside electron precipitation at South Pole Station, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, Antarctic J. United States, 23(5), 198-201 (1988).

15.       Balloon observations of the electric field over South Pole: Convection patterns, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and D. Liang, Antarctic J.United States, 24(5), 263-265 (1989).

16.       Examples of high latitude electric and magnetic field perturbations that were not accompanied by solar wind pressure fluctuations, E.A. Bering, III, Z.-M. Lin, Antarctic J. United States, 24(5), 266-268 (1989).

17.       Balloon-borne measurements of the atmospheric-electrical circuit at the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, Antarctic J. United States, 24(5), 261-262 (1989).

18.       Ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere: Implications for photoelectric contamination of measurements from antarctic balloon campaigns, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, Antarctic J. United States, 25(5), 285-286 (1990).

19.       Initial results from measurements of atmospheric conduction currents and electric fields at the South Pole, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, A.A. Few, and G.A. Morris, Antarctic J. United States, 26(5), 291-294 (1991).

20.       Measurements of atmospheric conduction currents and electric fields at the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, E.A. Bering, III, A.A. Few, and G.A. Morris, Antarctic J. United States, 26(5), 294-297 (1991)

21.       Intense 2.3 hertz electric field pulsations in the stratosphere at high auroral latitude, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook and B. Liao, Antarctic J. United States, 27(5), 304-306 (1992).

22.       Surface observations of global atmospheric electric phenomena at Amundsen-Scott South Pole station, A.A. Few, G.A. Morris, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, and G.J. Byrne, Antarctic J. United States, 27(5), 307-309 (1992).

23.       Maxwell current density measurements at South Pole: evaluation of measurements and instrument performance, A.A. Few, G.A. Morris, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, and G.J. Byrne, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, June, (1992).

24.       Magnetospheric influences on atmospheric electricity at South Pole Station, E.A. Bering, III, J R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, G.J. Byrne, A.A. Few, and G.A. Morris, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, June, (1992).

25.       Feasibility of long term vertical electric current measurements in the antarctic, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, G.J. Byrne, A.A. Few and G.A. Morris, Antarct. J. U. S., 28(5), 314-316, (1993).

26.       Studies of ionospheric convection in the southern hemisphere using long duration balloons, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, C. Clarady, R. Fujii, and A. Kadokura, Antarct. J. U. S., 28(5), 329-332, (1993).

27.       Geoelectric and geomagnetic Pc 3 pulsations during travelling convection vortices, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, K. Lee, M.J. Engebretson, and J. R. Beck, Antarct. J. U. S., 30(5), 349-351, (1995).

28.       Diurnal and seasonal observations of the global electric circuit from South Pole Station, E.N. Cleary, A.A. Few, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and G.J. Byrne, Antarct. J. U. S., 30(5), 346-347 (1995).

29.       High voltage spacecraft charging: Theory and measurement, E. A. Bering, III, R. Kabadi and B. J. McIntyre, Proceedings of AIAA Space 2000, AIAA, (2000).

30.       The VASIMR® engine approach to solar system exploration, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, E. A. Bering, III, J. A. George, A.Ilin, A. J. Petro, Proceedings of the 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , AIAA, (2001).

31.       Experimental studies of the exhaust plasma of the VASIMR® engine, E. A. Bering, III, M. Brukardt, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, V. Jacobson, R. D. Bengtson, J. N. Gibson, T. W. Glover, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , AIAA, (2002).

32.       The plasma environment of the International Space Station in the austral summer auroral zone inferred from plasma contactor data, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, I. Katz, B. Gardner, D. Evans, D. Ferguson, Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , AIAA, (2002).

33.       Ion Dynamics and ICRH Heating in the Exhaust Plasma of The VASIMR® Engine, E. A. Bering, M. S. Brukardt, W. A. Rodriguez, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, A. V. Ilin, D. S. Winter, R. D. Bengtson, J. N. Gibson, T. W. Glover, D. G. Chavers, Proceedings of the 53rd International Astronautical Congress / The World Space Congress, AIAA, (2002).

34.       Experimental research progress toward the VASIMR® engine, J.P. Squire, F. R. Chang-Díaz, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, F. W. Baity, R. H. Goulding, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, and K. A. Stokke, Proceedings of the 28th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC 2003, IEPC 03-286, Toulouse, France, 17-21 March 2003.

35.       The VASIMR® engine: Project status and recent accomplishments, F. R. Chang-Díaz, F. R., J. P. Squire, T. Glover, A. J. Petro, E. A. Bering III, F. W. Baity Jr., R. H. Goulding, M. D. Carter, R. D. Bengtson, and B. N. Breizman, Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 5-8, 2004.

36.       Velocity phase space studies of ion dynamics in the VASIMR® engine, E. A. Bering, III, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, R. D. Bengtson, and M. Brukardt, Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 5-8, 2004.

37.       Progress toward the development of a 50 kW VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, J. Squire, G. McCaskill, V. Jacobson, T. Glover, and M. Brukardt, Proceedings of the AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper AIAA-2005-0369 ,Reno, NV, January 10-13, 2005.

38.       Mars Rover Models - A program to enrich teaching space science, planetary exploration and robotics in elementary and middle school, E. A. Bering, J. Ramsey, B. Boyko, H. Smith, S. Peck, and W. Arceneaux, Proceedings of the AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper AIAA-2005-0285, Reno, NV, January 10-13, 2005.

39.       Ion acceleration by single pass ion cyclotron heating in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, E., M. Brukardt, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, V. Jacobson, A. Tarditi, G. McCaskill, and R. D. Bengtson, Proceedings of the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Paper IEPC-2005-093, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 31 October - 4 November, 2005.

40.       Diagnostics for in-space testing of high power electric thrusters on the International Space Station, G. Chavers, J. Jones, C. Dobson, J. Vaughn, F. Chang-Díaz, E. Bering, and A. Petro, Proceedings of the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Paper IEPC-2005-168, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 31 October - 4 November, 2005.

41.       Recent improvements in ion cyclotron heating efficiency in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, III, M. Brukardt, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, and G. E. McCaskill. Paper AIAA-2006-0766 presented at the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 9-12 January 2006, Reno, Nevada.

42.        Promoting student interest in science and engineering: Mars Rover Competition Grades 3-8, J. Ramsey and E. Bering. Paper AIAA-2006-5146 presented at the 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 9-12 July 2006, Sacramento, California.

43.        High power ion cyclotron heating in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, V. Jacobson, L. Cassady, and M. Brukadt. Paper AIAA-2007-0586 presented at the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 8-11 January 2007, Reno, Nevada.

44.        VASIMR: A private enterprise solution to space transportation beyond LEO, E. A. Bering, III, T. W. Glover, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, L. D. Cassady, M. S. Brukardt, and B. Longmier. Paper AIAA-2007-6134 in Proceedings of Space 2007, 18-20 September, Long Beach, CA, AIAA, Long Beach, CA, 2007.

45.        High power VASIMR® experiments using deuterium, neon, and argon, J. P. Squire, F. Chang Díaz, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, R. D. Bengtson, and E. A. Bering. Paper IEPC-2007-181 presented to the 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 17-20 September, Florence, Italy, 2007.

46.        VASIMR® VX-100 Engine: Next step to high power electric propulsion, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang Díaz, J. Squire, V. Jacobson, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2008-1087 in Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 7-10 January, 2008, AIAA, Reno, NV, 2008.

47.        Validating a plasma momentum flux sensor against an inverted pendulum thrust stand, B. Longmier, B. Reid, A. Gallimore, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, and E. Bering. Paper AIAA-2008-4739 in Proceedings of the 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 21-23 July 2008, Hartford, Connecticut, 2008

48.       VASIMR® Performance measurements at powers exceeding 50 kW and lunar robotic mission applications, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, C. S. Olsen, E. A. Bering, M. S. Brukardt, B. W. Longmier, Paper GP-I5(invited talk), Proceedings of International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Gaseous and Liquid Plasmas, 33, Akiu/Sendai, Japan, Sept. 5-6 2008.

49.        VASIMR® VX-100: High power electric propulsion for space transportation beyond LEO, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2008-7623 in Proceedings of AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, 9-11 September, 2008, San Diego, CA, 2008.

50.        Thrust and exhaust plume measurements of the VASIMR® VX-200, B. Longmier, E. Bering, J. Squire, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-0246 in Proceedings of the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5-8 January, 2009, Orlando, FL, 2009.

51.        High power electric propulsion using the VASIMR® VX-200: A flight technology demonstrator, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-0245 in Proceedings of the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5-8 January, 2009, Orlando, FL, 2009.

52.        Ambipolar Ion Acceleration in the Expanding Magnetic Nozzle of the VASIMR® VX-200i, B. W. Longmier, J. P. Squire, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, T. W. Glover, W. J. Chancery, C. S. Olsen, A. V. Ilin, G. E. McCaskill, F. R. Chang Díaz, and E. A. Bering, Paper AIAA 2009-5359 in Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Denver, CO, August 2-5, 2009.

53.        VASIMR® Technological Advances and First Stage Performance Results, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, B. W. Longmier, C. S. Olsen, G. E. McCaskill, M. D. Carter, T. W. Glover, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, and E. A. Bering, Paper AIAA-2009-5362 in Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Denver, CO, August 2-5, 2009.

54.        VASIMR® VX-200: High power electric propulsion for space transportation beyond LEO, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, J. Chancery, M. Carter, L. Cassady, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-6481 in Proceedings of AIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition,14-17 September, 2009, Pasadena, CA, 2009.

55.        Superconducting 200 kW VASIMR® Experiment and Integrated Testing, J. P., Squire, L. D. Cassady, F. R. Chang Díaz, M.D. Carter, T. W. Glover, A. V. Ilin, B. W. Longmier, G. E. McCaskill, C. S. Olsen, E. A. Bering III, Paper IEPC-2009-209 in Proceedings of the 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, September 20-24, 2009.

56.        Exhaust plume spatial structure of the VASIMR® VX-200, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, W. Chancery, C. Olsen, J. Squire, and F. Chang Díaz. Paper AIAA-2009-0622 in Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-7 January, 2010, Orlando, FL, 2010.

57.        VASIMR® Performance Results, L.D. Cassady, B.W. Longmier, C.O. Olsen, M.G. Ballenger, G.E. McCaskill, A.V. Ilin, M.D. Carter, T.W. Glover, J.P. Squire, F.R. Chang Díaz and E. A. Bering, III, Paper AIAA-2010-6772 in Proceedings of the 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Nashville, TN, 25-28 July, 2010.

58.        Performance Measurements and Technology Demonstration of the VASIMR® VX-200, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Jared Squire, Tim Glover, Leonard Cassady, Andrew Ilin, Mark Carter, Chris Olsen, Greg McCaskill, Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2010-8669 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2010 Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Aug. 30-2, 2010. 

59.        Performance studies of the VASIMR® VX-200, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Maxwell Ballenger, Chris Olsen, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2011-1071 in Proceedings of the 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 4-7, 2011.

60.       VASIMR® VX-200 Performance Measurements and Helicon Throttle Tables Using Argon and Krypton, Benjamin W. Longmier, Jared P. Squire, Leonard D. Cassady, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang-Díaz, Tim W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, Greg E McCaskill, Chris S. Olsen, Edgar A. Bering, III, and Juan Del Valle, International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011.

61.       VASIMR® VX-200 Operation at 200 kW and Plume Measurements; Future Plans and an ISS EP Test Platform, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Leonard D. Cassady, Benjamin W. Longmier, Chris S. Olsen, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Mark D. Carter, Tim W. Glover, Greg E. McCaskill, and Edgar A. Bering, III, International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011.

62.       VASIMR®: Deep Space Transportation for the 21st Century, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Chris Olsen, Leonard Cassady, Jared Squire, and Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2011-7247 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, California, Sep. 27-29, 2011

63.       VASIMR® VX-200 Improved Throttling Range, Benjamin Longmier, Jared Squire, Chris Olsen, Leonard Cassady, Maxwell Ballenger, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Tim Glover, Greg McCaskill, Franklin Chang Díaz, Edgar Bering, Paper AIAA-2012-3930 in Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Atlanta, Georgia, 30 July 2012 - 01 August 2012, 10.2514/6.2012-3930

64.       ISS Space Plasma Laboratory: An Orbital Solar and Heliospheric Physics Simulation Facility, Edgar Bering, Spiro Antiochos, Barbara Thompson, Mark Carter, Leonard Cassady, Benjamin Longmier, Jared Squire, C. Richard DeVore, John Shebalin, James McFadden, David Smith, Paper AIAA-2013-807 in Proceedings of the 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Grapevine, Texas, January 7-10, 2013, 10.2514/6.2013-807

65.       The ISS Space Plasma Laboratory: A Proposed Electric Propulsion On-Orbit Workbench, Edgar A. Bering, III, Gregg Edeen, Spiro K. Antiochos, C. Richard DeVore, Barbara J. Thompson, Mark Carter, Matthew Giambusso, Chris Olsen, Jared Squire, Davin Larson, James P. McFadden, Benjamin Longmier, and David M. Smith, Paper IEPC-2013-104 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

66.       An Experimental Study of Plasma Detachment from a Magnetic Nozzle in the Plume of the VASIMR® Engine, C. S. Olsen, M. G. Ballenger, M. D. Carter, F. R. Chang Díaz, M. Giambusso, T. W. Glover, A. V. Ilin, J. P. Squire, B. W. Longmier, E. A. Bering, III, and P. A. Cloutier, Paper IEPC-2013-123 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

67.       VASIMR® Spaceflight Engine System Mass Study and Scaling with Power, Jared P. Squire, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Matthew Giambusso, Timothy W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, Jorge Oguilve-Araya, Christopher S. Olsen, Edgar A. Bering, III, and Benjamin W. Longmier, Paper IEPC-2013-149 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

68.       Plasma Adiabaticity in a Diverging Magnetic Nozzle, J. P. Sheehan, Benjamin W. Longmier, Edgar A. Bering, Christopher S. Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Timothy W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, and Leonard D. Cassady, Paper IEPC-2013-159 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

69.       A Plan to Study the Radiated Emissions from a VASIMR® Engine Exhaust Plume, Matthew Giambusso, Edgar A. Bering, III, Gregg A. Edeen, Mark D. Carter, Christopher S. Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Paper IEPC-2013-199 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

70.       ISS Space Plasma Laboratory: An ISS instrument package for investigating the opening/closing of solar and heliospheric magnetic fields, Edgar A. Bering, Gregg Edeen, Spiro K. Antiochos, C. Richard DeVore, Barbara J. Thompson, Mark Carter, Matthew Giambusso, Christopher Olsen, Jared Squire, Benjamin W. Longmier, Davin Larson, James McFadden, David Smith, Paper AIAA-2014-1422 in Proceedings of the 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-1422

71.        Using VASIMR® for the Proposed Europa Mission, Edgar A. Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Christopher Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Franklin Chang Diaz, Benjamin W. Longmier, Paper AIAA-2014-4344 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2014 Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 5-9, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-4344

72.       Development Toward a Spaceflight Capable VASIMR® Engine and SEP Applications, Jared P. Squire, Mark Carter, Franklin Chang Diaz, Matthew Giambusso, Andrew Ilin, Christopher Olsen, Edgar A. Bering, Paper AIAA-2014-4173 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2014 Conference and Exposition, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-4173

73.       An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, Edgar A. Bering, Rachel Gamblin, Paper AIAA 2015-3043 in Proceedings of AIAA Balloon Systems Conference, Dallas, TX, June 2015, 10.2514/6.2015-3043

74.       Obtaining Faster Transit to Europa, Edgar A. Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Chris Olsen, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Diaz, Benjamin Longmier, Paper AIAA 2015-4548 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, California, 31 Aug-2 Sep 2015, 10.2514/6.2015-4548

75.       MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, Edgar A. Bering, Lawrence S. Pinsky, Liming Li, David Jackson, Ji Chen, Helen L. Reed, Mark Moldwin, Justin C. Kasper, J. P. Sheehan, James R. Forbes, homas Heine, Anthony Case, Michael Stevens, David G. Sibeck, Paper AIAA 2016-1466 in Proceedings of 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, 3-8 January, 2016, 10.2514/6.2016-1466

76.       The Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project: A Foray into Instrument Design, Payload Fabrication, and Project Management, Michael L. Greer, Edgar A. Bering, Robert Talbot, Bonnie Dunbar, Craig Glennie, Deborah Rodrigues, Jinghong Chen, Marc Alozie, Christian Behrend, Christopher Bias, Arian Ehteshami, Alexis Fenton, Bryan Gunawan, Jamie Lehnen, Anthony Martinez, Samar Mathur, Michel Medellin, Tri Nguyen, Tu Van Nguyen, Michelle Nowling, Diego Perez, Minh Pham, Megan Pina, Itay Porat, John Prince, George Thomas, Brett Velasquez, Luis Victor, Rachel Gamblin, Nicole Moelders, Donald Hampton, Robyn Millan, and Alexa Halford, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2017-5136),, 2017.

77.       Trimetric Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere Using a CubeSat Constellation, Edgar A. Bering, Laila Andersson, Ji Chen, James Cutler, Kentaro Hara, David Jackson, Mark Lemmon, Lawrence Pinsky, JP Sheehan, Umair Siddiqui, Russell Stoneback, Paul Withers, Rod Heelis, Mark Moldwin, Helen Reed, and James Forbes, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2017-5252),, 2017.

78.       "New Approach on Sampling Microorganisms from the Lower Stratosphere", Jamie Lehnen, Bryan Gunawan, John Prince, and Edgar A. Bering, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0086),, 2018.

79.       "Investigation of Electric Field Oscillations related to VASIMR® VX-200 Plasma Plume Detachment", Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Franklin Chang Diaz, Greg McCaskill, Jared P. Squire, and Edgar A. Bering, 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA 2018-4505),, 2018.

80.       Obtaining Faster Transit to Saturn Without A Jovian Flyby, Edgar Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Díaz, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2018-5104),, 2018.

81.       Rocket Studies of the X-ray Flux in the High Latitude Mesosphere and Stratosphere Edgar A. Bering and James L. Roeder, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2019-0313),, 2019.

82.       Electric Propulsion Missions to Uranus, Neptune and Beyond, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambussoa, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, and Alex H. Parker, Paper IAC-19-C4,4,13,x50465 in Proceedings of the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., United States, 21-25 October 2019.

83.       Electrodynamic Coupling Between The Atmospheric and Space Environments after an Extreme Space Weather Event, Edgar A. Bering, Michael Kokorowski, Robert Holzworth, Michael McCarthy, Robyn Millan, Leslie A. Woodger, John G. Sample, David M. Smith, and Juan V. Rodriguez AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2020-1547),, 2020.

84.       MARSCat: Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere using a CubeSat Constellation, Edgar A. Bering, Laila Andersson, Mark Moldwin, Paul Withers, White Paper submitted to the 2020 NASEM Planetary Science Decadal Survey, 2020.

85.       Solar and Hybrid Electric Propulsion to the Kuiper Belt and Beyond, Edgar A. Bering, III, Alex H. Parker, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, and Sarah M. Hőrst, White Paper submitted to the 2020 NASEM Planetary Science Decadal Survey, 2020.

86.       Missions to Haumea and Eris Using Solar Electric Propulsion, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambusso, Alex H. Parker, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, and Franklin R. Chang Díaz, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4063),, 2020.

87.       Undergraduates Building Spacecraft: Using Inquiry-based Methods to Teach Spacecraft Engineering, Edgar A. Bering, III, Robert Talbot, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Laura T. Jacobs, Rachel B. Gamblin, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Elizabeth Hernandez, Jamie Lehnen, Megan Piña, Itay Porat, John R. Prince, Ana Gabriela Pessoa, Alexandra Ulinski, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4155),, 2020.

88.       Student Space Missions–Facilitating Pathways to Success for Next Generation Professionals in Space, Bering, E., Khan III, S., Moges, M., Hampton, D., Mölders, N., Thorsen, D., Dunbar, B., Lefer, B., Gamblin, R., & Greer, M. Paper IAC-21, E1, 3, 12, x65407, IAF Space Education and Outreach Symposium 2021 at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, Dubai, UAE, 2021.

89.        "Getting to Eris and MakeMake Using Solar Electric Propulsion", Edgar Bering, Alex Parker, Matthew Giambusso, Tim Glover, Franklin Chang Díaz, Andrew Ilin, Jared Squire, Paper IAC-21, A3, 4B, 6, x64027, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, Dubai, UAE, 2021.

90.       Edgar A Bering, Elizabeth Hernandez, Alexandra Ulinski, Ana G Pessoa, Presley Greer, "An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project to Develop Instruments Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Lightweight Balloon Payloads", 2022 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2022-0931),, 2022.

91.       James E Simmons, Desmond Etumnu, Maxwell Omanga, Hai Pham, Phillip Pham, Chloe Tovar, Edgar Bering, "A Method for Sampling Microplastics and Extremophiles in the Stratosphere", 2022 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2022-2621),, 2022.

92.       Andersson, L. and Bering, E. A., “MARSCat: Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere using a CubeSat Constellation”, in Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration, vol. 2655, 2022.

93.       Observing Our Changing Planet: Using Project Based Methods to Teach Geoscience and Heliophysics, Edgar Bering, Rachel Gamblin, John Prince, Jamie Lehnen, Michael Greer, Itay Porat, Bryan Gunawan, Don Hampton, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Zheng Chen, Bo Zhao, Presley Greer, Emily Humble, Rachel Nathan, Megan Pina, Ana Gabriela Pessoa, James Simmons, Chloe Tovar, Alexandra Ulinski, Nicole Mölders, Denise Thorsen, Elizabeth Hernandez 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Held 16-24 July, 2022, Athens, Greece

94.       The Effects of Temperature and Humidity on Aerosol Optical Properties,Borna Koohbor, Jason Ruzskowski, Kyle Myren, Jeff Dinse, Aaron Smith and Edgar Bering. AIAA 2023-72180. 2023 Regional Student Conferences. April 1, 2023.

95.       Sampling Microplastics and Extremophiles Organisms on Balloon Borne Payloads,Jason A. Ruszkowski, Aaron B. Smith, Kyle T. Myren, Nikolai L. Sardo, Edgar A. Bering and Alexis Castillo. AIAA 2023-72190. 2023 Regional Student Conferences. April 1, 2023.

96.       Detecting Radio Distortion in the Ionosphere by use of a High Power High Frequency Transmitter, Nikolai Sardo, Jason Ruszkowski, Connor V. Perry, Jeffrey A. Dinse, Edgar Flores, Daniel Prejean, Edgar A. Bering and Alexis Castillo. AIAA 2023-72196. 2023 Regional Student Conferences. April 1, 2023.

97.       Auroral Spectroscopy - USIP V, Aliasghar I Shariff, Alicia Dykema, Tyler Philo, Joshlyn Mendez, Diego Sosa, Edgar Bering, 2024 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2024-0145),, 2024.

98.       Results from the ISSI Langmuir Probe Workshop: A 100-Year Workhorse, Easy to Fly but Difficult to Interpret, Leila Andersson, Hassanali Akbari, Edgar A Bering, John W Bonnell, Anders Eriksson, Brian Gilchrist, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Wojciech J Miloch, Sylvain Ranvier, Abe Takumi, 2024 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2024-2521),, 2024.

99.        Educating Undergraduate Students on the Changes in Space Weather During an Eclipse, Tristan Alhadad, Jason Ruszkowski, Maclaren Mosier, Nathan Fraske, Ryan Jochims, Sergio Garcia, Christopher Kelley, Edgar Bering, Andrew Renshaw, Hitarth Thanki, Yuha Hosoki, Zeel Engineer, Mike Bastidas, Cessabella Astraquillo, Valeria Torres, and Kyle Myren, AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024, (AIAA-2024-4903), 29 July - 2 August 2024, Las Vegas, NV. , 2024.









1.          ``AC and DC Techniques of Electric Field Measurement," presented to the Aerospace Corp., El Segundo, California, July, 1973.

2.          ``Split Langmuir Probe Measurements of Current Density in Aurora," presented to the Physics Dept., Univ. of Houston, Houston, Texas, December, 1974.

3.         ``Split Langmuir Probe Measurements of Current Density in Aurora," presented to the Dept. of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice Univ., Houston, Texas, March, 1975.

4.         ``Split Langmuir Probe Measurements of Current Density in Aurora," presented to the Plasma Physics Dept., Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, February, 1977.

5.         ``Split Langmuir Probe Measurements of Current Density in Aurora," presented to the Danish Space Research Institute, Lyngby, Denmark, February, 1977.

6.         ``Thunderstorm Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Particle Precipitation," presented to the Institute of Physical Science and Technology, and the Meteorology Program, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, May, 1978.

7.         ``Thunderstorm Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Particle Precipitation," presented to the Dept. of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice Univ., Houston, Texas, October, 1978.

8.         ``Spirits of the Polar Night," presented to the Houston Astronomical Society, Houston, Texas, June, 1978.

9.         ``Sun, Earth, Climate, and Weather," presented to the Physics Dept., Univ. of Houston, Houston, Texas, September, 1979.

10.       ``Electric Fields, Electron Precipitation, and VLF Radiation during a Simultaneous Magnetospheric Substorm and Atmospheric Thunderstorm," presented to the XVII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Canberra, Australia, December, 1979.

11.       ``X Rays in the Middle Atmosphere," presented to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, April, 1980.

12.       ``Spirits of the Polar Night," presented to the Exchange Club of West Houston, Houston, Texas, November, 1980.

13.       ``ULF Waves on Auroral Arc Boundaries," with C. Gelpi, presented at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, November, 1982.

14.       ``ULF Waves on Auroral Arc Boundaries," with C. Gelpi, presented to the Chapman Conference on Waves in Magnetospheric Plasma, Kona, Hawaii, February, 1983.

15.       ``The Plasma Wave Environment of an Auroral Arc," presented to the Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston,, Texas, March, 1986.

16.       ``The Plasma Wave Environment of an Auroral Arc," presented to the astronomy colloquium, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston,, Texas, May, 1986.

17.       ``Observations of High-latitude Conjugate Ionospheric Electric Fields," presented at the International Symposium on Large-Scale Processes in the Ionospheric-Thermospheric System, Boulder, Colorado, December, 1986.

18.       ``The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign," with J. R. Benbrook, J. M. Howard, D. M. Oró, E. G. Stansbery, J. R. Theall, D. L. Matthews and T. J. Rosenberg, presented at the 1986 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, December, 1986.

19.       ``An Introduction to Current Problems in Auroral Physics," presented to the Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, February, 1987.

20.       ``The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign," presented to the Wellesley Club of Houston, Houston, Texas, February, 1987.

21.       ``The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign," presented to the Institute of Physical Science and Technology and the Meteorology Program, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, February, 1988.

22.       ``Conjugate Ionospheric Electric Field Measurements near the Polar Cusp,"with J. R. Benbrook, V. Wickwar, K. Baker, R. A. Greenwald, and J. M. Ruohoniemi, presented to XX Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Upper Atmospheric Physics Working Group, Hobart, Tasmania, September, 1988.

23.       ``Balloon Observations of the Electric Field over South Pole: Convection Patterns and Flux Transfer Events," with J. R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, Z.-M. Lin, and D. Liang, presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `` Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps", Lillehammer, Norway, 20-24 September, 1988.

24.       ``ELF and VLF Waves in the Polar Caps and Cusps," presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `` Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps", Lillehammer, Norway, 20-24 September, 1988.

25.       ``Conjugate Ionospheric Electric Field Measurements near the Polar Cusp," with J. R. Benbrook, V. Wickwar, K. Baker, R. A. Greenwald, and J. M. Ruohoniemi, presented to the 1988 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 5-9 December, 1988.

26.       ``Review of UH Results from Siple/Roberval Campaigns," with J. R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

27.       ``What We Don't Know (Well) About Outer Belt Precipitation," with J. R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

28.       ``Out to Launch: Suggestions for Rocket & Balloon Support," with J. R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

29.       ``Balloon observations of auroral precipitation and substorms near the dayside cusp," with J. R. Theall, J. R. Benbrook, D. L. Matthews, and T. J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the 1990 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, August, 1990.

30.       ``Short term global correlations in vertical electric field measurements,'' with J. R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, K. Lee, A. A. Few, E. N. Cleary, G. A. Morris, G.J. Byrne, R. Fujii, A. Kadokura, R. H. Holzworth, H. Hu, and K. Norville, EOS, Trans. AGU, 74, 155, 1993. (Fall Meeting Supplement)

31.       ``Balloon-borne Measurments of Ionospheric Convection above Antarctica,'' invited paper presented to the Physics Department, Prairie View A\&M University, April, 1994.

32.       ``Global coherence and cross-scale coupling of the ionospheric and atmospheric electric field,'' with J. R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, K. Lee, A. A. Few, E. N. Cleary, G. A. Morris, G.J. Byrne, R. Fujii, A. Kadokura, R. H. Holzworth, H. Hu, K. Norville, S. J. Malachowski, K. D. Cole, G. B. Burns, M. H. Hesse, S. K. Parcell, and L. Symmons, presented to XXIII Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Working Group on Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research, Rome, Italy, August, 1994.

33.       ``Polar patrol balloons (PPB) launched from Syowa during austral summer in 1992-93,'' N. Sato, M. Ejiri, Y. Tonegawa, A. Kadokura, Y. Hirasima, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, T. Hirasawa, and E.A. Bering, presented to XXIII Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Working Group on Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research, Rome, Italy, August, 1994.

34.       Antarctic studies of space and atmospheric electrodynamics. invited talk given to the Rice-Medical Center Chapter of Sigma Xi, Rice University, Houston, TX, Nov. 12 (1997).

35.       Antarctic studies of space and atmospheric electrodynamics," invited class given to the Space Politics Seminar, Department of Physics, Dartmouth College, March 10, 1998.

36.       Simultaneous electric and magnetic field observations of Pc 1-2, and Pc 3 pulsations," invited talk given to the Department of Physics, Dartmouth College, March 10, 1998.

37.       Antarctic studies of space and atmospheric electrodynamics," invited talk given to the Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, March 12, 1998.

38.       Antarctic studies of space and atmospheric electrodynamics. invited talk given to the Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX, March 31, (1998).

39.       Electrodynamic Coupling Between Troposphere and Ionosphere, invited paper presented at the ESF Workshop on Space Weather Coupling, Strasbourg, France, 1-3 December, (1999)

40.       Observations at Yucca Ridge during the 1999 NASA Sprites Balloon Campaign, W. A. Lyons, T. E. Nelson, J. L. Eastman, R. A. Armstrong, E. R. Williams, D. S. Suszcynsky, M. A. Taylor, Y. Takahashi, E. A. Bering, III and J. R. Benbrook, invited paper, in National Radio Science Meeting, 4-8 January, 2000, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 171, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2000.

41.       Sprite and Elve Electrodynamics, invited paper presented at 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2000), Warsaw, Poland, 16 - 23 July, (2000).

42.       Electric Fields and Pc3's Observed During Traveling Current Vortices, invited paper presented at the Workshop on Traveling Current Vortices, International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, 24 July - 5 August, (2000)

43.       The hunt for red sprites, invited paper presented to the Physics Department, University of Houston, 24 October, (2000).

44.       The hunt for red sprites, invited paper presented to the Exchange Club of Houston, 30 November, (2000).

45.       Sprite and Elve Electrodynamics, invited paper presented to the National Radio Science Meeting, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 8-11 January, (2001) .

46.       The hunt for red sprites, invited paper presented to the Physics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, 7 February, (2001).

47.       Electrodynamic Coupling Between Troposphere and Ionosphere, invited paper presented to the Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania, 1 November, (2001).

48.       Progress in Experimental Research of the VASIMR® Engine, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, D. G. Chavers, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, R. W. Boswell, R. H. Goulding, M. Light, invited paper presented to Open Systems, July 1-5, 2002, Jeju Island, Korea, 2002.

49.       Properties of the auroral zone ionosphere inferred using plasma contactor data from the International Space Station, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, XXXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002, in Programme, Poster Presentations, International Union of Radio Science, XXVIIth General Assembly, edited by M. M. P. Hall, and G. Brussaard, p. 152, URSI, Ghent, Belgium, 2002.

50.       The hunt for red sprites, invited paper presented to the National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan, 19 September, 2002.

51.       The results from the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, invited paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

52.       Long term changes in the electrical conductivity of the stratosphere, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, and G. J. Byrne, invited paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

53.       The results from the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. M. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, invited paper presented at XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG2003, June 30- July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, Abstracts, vol. Week B, edited by Secretariat General of IUGG2003, p. B.195, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Yokosuka, Japan, 2003.

54.       The results of the 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, Invited talk presented to the Space Sciences Seminar, Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, 9 September 2003.

55.       Studies of Geospace with Antarctic Balloons, E. A. Bering, and J. G. Sample, invited paper presented to the US Antarctic Program, National Science Foundation, McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 14 December, 2003.

56.       Studies of Geospace with Antarctic Balloons, E. A. Bering, and J. G. Sample, invited paper presented to the Houston Astronomical Society, Houston, TX, 2 April, 2004.

57.       Balloon observations of spatial coherence in the global circuit, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, M. F. Kokorowski, B. Reddell, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, Invited paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

58.       Latitude gradients in the natural variance in stratospheric conductivity -- implications for studies of long term changes, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, G. J. Byrne, and S. P. Gupta, Invited paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

59.       Balloon studies of Antarctic electrodynamics: PPB and MINIS, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan, 5 November, 2004.

60.       Gamma ray observations from balloons. E. A. Bering, and M. P. McCarthy, Invited paper presented at the Seminar Series on Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes and Lightning Associated Phenomena, UC, Berkeley, 15 February, 2005.

61.       Balloon studies of Antarctic electrodynamics: PPB and MINIS, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the plasma seminar, Physics Department, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 6 March, 2005.              

62.       Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, B. D. Reddell, M. Kokorowski, S. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH23A-0331, 2005.

63.       The helicon discharge in the VASIMR® experiment, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, G. E. McCaskill, F. C. Chang-Díaz, F. W. Baity, M. D. Carter, R. H. Goulding, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, and M. Brukardt, in Abstracts, National Radio Science Meeting, 4-7 January 2006, edited by P. Uslenghi, p. 260, USNC/URSI, Boulder, CO, 2006.

64.       The hunt for red sprites, E. A. Bering. Invited talk presented to the Electromagnetics symposium, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, 22 September, 2006.

65.       Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) Overview, B. W. Longmier, E. Bering, J. Squire, T. Glover, and F. Chang-Díaz. Invited paper (post-deadline) presented at the 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinatti, Ohio, July, 2007.

66.      Effects of solar energetic particles and radiation belt precipitation on the middle atmosphere and the global electric circuit, E. Bering, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, M. J. Engebretsen, J. L. Posch, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, A. Kadokura, B. D. Reddell, and H. Yamagishi, in Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly Perugia, Italy 2007: IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Association Symposia and Workshops, edited by P. Rizzoli, p. 317, IUGG, Perugia, Italy, 2007. (2-13 July)

67.      Effects of solar energetic particles and radiation belt precipitation on the middle atmosphere and the global electric circuit, E. Bering, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, M. J. Engebretsen, J. L. Posch, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, A. Kadokura, B. D. Reddell, and H. Yamagishi, Invited talk presented to the Physics Program, School of Science and Computer Engineering, University of Houston - Clear Lake, 31 March, 2008.

68.       VASIMR® Performance measurements at powers exceeding 50 kW and lunar robotic mission applications, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, C. S. Olsen, E. A. Bering, M. S. Brukardt, B. W. Longmier, Invited paper GP-I5 presented to the International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Gaseous and Liquid Plasmas, Akiu/Sendai, Japan, 5-6 Sept. 2008.

69.       Balloon studies of Antarctic electrodynamics: PPB and MINIS, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the plasma seminar, Physics Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 27 March, 2009.

70.       Balloon studies of Antarctic electrodynamics: PPB and MINIS, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the IEEE- Galveston Chapter, Houston, TX, 16 April, 2009.

71.       Aerospace Career Development: Perspectives of a Survivor, Invited paper presented at the AIAA Houston Section Annual Technical Symposium, Houston, TX, 15 May, 2009.

72.       The Arctic: A personal exploration, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the weekly seminar, International Studies Program, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, 23 October, 2009.

73.       The VASIMR® VX-200: An industrial application of auroral physics, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the plasma seminar, Physics Department, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 18 May, 2010.

74.       Measuring the atmospheric circuit from the Antarctic plateau, Gary Burns,  Brian Tinsley, John French, Alexander Frank-Kamenetsky, Oleg Troshichev, and Edgar Bering, Invited paper D21-0027-10 presented at the 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, 19-23 July, 2010.

75.       Feel Free to Move about the Solar System: Deep Space Propulsion in the 21st Century, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the physics seminar, Physics Department, Baylor University, Waco, TX, 20 April, 2011.

76.       The VASIMR® Project: An Industrial Application of Auroral Physics and New Opportunities for Simulation Studies, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Space Physics seminar class, Physics 290b, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 26 April, 2011.

77.       The VASIMR® Project: New Opportunities for Spaceborne and Laboratory Geophysics Investigations, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the ESS Seminar, University of Washington, November 3, 2011.

78.       The AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Program, Paper presented to the Education and Public Outreach Group, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, April 6, 2012.

79.       Balloon-borne studies of magnetospheric electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Physics Journal Club, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, April 6, 2012.

80.       Magnetoplasma Rocket Exhaust Plume Measurements and Applications for Spaceflight, B. W. Longmier and E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Physics Journal Club, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, April 13, 2012.

81.       AIAA Educator Academy: Mars Rover Curriculum, E. A. Bering and A. J. Kapral, Workshop session presented to the Space Exploration Educators Conference, Space Center Houston, Webster, TX, February 9, 2013.

82.       The AIAA STEM K-12 Educator Academy, E. A. Bering and B. W. Longmier, Workshop Session Presented to the National Science Teachers Association 2013 National Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 14, 2013.

83.        Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event, E. A. Bering, III, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, M P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, L. Woodger, and D. M. Smith, Invited paper presented to the 12th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 25-31 August 2013.

84.       The Mars Rover Celebration: An Inquiry-based Approach to Integrating Science and Engineering, E. A. Bering, A. J. Kapral and K. Staley, Workshop sessions (two) presented to the Conference to Advance Science Teaching (CAST 2013: Keep the Bunsens Burnin'), George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, November 7 and 9, 2013.

85.       Scientists and Engineers as Educators, E. A. Bering and M. Wawro, Workshop session presented to the 2013 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 11 December, 2013.

86.       Mars Rover Model Curriculum: Student Designed Projects for Space Exploration, E. A. Bering and A. J. Kapral, Workshop session presented to the Space Exploration Educators Conference, Space Center Houston, Webster, TX, February 8, 2014.

87.       The AIAA Educator Academy, E. A. Bering and T. Milnes, Workshop Session Presented to the National Science Teachers Association 2014 National Conference, Boston, MA, April 5, 2014.

88.       AIAA Space Weather Balloon Curriculum Module, J. Labay-Marquez and E. A. Bering, Workshop Session Presented to the National Science Teachers Association 2014 STEM Forum and Expo, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2014.

89.       The AIAA Educator Academy: Mars Rover Celebration Curriculum, E. A. Bering, Workshop Session Presented to the National Science Teachers Association 2014 STEM Forum and Expo, New Orleans, LA, May 16, 2014.

90.       Balloons on Ice: Studying the Aurora in Antarctica, E. A. Bering, presented to Physics Department, St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH, October 10, 2014.

91.       Scientists and Engineers as Educators, E. A. Bering and M. Wawro, Workshop session presented to the 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 17 December, 2014.

92.       Using Space Missions as a Vehicle for Introducing Engineering Education in Grades 3-8, E. Bering, E Slagle, K Nieser, C. Carlson, A. Kapral, and L. Jacobs, EOS, Trans. AGU, 95(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED23C-3491 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014.

93.       The Mars Rover Celebration: An Inquiry-based Approach to Integrating Science and Engineering, E. A. Bering and A. J. Kapral, Workshop Session Presented to the National Science Teachers Association 2015 National Conference, Chicago, IL, March, 2015.

94.        Rapid Transit to Europa, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Physics Journal Club, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, March 25, 2015.

95.       Graduate Education in a Small Business Environment, E. A. Bering, B. Longmier, and M. Giambusso, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED11E-0877 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014.

96.       Mars Rover Model Curriculum: Student Designed Projects for Space Exploration, E. A. Bering and A. J. Kapral, Workshop session presented to the Space Exploration Educators Conference, Space Center Houston, Webster, TX, February 7, 2015.

97.        Trimetric Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere using a CubeSat Constellation, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Physics Journal Club, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, March 22, 2017.

98.        Div III Lecture, Space and Magnetospheric Physics, E. A. Bering, Full day lecture presented to the 3rd IAGA School, Hermanus, SA, August 21, 2017.

99.        Teaching Students How to Research the Upper Atmosphere Using High Altitude Balloons, Workshop presentation to the IAGA GIFT Workshop, IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly, Cape Town, SA, August 30, 2017.

100.      The Xray Aurora, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, May 14, 2018.

101.      The Xray Aurora, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the McGill Space Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, February 14, 2019.

102.      The Xray Aurora, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Plasma Seminar, Physics Department, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, February 18, 2019.

103.      The Xray Aurora, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, February 19, 2019.

104.      The Xray Aurora, E. A. Bering, Invited paper presented to the Rice Space Institute, Rice University, Houston, TX, October 28, 2019.

105.      Teaching Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft: An Inquiry-based Approach to Teaching Geoscience and Engineering, E. A. Bering, D.L. Hampton, N. Moelders, R.W. Talbot, R. Gamblin, M. Greer, B. Gunawan, J.N. Lehnen, M. Pina, I. Porat, and J. Prince, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(57 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED22A-07 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2019.

106.      Teaching Physics Online: The USIP Example and Lessons Learned, E. A. Bering,Denise Thorsen, Andrea Arias, Ngozi Onwuama, Invited paper presented to the Physics Department, University of Houston, Houston, TX, April 14, 2020.

107.      Balloons on Ice: Studying the Aurora in Antarctica, E. A. Bering, presented to Mittelman Observatory, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, November 9, 2020.

108.      Student Space Missions – Report on our 2022 Undergraduate Auroral Observing Campaign in Fairbanks, Invited paper presented to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, March 25, 2022.

109.      Aurora and Space Weather, Invited paper presented to the clerks and staff of the Alaska Supreme Court, February 28, 2023.

110.      The Source of VLF Auroral Hiss, Tutorial lecture presented to the Polar Aeronomy and Radio Science summer school, Gakona, Alaska, August 14, 2024.

111.       The Undergraduate Student Researcher's Experience During the Eclipse (Invited), Krysos, T., Astraquillo, C., Usugan-Weddington, N.J., Fordman, R., Kyle, A., Thorsen, D., Bering, E.A., and Renshaw, A.L., in AGU24, U14A-05, Washington, DC, 2024.



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1.         Split Langmuir probe measurements of current density, electric field, and densities in an aurora, E.A. Bering, III, M.C. Kelley, and F.S. Mozer, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 51, 405, April 1970.

2.         Three independent measurements of electric fields in an aurora, E.A. Bering, III, C.W. Carlson, M.C. Kelley, and F.S. Mozer, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 52, 329, April, 1971.

3.         A measured upper limit on parallel ion flow in an aurora, E.A. Bering, III, M.C. Kelley, and F.S. Mozer, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 52, 894, November, 1971.

4.         Split and double probe measurements of wakes on sounding rockets, E.A. Bering, III, S. Schutz, and M.C. Kelley, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 54, 393, April, 1973.

5.         Measurement of perpendicular current density in an aurora, E.A. Bering, III, F.S. Mozer, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 55, 392, April, 1974.

6.         Measurement of a parallel flux of thermal ions, near an arc boundary, E.A. Bering, III, C.W. Carlson, M.C. Kelley, and F.S. Mozer, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 55, 555, May, 1974.

7.         Observation of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves at the boundary of an auroral arc, E.A. Bering, III, and M.C. Kelley, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 56, 173, March, 1975.

8.         Low-energy X-ray data from Project ARAKS, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.W. Kern, H. Leverenz, and J.L. Roeder, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 56, 425, April, 1975.

9.         The split Langmuir probe technique of measuring electric fields and currents, E. A. Bering, III, and F.S. Mozer, paper presented at The XVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Grenoble, France, August, 1975. Published in Conference Program.

10.       Electric field measurements from falling payloads at altitudes between 20 and 80 km, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, and W.R. Sheldon, paper presented at The XVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Grenoble, France, August, 1975. Published in Conference Program.

11.       Low energy X-ray data (5-40 keV) from a pulsating aurora, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.W. Kern, and W.R. Sheldon, paper presented at The XVI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Grenoble, France, August, 1975. Published in Conference Program.

12.       Experimental studies of the electric field between 30 and 80 km, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 56, 997, November 1975.

13.       Resultats sur les mesures simultanees de rayons X au moyen de fusees Arcas, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, H. Leverenz, and J.L. Roeder: paper presented at the Franco-Soviet Symposium on Active Experiments in the Magnetosphere, Toulouse, France, May, 1976.

14.       Results of the Araks particle experiments, H. Reme, A. Saint-Marc, J.M. Vigo, K.L. Gringauz, G. G. Managadze, S.B. Lyakhov, L.P. Smirnova, N.M. Schutte, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, H. Leverenz, and J.L. Roeder; paper presented at the Symposium on Active Experiments in Space Plasmas, Boulder, Colorado, June, 1976.

15.       Thunderstorm electric fields observed during a substorm, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, C.R. Liles, and W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 57, 965, December, 1976.

16.       Atmospheric conductivity measurements from 15 to 35 kilometers at latitude 48°N, C.O. Seubert, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 57, 965, December 1976.

17.       Simultaneous observations of telemetry disturbances at Kerguelen and enhanced auroral activity in the Arkhangel region during the ARAKS experiments, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder, T.M. Tarasova, H. Reme, A. St. Marc, F. Cambou, Yu.Ya. Rouzhin, and I.A. Zhulin, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 723, August, 1977.

18.       Measurements of the high-altitude X-ray flux during the ARAKS experiment, J.L. Roeder, H. Leverenz, W.R. Sheldon, and J.R. Benbrook, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 724, August, 1977.

19.       An active release experiment in the auroral ionosphere, K.G. Holmgren, E.A. Bering, III, R. Boström, U.V. Fahleson, T.B. Jones, M.C. Kelley, and R. Lundin, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 752, August, 1977.

20.       High-altitude balloon electric field measurements at low L values, J. R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon, and C.R. Liles; presentation by title only; EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 752, August, 1977.

21.       Correlative effects of VLF chorus activity and electron precipitation near the plasmapause, H. Leverenz, J.L. Roeder, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, and J. Lavergnat, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 763, August, 1977.

22.       Some aspects of the interrelationship of magnetospheric substorm-associated particle precipitation and thunderstorm electric fields, E.A. Bering, III, T.J. Rosenberg, D. Detrick, J.R. Benbrook, D.L. Matthews, and W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 763, August, 1977.

23.       Simultaneous observations of the electric field, magnetic field, and particle precipitation during a Pc5 event, C.G. Maclennan, L.J. Lanzerotti, E.A. Bering, III, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 58, 1216, December, 1977.

24.       Correlation between X-ray microbursts and VLF emissions at Siple Station, Antarctica, J.L. Roeder, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, H. Leverenz, W.R. Sheldon, R.A. Helliwell, and J.P. Katsufrakis, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 59, 1160, December, 1978.

25.       Low photon energy evening sector auroral zone X-ray microbursts, E.A. Bering, III, E.G. Stansbery, J.L. Roeder, W.R. Sheldon, and J.R. Benbrook, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 59, 1159, December, 1978.

26.       On the comparison of ionospheric and equatorial electric fields at L=4 , D.L. Carpenter, T.R. Miller, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 59, 1159, December, 1978.

27.       Quiet-time deposition by energetic electrons in the lower polar ionosphere at L=4.2 (Siple Station, Antarctica), J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon, J.L. Roeder and H. Leverenz, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 59, 1172, December, 1978.

28.       Project Trigger: Simulation of some aspects of an auroral arc, M.C. Kelley, P.M. Kintner, R. Boström, K.G. Holmgren, R.Lundin, and E.A. Bering, III, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,59, 1160, December, 1978.

29.       Electric fields, electron precipitation, and VLF radiation during a simultaneous magnetospheric substorm and atmospheric thunderstorm, T.J. Rosenberg, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, D. Detrick, D.L. Matthews, M.J. Rycroft, M.A. Saunders, and W.R. Sheldon; paper presented at Annual Meeting of the European Geophysical Society, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 60, 599, August, 1979.

30.       Charged particle precipitation in the high latitude region of the south atlantic anomaly, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon, J.L. Roeder and H. Leverenz; paper presented at the First Symposium on International Magnetospheric Study Results, Melbourne, Australia, November, 1979.

31.       Charged particle precipitation in the high latitude region of the south atlantic anomaly, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon, J.L. Roeder and H. Leverenz; paper presented at the XVII General Assembly of the International Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Canberra, Australia, December, 1979.

32.       Simultaneous rocket and radar observations of fields and plasma in a quiet auroral arc, E.A.Bering, III, H.R. Anderson, R.M. Robinson, R.R. Vondrak, D.M. Pulliam, D.A.M. Bacon, and P.A. Cloutier; paper presented at the First Symposium on International Magnetospheric Study Results: Melbourne, Australia, November, 1979.

33.       Electric fields, electron precipitation, and VLF radiation during a simultaneous magnetospheric substorm and atmospheric thunderstorm, E.A. Bering, III, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, D. Detrick, D.L. Matthews, M.J. Rycroft, M.A. Saunders and W.R. Sheldon; invited paper presented at the XVII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geomagnetism, Canberra, Australia, December, 1979.

34.       Simultaneous rocket and ground-based measurements of electric fields and currents in an auroral arc, R.M. Robinson, H.R. Anderson, P.A. Cloutier, E.A. Bering, III, D.A.M. Bacon and R.R. Vondrak; paper presented at the Chapman Conference on High-Latitude Electric Fields in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, Yosemite N. P., California, January, 1980.

35.       Birkeland current and electric field in an auroral arc, H.R. Anderson, R.M. Robinson, and E.A. Bering, III, invited review presented at the Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks, Alaska, July, 1980.

36.       Rocket and radar electric field measurements in an auroral arc, R.M. Robinson, H.R. Anderson, E.A. Bering, III, and R.R. Vondrak, paper presented at the Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 1980.

37.       Rocket observation of ac electric fields in a quiet auroral arc, E.A. Bering, III, H.R. Anderson, R.M. Robinson, and D.A.M. Bacon, paper presented at the Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 1980.

38.       Evidence for beam-stimulated precipitation of high energy electrons, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.L. Roeder, and W.R. Sheldon, paper presented at the NATO Advanced Research Institute on Artificial Particle Beams Utilized in Space Plasma Physics, Geilo, Norway, April, 1981.

39.       Acceleration of auroral particles inferred from observed electron spectra and electric fields, H.R. Anderson, D.M. Pulliam, and E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the IV General Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 1981.

40.       Electric and magnetic observation of a hydromagnetic wave in an auroral arc, C.G. Gelpi, E.A. Bering, III, and R.M. Robinson, paper presented at the IV General Scientific Assembly of IAGA , Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 1981.

41.       Penetration of storm and substorm electric fields to L=4, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook and T.J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the 1982 Yosemite Conference on the Origins of Plasmas and Electric Fields in the Magnetosphere, Yosemite N. P., California, January, 1982.

42.       X-ray microbursts associated with the operation of the Siple Station, Antarctica VLF transmitter" J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, E.G. Stansbery, J.L. Roeder and W.R. Sheldon, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 63, l072, November, 1982.

43.       Time series analysis of X-ray microbursts and VLF chorus emissions at Siple Station, Antarctica, J.L. Roeder, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon, D.L. Carpenter, and R. A. Helliwell, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 63, l077, November, 1982.

44.       Electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in the diffuse aurora, E.A. Bering, III, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 63, l067, November, 1982.

45.       ULF waves on an auroral arc boundary, C.G. Gelpi, and E.A. Bering, III, E0S, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 63, l067, November, 1982.

46.       Electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in the diffuse aurora, E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the Chapman Conference on Waves in Magnetospheric Plasmas, Kona, Hawaii, February, 1983.

47.       ULF Waves on Auroral Arc Boundaries, E.A. Bering, III, C.G. Gelpi, invited paper presented at the Chapman Conference on Waves in Magnetospheric Plasma, Kona, Hawaii, February, 1983.

48.       Penetration of the dayside cusp to L<4, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Dudeney, E.A. Bering, III, and J.R. Benbrook, paper presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geomagnetism, Hamburg, West Germany, August, 1983.

49.       X-ray microbursts associated with the operation of the Siple Station, Antarctica, VLF transmitter, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, E.G. Stansbery, J.L. Roeder and W.R. Sheldon, paper presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geomagnetism, Hamburg, West Germany, August, 1983.

50.       A case study of the generation of auroral hiss, E.A. Bering, III, J.E. Maggs, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 64, 814, November, 1983.

51.       High energy electron precipitation observed during Project Waterhole III, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, W.R. Sheldon and F. Creutzberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 64, 816, November, 1983.

52.       Conjugate studies of the ionospheric electric field at L=4, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.R. Wygant, F.S. Mozer, and W.L. Oliver, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 65, November, 1984.

53.       The photo-emissivity of aquadag at 32 km. and its effect on electric field and conductivity measurements, D.M. Oró, E.A. Bering, III, and J.R. Benbrook, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 65, 838, November, 1984.

54.       The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.M. Howard, D.M. Oró, E.G. Stansbery, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the XIX Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Upper Atmospheric Physics Working Group, San Diego, California, June, 1986.

55.       Observations of high-latitude conjugate ionospheric electric fields, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, paper presented at the International Symposium on Large Scale Processes in the Ionospheric-Thermospheric System, Boulder, Colorado, December, 1986.

56.       The 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.M. Howard, D.M. Oró, E.G. Stansbery, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 67, 1163, November, 1986.

57.       The ionospheric electric field above south pole during periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity', E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 67, 1169, November, 1986.

58.       Evidence of energetic electron precipitation above the south geomagnetic pole from x-ray bremsstrahlung, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.M. Howard, D.M. Oró, E.G. Stansbery, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 67, 1163, November, 1986.

59.       Atmospheric conductivity measurements above the south geographic pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 67, 1169, November, 1986.

60.       Balloon bremstrahlung measurements of energetic electron precipitation at the south pole, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 67, 1163, November, 1986.

61.       A summary of recent results from the 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 697.

62.       A search for possible ionospheric signatures of flux transfer events observed by the 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, J.R. Theall, L. J. Lanzerotti, and A. Wolfe, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 607.

63.       The ionospheric electric field above south pole station during quiet periods, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, J.R. Theall, and V. B. Wickwar, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 576.

64.       ULF modulation of energetic electron precipitation in the southern polar cusp, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J.M. Howard, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, paper to be presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 607.

65.       Balloon observations of ULF waves in the electric field above the south pole, B. Liao, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J.M. Howard, and J.R. Theall, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 607.

66.       Cosmic ray cutoff rigidity variations near the south pole, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J.M. Howard, and J.R. Theall, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 700.

67.       Variations in the atmospheric conductivity above the south pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 722.

68.       Balloon observations of the summertime stratospheric winds above the south pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.M. Howard, B. Liao, D.M. Oró, and J.R. Theall, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 3, 781.

69.       South pole balloon measurements of electron precipitation, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 699.

70.       Energetic electron precipitation above the south geographic pole, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, B. Liao, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of the Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 524.

71.       The role of the drift loss cone in the precipitation of trapped electrons at mid-latitudes, W.R. Sheldon, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of the Geodesy and Geophysics, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1987. Abstracts, 2, 575.

72.       Filamentary field aligned currents observed by the south pole balloon campaign: flux transfer events?, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, J.R. Theall, L. J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, and G. L. Siscoe, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 68, 1442, November, 1987.

73.       Observations of ULF Waves in the electric field above the South Pole, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, Z.M. Lin, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 424, April, 1988.

74.       Energetic electron precipitation near the cusp, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 441, April, 1988.

75.       Energetic electron precipitation above the South Geographic Pole, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, B. Liao, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 441, April, 1988.

76.       Stratospheric conductivity measurements above the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Uppsala, Sweden, June, 1988.

77.       A summary of recent results from the 1985-1986 South Pole Balloon Campaign, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, D.L. Matthews and T.J. Rosenberg, paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Uppsala, Sweden, June, 1988.

78.       Conjugate ionospheric electric field measurements near the polar cusp, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, V. Wickwar, K. Baker, R.A. Greenwald, and J.M. Ruohoniemi, presented to XX Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Upper Atmospheric Physics Working Group, Hobart, Tasmania, September, 1988.

79.       Balloon observations of the electric field over South Pole: convection patterns and flux transfer events, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, Z.M. Lin, and D. Liang, presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `` Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps", Lillehammer, Norway, 20-24 September, 1988.

80.       ELF and VLF waves in the polar caps and cusps, presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on `` Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps", Lillehammer, Norway, 20-24 September, 1988.

81.       Photoelectric emissions from instrumentation used in high altitude measurements," with G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1337, November, 1988.

82.       Conjugate ionospheric electric field measurements near the polar cusp, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, V. Wickwar, K. Baker, R.A. Greenwald, and J.M. Ruohoniemi, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1347, November, 1988.

83.       Numerical studies of the electric fields of flux transfer events (FTE's), Z.M. Lin, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, D. Liang, B. Liao and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1370, November, 1988.

84.       Ionospheric electric field patterns near the southern polar cusp, D. Liang, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, Z.M. Lin, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1379, November, 1988.

85.       Observations of iplc type ULF pulsations above the South Pole, B. Liao, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, D. Liang, Z.M. Lin, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1383, November, 1988.

86.       Energetic electron precipitation in the southern polar cap, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, B. Liao, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1388, November, 1988.

87.       A survey of energetic electron precipitation near the south geographic pole, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, B. Liao, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69, 1388, November, 1988.

88.       Observations of ionospheric flux ropes above South Pole, Z.M. Lin, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, D. Liang, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, presented at Chapman Conference on Physics of Magnetic Flux Ropes, Hamilton , Bermuda, March 27-31, 1989

89.       Some observed relationships between electron precipitation and magnetic and electric fields during the South Pole Balloon Campaign, J. Paquette, D.L. Matthews, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, and E.A. Bering, III, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 452, April, 1989.

90.       Pc 5 event in electron precipitation and waves at South Pole (Λ= 75°), D.L. Matthews, J. Paquette, T.J. Rosenberg, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, and B. Liao, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 452, April, 1989.

91.       Review of UH results from Siple/Roberval campaigns, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

92.       What we don't know (well) about outer belt precipitation, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

93.       Out to launch: suggestions for rocket and balloon support, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook and W.R. Sheldon, presented at the International Workshop on A New Antarctic ELF/VLF Wave Injection Facility, Stanford, California, 24-28 April 1989.

94.       IMF and Kp control of Southern Hemisphere ionospheric convection, D. Liang, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, presented at the 6th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Exeter, U.K., 24 July - 4 August 1989.

95.       Solar wind properties observed during high-latitude impulsive perturbation events, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, D. Liang, B. Liao, Z.-M. Lin, L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, E. Friis-Christensen, presented at the 6th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Exeter, U.K., 24 July - 4 August 1989.

96.       Global scale studies of ULF waves and impulsive events using the 2-9 January 1986 Interval of Special Interest database, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, D. Liang, B. Liao, Z.-M. Lin, L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, A. Wolfe, E. Friis-Christiansen, presented at the 6th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Exeter, U.K., 24 July - 4 August 1989.

97.       Observations of geomagnetic and solar wind influences on the stratospheric electrical environment over the South Pole, G.J. Byrne, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, B. Liao, and J. Theall, presented at the 6th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Exeter, U.K., 24 July - 4 August 1989.

98.       Electrical measurements in the stratosphere above South Pole," with G.J. Byrne, and J.R. Benbrook, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 1009, October, 1989.

99.       The great magnetic storm of 19 December 1980: Observations at L=4, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Haacke, J.R. Dudeney, L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 1260, October, 1989.

100.     Coordinated satellite and balloon observations of high latitude dayside electron precipitation, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 1277, October, 1989.

101.     Balloon observations of the electric field over the South Pole: Convection patterns, D. Liang, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, J. Howard, Z.-M. Lin, B. Liao, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 1291, October, 1989.

102.     Balloon electric signatures of ionospheric flux ropes, Z.-M. Lin, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, G.J. Byrne, B. Liao, D. Liang, and J.R. Theall, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70, 1296, October, 1989

103.     Balloon observations of auroral precipitation and substorms near the dayside cusp, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Theall, J.R. Benbrook, D.L. Matthews, and T.J. Rosenberg, presented at the 1990 AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (1990).

104.     Development of ground level instruments for the study of ionospheric convection, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, G.J. Byrne, A.A. Few, and G.A. Morris, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 72(44), 414, October, 1991.

105.     Global observations of the 0023 UT, 8 January 1986 Substorm, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Theall, R. Nakamura, D.N. Baker, T. Yamamoto, D.L. Matthews and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 72(44), 400, October, 1991.

106.     Maxwell current density measurements at South Pole: Evaluation of measurments and instrument performance, A.A. Few, G.A. Morris, E.A. Bering, III, and G.J. Byrne, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 72(44), 93, October, 1991.

107.     Onset signatures of magnetospheric substorms observed using simulataneous ground-based and multi point satellite measurements, R. Nakamura, D.N. Baker, T. Yamamoto, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, J.R. Theall, D.L. Matthews and T.J. Rosenberg, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical\ Union, 72(44), 400, October, 1991.

108.     Research facility requirements for antarctic aeronomy and space physics, E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at The First International Design for Extreme Environments Assembly, Houston, Nov 12-15, 1991.

109.     Maxwell current density measurements at South Pole: evaluation of measurements and instrument performance, A.A. Few, G.A. Morris, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, and G. J. Byrne, presented at the 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, June, 1992.

110.     Magnetospheric influences on atmospheric electricity at South Pole Station, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, G. J. Byrne, A.A. Few, and G.A. Morris, presented at the 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, June, 1992.

111.     Intense 2.3 Hz electrostatic waves in the stratosphere at high auroral latitude, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and B. Liao, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(14), Spring Meeting Suppl., 233, 1992.

112.     Studies of ionospheric convection in the Southern Hemisphere using long duration balloons, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, K. Lee, C. Clarady, R. Fujii and A. Kadokura, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(16), Spring Meeting Suppl., 254, 1993.

113.     Short term global correlations in vertical electric field measurements, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, K. Lee, A.A. Few, E.N. Cleary, G.A. Morris, G.J. Byrne, R. Fujii, A. Kadokura, R.H. Holzworth, H. Hu, and K. Norville, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74, 155, 1993. (Fall Meeting Supplement)

114.     Field calibration of electric field meters at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A.A. Few, E.A. Bering, III, and J.R. Benbrook, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74, 154, 1993. (Fall Meeting Supplement)

115.     Atmospheric electric observations from Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, E.N. Cleary, A.A. Few, G.A. Morris, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, G.J. Byrne, and P. McNerney, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74, 152, 1993. (Fall Meeting Supplement)

116.     Conjugate observations of ionospheric convection patterns, D. Liang, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, J.M. Ruohoniemi, K.B. Baker, R.A. Greenwald, and V.B. Wickwar, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74, 508, 1993. (Fall Meeting Supplement)

117.     The global electric circuit - Measurements from the South Pole, A.A. Few, E.N. Cleary, E.A. Bering, III, and J.R. Benbrook, paper presented at the Symposium on the Global Circuit, Global Change and the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Information, Nashville, Tennessee, 23-24 January, (1994).

118.     Global coherence and cross-scale coupling of the ionospheric and atmospheric electric field, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, K. Lee, A.A. Few, E.N. Cleary, G.A. Morris, G.J. Byrne, R. Fujii, A. Kadokura, R.H. Holzworth, H. Hu, K. Norville, S.J. Malachowski, K.D. Cole, G.B. Burns, M.H. Hesse, S.K. Parcell, and L. Symmons, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 75(16), 245, (1994). (Spring Meeting Supplement)

119.     Polar Patrol Balloon experiments of STEP project in Antarctica, M. Ejiri, J. Nishimura, N. Yajima, T. Hirasawa, R. Fujii, H. Akiyama, T. Yamagami, S. Ohta, H. Kanzawa, M. Hayashi, F. Tohyama, S. Kokubun, M. Kodama, H. Fukunishi, M. Yamanaka, K. Turuda, I. Yamazaki, N. Sato, H. Yamagishi, H. Miyaoka, A. Kadokura, M. Namiki, Y. Tonegawa, M. Nakagawa, Y. Hirashima, H. Suzuki, H. Murakami, and E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics, Dedicated to Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP), Sendai, Japan, 5-10 June (1994).

120.     Global coherence and cross-scale coupling of the ionospheric and atmospheric electric field, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R. Chadwick, K. Lee, A.A. Few, E.N. Cleary, G.A. Morris, G.J. Byrne, R. Fujii, A. Kadokura, R.H. Holzworth, H. Hu, K. Norville, S.J. Malachowski, K.D. Cole, G.B. Burns, M.H. Hesse, S.K. Parcell, and L. Symmons, presented to XXIII Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Working Group on Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research, Rome, Italy, August, 1994.

121.     Polar patrol balloons (PPB) launched from Syowa during austral summer in 1992-93, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, Y. Tonegawa, A. Kadokura, Y. Hirasima, N. Yajima, T. Yamagami, T. Hirasawa, and E.A. Bering, III, presented to XXIII Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Working Group on Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research, Rome, Italy, August, 1994.

122.     The power spectra and cross-spectra of ionospheric electric and magnetic field perturbations at L~4, K. Lee, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 75 (44), (1994). (Fall Meeting Supplement)

123.     An exploratory cross-spectral study of geoelectric and geomagnetic micropulsations in the 0.01 to 0.5 Hz band, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, K. Lee, M. Engebretson, and J. Beck, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 75 (44), 266, (1994). (Fall Meeting Program, Late Abstracts Section)

124.     Observations of the global electric circuit from South Pole station, E.N. Cleary, A.A. Few, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and G.J. Byrne, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 75 (44), (1994). (Fall Meeting Supplement)

125.     Ionospheric electric fields from stratospheric balloon-borne probes, R.H. Holzworth, and E.A. Bering, III, paper presented at the Chapman Conference on Space Physics Instrumentation: What Works and What Doesn't, Santa Fe, New Mexico. April 3-7, (1995).

126.     Geoelectric and geomagnetic Pc 3 pulsations during travelling convection vortices, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, K. Lee, M.J. Engebretson, and J.R. Beck, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, A,141-142, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

127.     Imaging of energetic auroral X-rays by a rocket-borne parachuted payload, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and T.J. Hallinan, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, A, 146, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

128.     Diurnal and seasonal observations of the global electric circuit, E.N. Cleary, A.A. Few, J.R. Benbrook, E.A. Bering, III, and G.J. Byrne, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, A, 257, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

129.     Field calibration of electric field meters at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, A.A. Few, E.A. Bering, III and J.R. Benbrook, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, A, 257, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

130.     Global stratospheric electric field and current density variations, R.H. Holzworth, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, K. Lee, A.A. Few, E.N. Cleary, G.J. Byrne, and A. Kadokura, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, A, 276, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

131.     Multi-site observations of the ionospheric response to an IMF variation, Y. Ebihara, Y. Tonegawa, F. Tohyama, A. Kadokura, M. Ejiri, PPB WG, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, R.H. Holzworth, ELBBO WG, A.A. Few, and E.N. Cleary, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, B, 100, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

132.     IMF control of ULF electric and magnetic micropulsations at L=14, K. Lee, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, B,155-156, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-15, (1995).

133.     Observations of ionospheric convection in the Southern Hemisphere, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, Y. Ebihara, Y. Tonegawa, F. Tohyama, A. Kadokura, M. Ejiri, PPB WG, R.H. Holzworth, and ELBBO WG, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F511, 1995.

134.     Dependence of ULF electric and magnetic micropulsations at South Pole on solar wind parameters, K. Lee, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F519, 1995.

135.     Average southern hemisphere ionospheric convection patterns sorted by location relative to the auroral oval, D. Liang, E.A. Bering, III, J.R. Benbrook, and J. Dupuy, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F506, 1995.

136.     Development of an ionospheric thermal plasma moment analyzer based on a superconducting 2-D dipole or racetrack electromagnet, E.A. Bering, III, C. Wang, T.S. Huang, and R.E. Hartle, paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1996, Boston, Mass., June 3-5, (1996). (presentation by title only)

137.     A survey of simultaneous Pc3 micropulsations and high latitude impulsive events for the GEM Boundary Layer Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, and M. J. Engebretson, paper presented at the GEM Snowmass Workshop, 1996, Snowmass, Colo., June 23-28, (1996).

138.     Comparison of atmospheric electric parameters measured at South Pole with Schumann resonance parameters measured at Arrival Heights, Antarctica, E. N. Cleary, M. Füllekrug, A. C. Fraser-Smith, E. A. Bering, III and A. A. Few, EOS, Trans. AGU, 77(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F80, (1996).

139.     Global atmospheric electrical observations on timescales from seconds to seasons, A. A. Few, E. N. Cleary, E. A. Bering, III, and J. R. Benbrook, EOS, Trans. AGU, 77(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F91, (1996).

140.     Occurrence rate of Pc3 emissions during high latitude impulsive events: Preliminary estimates, E. A. Bering, III, and M. J. Engebretson, EOS, Trans. AGU, 77(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F638, (1996).

141.     Occurrence rate of Pc3 emissions during high latitude impulsive events: Preliminary estimates, E. A. Bering, III, M. J. Engebretson, and R. L. Arnoldy, paper presented at the GEM Snowmass Workshop, 1997, Snowmass, Colo., June 15-21, (1997).

142.     Occurrence rate of Pc3 emissions during high latitude impulsive events: Preliminary estimates, E. A. Bering, III, M. J. Engebretson, and R. L. Arnoldy Jr., in Abstracts for the 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, edited by R. Boström, T. Carozzi, I. Arlefjard, A. S. Wahlberg, and P. O. Dovner, p. 253, IAGA, Uppsala, 1997.

143.     Variations of vertical atmospheric electric fields at Vostok, Antarctica, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, O. A. Troshichev, G. B. Burns, V. O. Papitashvili, and E. A. Bering III, in Abstracts for the 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, edited by R. Boström, T. Carozzi, I. Arlefjard, A. S. Wahlberg, and P. O. Dovner, p. 194, IAGA, Uppsala, 1997.

144.     A plasma diagnostic set for the study of a variable specific impulse magnetoplasma rocket, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang-Díaz, R. Bengtson, J. R. Bussell, V. T. Jacobson, A. J. Wooton, E. A. Bering III, T. Jack, and A. Rabeau, paper presented at the 1997 APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, Nov.17-12, (1997).

145.     Dependence of atmospheric electric parameters on geomagnetic activity, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, K. Y. Lee, A. A. Few, E. N. Cleary, and R. H. Holzworth, EOS, Trans. AGU, 78(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F80, 1997.

146.     Multi-station studies of the simultaneous occurrence of Pc 3 micropulsations and magnetic impulsive events, A. Alaniz, E. A. Bering III, W. Guo, N. C. Murthy, R. L. Arnoldy, M. J. Engebretson, and W. J. Hughes, EOS, Trans. AGU, 78(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F607, 1997.

147.     The Kp and IMF dependence of the PPB and ELBBO electric field data, E. A. Bering, III and R. H. Holzworth, paper presented at the 1998 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics Using Long Duration Balloons, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-27, (1998).

148.     Vertical Fields and Currents at High Latitudes from PPB, ELBBO, and South Pole Data, R. H. Holzworth and E. A. Bering, III, paper presented at the 1998 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics Using Long Duration Balloons, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-27, (1998).

149.     Balloon-borne studies of Pc 3 waves and the ionospheric Alfvén resonator, E. A. Bering, III, paper presented at the 1998 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics Using Long Duration Balloons, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-27, (1998).

150.     The global circuit, E. A. Bering, III, and R. H. Holzworth, paper presented at the 1998 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics Using Long Duration Balloons, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-27, (1998).

151.     The balloon-borne double probe electric field experiment, E. A. Bering, III, and R. H. Holzworth, paper presented at the 1998 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics Using Long Duration Balloons, Tokyo, Japan, February 24-27, (1998).

152.     The SPRITES 99 Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 79(45 Fall Meeting Supplement), F176, 1998.

153.     The role of Pc 3 micropulsations during magnetic impulsive events, D. W. Shields, S. E. M. Mason, E. A. Bering, III, A. Alaniz, R. Arnoldy, M. J. Engebretson, and W. J. Hughes, EOS, Trans. AGU, 79(45 Fall Meeting Supplement), F767, 1998.

154.     The SPRITES 99 Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons. Paper presented at the 1999 U S National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, January 4-8, 1999.

155.     VASIMR: The Ion Diagnostics. E. A. Bering, III, Paper presented at the VASIMR® Theory Workshop, JSC, Houston, TX, March 25-26, 1999.

156.     Detection of large electric fields in space, R. Kabadi, E. A. Bering, III and B. McIntyre, 1999 AIAA Annual Technical Symposium, Houston, TX, May 28, 1999.

157.     Multi-station studies of the overlap and propagation speed of Pc 3 micropulsations and magnetic impulsive events, D. W. Shields, E. A. Bering, III, S. E. M. Mason, A. Alaniz, R. Arnoldy, M. J. Engebretson, and W. J. Hughes, paper presented at the GEM Snowmass Workshop, 1999, Snowmass, Colo., June 21-25, (1999).

158.     An explanation of the Pc 5 polarization puzzle observation at South Pole Station, E. A. Bering, III and P. Nenovski, XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Abstracts, , , Birmingham, UK, July 10-24, (1999).

159.     Electrodynamic Coupling Between Troposphere and Ionosphere, E. A. Bering, III, invited paper presented at the ESF Workshop on Space Weather Coupling, Strasbourg, France, 1-3 December, (1999).

160.     The spatial structure of Pc3 events during magnetic impulsive events, D. W. Shields, E. A. Bering, III, R. L. Arnoldy, M. J. Engebretson, and W. J. Hughes, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F851, 1999.

161.     The 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F216, 1999.

162.     Sprites'99 Campaign highlights at the Yucca Ridge Field Station, W. A. Lyons, T. E. Nelson, J. L. Eastman, E. R. Williams, D. S. Suszcynsky, M. A. Taylor, Y. Takahashi, E. A. Bering, III and J. R. Benbrook, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F216, 1999.

163.     Observations of ELF/VLF sprite magnetic fields on August 21, 1999, A. Paredes, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering, III, J. A. Garrett, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F217, 1999.

164.      Supporting observations (X-rays, etc.) during the sprite balloon campaign, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering, III, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F217, 1999.

165.     Observations of sprite electric fields on August 21, 1999, J. A. Garrett, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering, III, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F226, 1999.

166.     Middle atmosphere electric fields driven by inertial waves: Implications for atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, R. H. Holzworth, and E. A. Bering, III, EOS, Trans. AGU, 80(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F778, 1999.

167.     The Sprites 99 Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, in National Radio Science Meeting, 4-8 January, 2000, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 170, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2000.

168.     Observations at Yucca Ridge during the 1999 NASA Sprites Balloon Campaign, W. A. Lyons, T. E. Nelson, J. L. Eastman, R. A. Armstrong, E. R. Williams, D. S. Suszcynsky, M. A. Taylor, Y. Takahashi, E. A. Bering, III and J. R. Benbrook, in National Radio Science Meeting, 4-8 January, 2000, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 171, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2000.

169.     Sprite and Elve Electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W. A. Lyons, invited paper presented at 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2000), Warsaw, Poland, 16 -23 July 2000.

170.     High voltage spacecraft charging: Theory and measurement, E. A. Bering, III, R. Kabadi and B. J. McIntyre, AIAA Space 2000, Long Beach, CA, 19-21 September, 2000.

171.     An overview of current research on the VASIMR® engine, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, A. V. Ilin, A. J. Petro, R. D. Bengtson, B. N. Breizman, F. W. Baity, M. D. Carter, R. Z. Sagdeev, K. Molvig, E. A. Bering, A. A. Chan, D. Micheletti, 2000 APS-DPP Mini Conference on Plasma Propulsion, 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Québec City, Canada, 23-27 October, 2000.

172.     Recent experimental results in the VX-10 device, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, J. E. McCoy, A. J. Petro, F. W. Baity, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering, J. A. Garrett, T. W. Glover, 2000 APS-DPP Mini Conference on Plasma Propulsion, 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Québec City, Canada, 23-27 October, 2000.

173.     A power and particle flow analysis of the VASIMR® experiments, R. D. Bengtson, J. Gibson, M. Panevsky, B. N. Breizman, F. R. Chang Díaz, M. Baine, A. V. Ilin, G. E. McCaskill, J. P. Squire, D. S. Winter, E. A. Bering, 2000 APS-DPP Mini Conference on Plasma Propulsion, 42nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Québec City, Canada, 23-27 October, 2000.

174.     Sprite and Elve Electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 81(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F135, 2000.

175.     Sprite Halo Electrodynamics, J. A. Garrett, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 81(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F131, 2000.

176.     The spatial structure of Pc3 emissions observed during traveling current vortices, M. Brukhart, D. W. Shields, E. A. Bering, III, D. L. Murr, W. J. Hughes, M. J. Engebretson, K. Hayashi, EOS, Trans. AGU, 81(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F1003, 2000.

177.     TCV-Concurrent Pc 3's Detected by Geotail Spacecraft and by Ground Stations, D. W. Shields, D. L. Murr, E. A. Bering, III, M. Brukhart, W. J. Hughes, M. J. Engebretson, K. Hayashi, EOS, Trans. AGU, 81(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F1003, 2000.

178.     Sprite and Elve Electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, in National Radio Science Meeting, 8-11 January, 2001, edited by G.S. Brown, p. 44, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2001.

179.     Sprite Halo Electrodynamics, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. Paredes, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, in National Radio Science Meeting, 8-11 January, 2001, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 97, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2001.

180.     The VASIMR® engine approach to solar system exploration, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, E. A. Bering, III, J. A. George, A.Ilin, A. J. Petro, 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , Reno, NV, 8-11 January, 2001.

181.     VASIMR® Ion Flow Results: 1.) Suprathermal ion flows in multi ion plasmas, and 2.) Velocity phase space distribution functions, E. A. Bering, III, Paper presented at the VASIMR® Workshop, JSC, Houston, TX, March 28-29, 2001.

182.     Rapid decrease of dawnside convection electric field due to precipitation of substorm injection particles: Observation by PPB #5, A. Kadokura, M. Ejiri, N. Sato, Y. Ebihara, F. Tohyama, Y. Tonegawa, Y. Hirashima, H. Suzuki, E. A. Bering, III, and J. R. Benbrook, paper presented at The 25th Symposium on coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan, 30-31 July, 2001.

183.     Quantitative interpretation of sprite generated ELF pulses, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. M. Paredes, D. D. Sentman, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, paper presented at IAGA-IASPEI Join Scientific Assembly 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-31 August, 2001.

184.     Ion source development for the VASIMR® engine, F.R. Chang-Díaz, J.P. Squire, V.T. Jacobson, G.E. McCaskill, D.S. Winter, T.W. Glover, D.G. Chavers, E.A. Bering, paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Ion Sources, Berkeley, CA, 6 September, 2001.

185.     Development of the VASIMR® helicon source, V.T. Jacobson, F.R. Chang-Díaz, J.P. Squire, G.E. McCaskill, J.E. McCoy, A. J. Petro, D.S.Winter, H.M. Jamison, F.W. Baity, R.D. Bengtson, E.A. Bering, T.W. Glover, paper presented at the Annual APS-Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Long Beach, CA October (2001).

186.     Particle and power balance in a helicon operating with light gasses [Experimental], R. D. Bengtson, J.N. Gibson, V.T. Jacobson, F.R. Chang-Díaz, G.E. McCaskill, J.E. McCoy, A. J. Petro, D.S. Winter, H.M. Jamison, E.A. Bering, T.W. Glover, paper CM1.020 presented at the Annual APS-Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Long Beach, CA October (2001).

187.     Statistics of TLE types and properties observed during the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, L. Bhusal, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, J.A. Garrett, A.M.P. Jackson, D.R. Moudry, E.M. Wescott, D.D. Sentman, H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 82(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F151, 2001

188.     Mesospheric energy input owing to sprites and other TLE’s and the possible effects thereof, E.A. Bering, D.D. Sentman, J.R. Benbrook, L. Bhusal, J.A. Garrett, A.M.P. Jackson, D.R. Moudry, E.M. Wescott, H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A. Lyons, EOS, Trans. AGU, 82(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F149, 2001

189.     Properties of the auroral zone ionosphere inferred using plasma contactor data from the International Space Station, S. Koontz, E. A. Bering, III, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, EOS, Trans. AGU, 82(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), F957, 2001

190.     Statistics of TLE types and properties observed during the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, L. Bhusal, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, J.A. Garrett, A.M.P. Jackson, D.R. Moudry, E.M. Wescott, D.D. Sentman, H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A. Lyons, in National Radio Science Meeting, 9-12 January, 2002, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 298, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2002.

191.     Mesospheric energy input owing to sprites and other TLE’s and the possible effects thereof, E.A. Bering, D.D. Sentman, J.R. Benbrook, L. Bhusal, J.A. Garrett, A.M.P. Jackson, D.R. Moudry, E.M. Wescott, H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A. Lyons, in National Radio Science Meeting, 9-12 January, 2002, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 299, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2002.

192.     Properties of the auroral zone ionosphere inferred using plasma contactor data from the International Space Station, S. Koontz, E. A. Bering, III, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, in National Radio Science Meeting, 9-12 January, 2002, edited by G. S. Brown, p. 340, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2002.

193.     Experimental studies of the exhaust plasma of the VASIMR® engine, E. A. Bering, III, M. Brukardt, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, V. Jacobson, R. D. Bengtson, J. N. Gibson, T. W. Glover, 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , AIAA, (2002).

194.     The plasma environment of the International Space Station in the austral summer auroral zone inferred from plasma contactor data, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, I. Katz, B. Gardner, D. Evans, D. Ferguson, 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit , AIAA, (2002).

195.     Progress in Experimental Research of the VASIMR® Engine, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, D. G. Chavers, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, R. W. Boswell, R. H. Goulding, M. Light, Open Systems, July 1-5, 2002, Jeju Island, Korea, 2002 .

196.     Variation of the stratospheric vertical electric field associated with ionospheric potential variation: Observation by the PPB#4, A. Kadokura, M. Ejiri, N. Sato, Y. Ebihara, F. Tohyama, Y. Tonegawa, Y. Hirashima, H. Suzuki, E. A. Bering, III, and J. R. Benbrook, paper presented at The 26th Symposium on coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan, 30-31 July, 2002.

197.     Transient luminous event statistics, source strength energetics observed during the1999 sprites balloon campaign, E.A. Bering, J.R. Benbrook, J.A. Garrett, A.M.P. Jackson, D.R. Moudry, E.M. Wescott, D.D. Sentman, H.C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A. Lyons, XXXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002, in Programme, Poster Presentations, International Union of Radio Science, XXVIIth General Assembly, edited by M. M. P. Hall, and G. Brussaard, p. 79, URSI, Ghent, Belgium, 2002.

198.     Properties of the auroral zone ionosphere inferred using plasma contactor data from the International Space Station, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, XXXVIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002, in Programme, Poster Presentations, International Union of Radio Science, XXVIIth General Assembly, edited by M. M. P. Hall, and G. Brussaard, p. 152, URSI, Ghent, Belgium, 2002.

199.     Statistics and properties of TLE’s found in 1999 sprites balloon campaign, L.Bhusal, E.A.Bering, III, J.R.Benbrook, J.A.Garrett, A.M.Paredes, E.M.Wescott, D.R.Moudry, D.D.Sentman, H.C.Stenbaek-Nielsen, W.A.Lyons, paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

200.     The link between PC 3 emissions and traveling current vortices, D. Shields, E. A. Bering, III, D. Murr, M. Brukardt, W. J. Hughes, M. J. Engebretson, R. L. Arnoldy, K. Hayashi, L. J. Lanzerotti, C. G. Maclennan, paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

201.     The results from the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, invited paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

202.     Long term changes in the electrical conductivity of the stratosphere, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, and G. J. Byrne, invited paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

203.     Calibrating and deriving physical parameters using plasma contactor data from the international space station, E. A. Bering, III, S. Koontz, D. Evans, I. Katz, B. Gardner, R. M. Suggs, J.I. Minow, P.. Dalton, D.C. Ferguson, G.B. Hillard, J.L.Counts, H. Barsamian, J. Kern, R. Mikatarian, paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

204.     The new face of space – Exciting the next generation, M. J. Sanchez , E. A. Bering, III and/for the WSC Houston Organizing Committee Education Task Force, paper presented at 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 10 -19 October 2002.

205.     Ion Dynamics and ICRH Heating in the Exhaust Plasma of The VASIMR® Engine, E. A. Bering, M. S. Brukardt, W. A. Rodriguez, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, A. V. Ilin, D. S. Winter, R. D. Bengtson, J. N. Gibson, T. W. Glover, D. G. Chavers, IAC-02-S.P.06, 53rd International Astronautical Congress / The World Space Congress, Houston, TX, 11p., 10-19 October, 2002.

206.      Long term changes in the electrical conductivity of the stratosphere, E. A. Bering, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A11C-0112 , 2002.

207.     Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003, H. Yamagishi, A. Kadokura, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, T. Okada, E. A. Bering III, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SH21A-0519, 2002.

208.     Experimental research progress toward the VASIMR® engine, J.P. Squire, F. R. Chang-Díaz, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, F. W. Baity, R. H. Goulding, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, and K. A. Stokke, paper IEPC 03-286 presented at the 28th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC 2003, Toulouse, France, 17-21 March 2003.

209.     Investigation of a light gas helicon plasma source for the VASIMR® space propulsion system, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang-Díaz, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, F. W. Baity, M. D. Carter, R. H. Goulding, R. D. Bengtson, and E. A. Bering, paper presented at the 15th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Moran, WY, May 19-21, 2003.

210.     The results from the 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, in USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, 2003 Digest, edited by R. J. Marhefka, p. 539, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2003.

211.     The use of RF waves in space propulsion systems, E. A. Bering, III, F. Chang-Díaz, and J. P. Squire, in USNC/CNC/URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, 2003 Digest, edited by R. J. Marhefka, p. 725, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2003.

212.     The results from the 1999 sprites balloon campaign, E. A. Bering, III, L. Bhusal, J. R. Benbrook, J. A. Garrett, A. M. P. Jackson, E. M. Wescott, D. R. Moudry, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and W. A. Lyons, in XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG2003, June 30- July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, Abstracts, vol. Week B, edited by Secretariat General of IUGG2003, p. B.195, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Yokosuka, Japan, 2003.

213.     MHD simulation of the exhaust plume in the VASIMR® advanced propulsion concept, A. G. Tarditi, J. V. Shebalin, and E. A. Bering, in XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG2003, June 30- July 11, 2003, Sapporo, Japan, Abstracts, vol. Week B, edited by Secretariat General of IUGG2003, p. B.240, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Yokosuka, Japan, 2003.

214.     Early Results of ICRH Experiments in VX-10, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, A. V. Ilin, A. J. Petro, V. Jacobson, G. McCaskill, A. G. Tarditi, D. A. Winter, R. D. Bengtson, B. N. Breizman, F. W. Baity, M. D. Carter, P. Colestock, M. Light, E. A. Bering, T. W. Glover, C. Davis, and D. G. Chavers, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, DPP03, RP1.138, 2003.

215.     Multiple balloon campaign (MINIS) to study MeV electron precipitation, J.G. Sample, D. M. Smith, G. Parks, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, M. McCarthy, R. Millan, M. Kokorowski, B. Reddell, L. Huss, E. Lay, S. Bale, G. Delory, P. O'Brien, J. B. Blake, R. P. Lin, A. R. Hughes, P. Stoker, and H. Moraal, EOS, Trans. AGU, 84(46 Fall Meeting Supplement), Abstract SM41C-0582, 2003.

216.     The VASIMR® engine: Project status and recent accomplishments, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. Glover, A. J. Petro, E. A. Bering III, F. W. Baity Jr., R. H. Goulding, M. D. Carter, R. D. Bengtson, and B. N. Breizman, paper presented at the 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 5-8, 2004.

217.     Velocity phase space studies of ion dynamics in the VASIMR® engine, E. A. Bering, III, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, R. D. Bengtson, and M. Brukardt, paper presented at the 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 5-8, 2004.

218.     Bering, E. A., III, J. R. Benbrook, R. H. Holzworth, G. J. Byrne, and S. P. Gupta, Latitude gradients in the natural variance in stratospheric conductivity -- implications for studies of long term changes. Invited paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

219.     Bering, E. A., III, F. R. Chang-Díaz, and J. P. Squire, Simulation and application of the physics of the auroral current region and magnetotail plasmoid production in the VASIMR rocket. Paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

220.     Bering, E. A., III, R. H. Holzworth, B. Reddell, M. F. Kokorowski, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, Balloon observations of temporal and spatial fluctuations in stratospheric conductivity. Paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

221.     Holzworth, R. H., E. A. Bering III, M. F. Kokorowski, B. Reddell, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, Balloon observations of spatial coherence in the global circuit. Paper presented at the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, 16-25 July, 2004.

222.     Burns, G. B., A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, O. Troshichev, E. A. Bering III, and B. Reddell, Season variations of the geoelectric field at Vostok, Antarctica, determined from five years of data, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(28 West. Pac. Geophys. Suppl.), Abstract A23A-53, 2004.

223.     Jansen, P., E. A. Bering III, L. Symons, J. Reeve, and G. B. Burns, A modern air-earth current meter and an electric field mill for Antarctic deployment, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(28 West. Pac. Geophys. Suppl.), Abstract A23A-54, 2004.

224.     Ion velocity phase space studies of the VASIMR® engine exhaust plasma, E. A. Bering, III, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, V. Jacobson, A. Tarditi, R. D. Bengtson, T. W. Glover, M. Brukardt, and G. E. McCaskill, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 49, 295, 2004.

225.     Observations of quasi-planar ionizing solitary waves associated with sprites, D. Sentman, H. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and E. Bering, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract AE31B-0172, 2004.

226.     Observations of the electromagentic fields from quasi-planar ionizing solitary waves associated with sprites, E. A. Bering, J. R. Benbrook, D. D. Sentman, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract AE31B-0171, 2004.

227.     Seasonal variations of atmospheric electricity measured at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, B. D. Reddell, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering, E. N. Cleary, and A. A. Few, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM13A-1187, 2004.

228.     Balloon study of the global circuit: spatial coherence and correlation with lightning observations, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, M. F. Kokorowski, B. D. Reddell, A. Kadokura, H. Yamgishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, H. Hirosawa, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), AE53A-02, 2004.

229.     A multiple balloon campaign to study relativistic electron loss mechanisms, R. M. Millan, D. M. Smith, G. K. Parks, J. G. Sample, M. P. McCarthy, R. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, L. Woodger, M. F. Kokorowski, E. Lay, S. Bale, T. P. O'Brien, J. B. Blake, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, P. Stoker, A. R. Hughes, and A. B. Collier, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), SM41A-1105, 2004.

230.     Creation of a new public global circuit database, B. J. Nemec, E. A. Bering III, E. A. Bering IV, B. Reddell, G. B. Burns, O. A. Troshichev, and A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, EOS, Trans. AGU, 85(47 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract AE53A-01, 2004.

231.     Observations of electric fields in the Polar Patrol Balloon experiment in 2003, E. A. Bering, R. H. Holzworth, A. Kadokura, H. Yamagishi, T. Yamagami, M. Namiki, Y. Matsuzaka, Y. Saito, and JARE-44 PPB Group, Paper presented at the Balloon Symposium at ISAS/JAXA, 2-3 December, 2004.

232.     Application of the physics of the auroral current region in the VASIMR® engine, M. S. Brukardt, E. A. Bering, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, V. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, J. T. Eckberg, and J. Castro-Nieto, in National Radio Science Meeting, edited by P. L. E. Uslenghi, K. Grosland, and J. McKie, p. 347, United States National Committee, International Union of Radio Science, Boulder, CO, 2005.

233.     Progress toward the development of a 50 kW VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, J. Squire, G. McCaskill, V. Jacobson, T. Glover, and M. Brukardt, Paper AIAA-2005-0369 presented at the AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 10-13 January, 2005.

234.     Mars Rover Models - A program to enrich teaching space science, planetary exploration and robotics in elementary and middle school, E. A. Bering, J. Ramsey, B. Boyko, H. Smith, S. Peck, and W. Arceneaux, Paper AIAA-2005-0285 presented at the AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, 10-13 January, 2005.

235.     Integrating the teaching of space science, planetary exploration and robotics in elementary and middle school with Mars Rover Models, E. A. Bering, J. Ramsey, H. Smith, B. S. Boyko, S. Peck, and W. H. Arcenaux, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(18 Jt. Assem. Suppl.), Abstract ED13D-07, 2005.

236.     Survey of substorm activity from Polar Patrol Balloons #8 and #10, B. D. Reddell, E. A. Bering, R. H. Holzworth, M. Kokorowski, A. Kadokura, M. Yamagishi, N. Sato, M. Ejiri, T. Yamagami, S. Torii, F. Tohyama, Y. Nishio, M. Nakagawa, and T. Okada, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(18 Jt. Assem. Suppl.), Abstract SM43C-01, 2005.

237.     Preliminary electric field results from a multiple balloon campaign to study relativistic electron loss, E. A. Bering, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, J. G. Sample, M. P. McCarthy, D. M. Smith, D. M. Parks, R. M. Millan, L. Woodger, B. D. Reddell, E. Lay, S. D. Bale, M. Pulupa, T. P. O'Brien, J. B. Blake, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, P. Stoker, A. R. Hughes, and A. B. Collier, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(18 Jt. Assem. Suppl.), Abstract SM23C-06, 2005.

238.     Preliminary X-ray results from a multiple balloon campaign to study relativistic electron loss, J. G. Sample, M. Kokorowski, R. M. Millan, M. P. McCarthy, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, G. K. Parks, L. Woodger, B. D. Reddell, E. Lay, M. Pulupa, S. D. Bale, T. P. O'Brien, J. B. Blake, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, P. Stoker, A. R. Hughes, A. B. Collier, and D. M. Smith, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(18 Jt. Assem. Suppl.), Abstract SM31A-06, 2005.

239.     Global observations of the effect of a sustained north-south oscillation in the IMF, B. J. Nemec, E. A. Bering III, R. Nellums, R. H. Holzworth, A. Kadokura, and A. J. Ridley, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(18 Jt. Assem. Suppl.), Abstract SM42A-05, 2005.

240.     Investigation of relativistic electron precipitation using ground-based and satellite data during the MINIS balloon campaign, L. A. Woodger, R. M. Millan, M. P. McCarthy, J. G. Sample, G. K. Parks, E. Lay, D. M. Smith, M. Kokorowski, E. A. Bering, R. H. Holzworth, B. D. Reddell, S. Bale, T. P. O'Brien, J. B. Blake, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, and P. Stoker, paper presented at the CEDAR/GEM Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 26 June - 1 July, 2005.

241.     Investigation of relativistic electron precipitation using ground-based and satellite data during the MINIS balloon campaign, M. Kokorowski, R. Holzworth, J. G. Sample, E. A. Bering, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, and D. M. Smith, paper presented at the CEDAR/GEM Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 26 June - 1 July, 2005.

242.     An instrument suite for observing spacecraft/environment interactions during high power electric propulsion tests, D. G. Chavers, E. A. Bering III, A. J. Petro, and F. C. Chang-Díaz, paper IAGA2005-A-00910 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

243.     Coordinated observations of the visible emissions and electromagnetic fields from quasi-planar ionizing solitary waves associated with sprites, E. A. Bering, III, J. R. Benbrook, D. D. Sentman, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, paper IAGA2005-A-01221 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

244.     Sprites and ionizing solitary waves, D. D. Sentman, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and E. A. Bering III, paper IAGA2005-A-01229 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

245.     Ionospheric effects of a sustained north-south oscillation in the IMF, B. J. Nemec, E. A. Bering III, R. Nellums, A. J. Ridley, R. H. Holzworth, and A. Kadokura, paper IAGA2005-A-00782 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

246.     Multiple balloon observations of relativistic electron loss and associated electric and magnetic field perturbations. E. A. Bering, III, and The MINIS Team, paper IAGA2005-A-00631 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

247.     Observations of substorms and ionospheric convection by Polar Patrol Balloons #8 and #10, B. D. Reddell, E. A. Bering III, and The PPB Team, paper IAGA2005-A-00905 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

248.     Spatial coherence and correlation with lightning flash rate of the current flowing in the global circuit, E. A. Bering, III, and The PPB Team, paper IAGA2005-A-00933 presented at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.

249.     Transport of energetic electrons from the outer belt to the atmosphere. W. R. Sheldon, J. R. Benbrook, E. A. Bering III, V. Andersen, and L. S. Pinsky, paper IAGA2005-A-01141 presented posthumously by title only at the 10th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005.  

250.     Mars Rover Models -- A Program to Enrich Teaching Space Science, Planetary Exploration and Robotics in Elementary and Middle School, E. A. Bering, III, J. Ramsey, M. Smith, B. S. Boyko, S. Peck, and W. Arcenaux, paper presented at the Fall 2005 Meeting of the Texas Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, 2005.

251.     Balloon and satellite observations of substorm activity, B. D. Reddell, E. A. Bering III, and The PPB Team, paper presented at the Fall 2005 Meeting of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society, 2005.                              

252.     Electron precipitation and ionospheric electric field observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005, E. A. Bering, III, B. D. Reddell, S. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, R. H. Holzworth, A. R. Hughes, M. Kokorowski, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, paper presented at the Fall 2005 Meeting of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society, 2005.

253.     Application of the Physics of the Auroral Current Region in the VASIMR® Rocket, M. Brukardt, E. A. Bering III, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, and T. W. Glover, paper presented at the Fall 2005 Meeting of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society, 2005.

254.     History of improvements in single-pass ICRH ion acceleration in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, L. Cassady, M. Brukardt, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, A. Tarditi, V. Jacobson, G. McCaskill, and R. D. Bengtson, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 50, 109-110, 2005.

255.     Ion acceleration by single pass ion cyclotron heating in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, M. Brukardt, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, V. Jacobson, A. Tarditi, G. McCaskill, and R. D. Bengtson, Proceedings of the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Paper IEPC-2005-093, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 31 October - 4 November, 2005.

256.     Diagnostics for in-space testing of high power electric thrusters on the International Space Station, G. Chavers, J. Jones, C. Dobson, J. Vaughn, F. Chang-Díaz, E. Bering, and A. Petro, Proceedings of the 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Paper IEPC-2005-168, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 31 October - 4 November, 2005.

257.     Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF By) and atmospheric electric circuit influences on ground level pressure at Vostok, G. B. Burns, B. A. Tinsley, O. A. Troshichev, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, and E. A. Bering III, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract A43C-0104, 2005.

258.     Overview of the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005, E. A. Bering, III, L. Woodger, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, M. Kokorowski, J. U. Koyzra, R. M. Millan, G. K. Parks, L. Paxton, B. D. Reddell, and D. M. Smith, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH22A-01, 2005.

259.     Direct observation of prompt solar flare perturbation to stratospheric electrodynamics, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, M. Kokorowski, B. D. Reddell, M. P. McCarthy, S. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH22A-03, 2005.

260.     MINIS observations of MeV electron precipitation on January 21st 2005, J. G. Sample, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, M. Kokorowski, S. Bale, E. A. Bering III, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, R. H. Holzworth, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH22A-03, 2005.

261.     Investigating EMIC waves as a relativistic electron precipitation mechanism during the balloon campaign, L. Woodger, R. M. Millan, J. G. Sample, M. P. McCarthy, S. Bale, E. A. Bering III, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, R. H. Holzworth, A. R. Hughes, M. Kokorowski, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, and P. Stoker, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH23A-0330, 2005.

262.     Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, B. D. Reddell, M. Kokorowski, S. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH23A-0331, 2005.

263.     Effects of the January 16th-20th solar flares on the fair-weather global electric circuit, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering III, B. D. Reddell, M. P. McCarthy, S. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH23A-0332, 2005.

264.      MINIS balloon and RHESSI observations of a solar energetic particle event, M. P. McCarthy, D. M. Smith, J. G. Sample, S. Bale, E. A. Bering III, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, R. H. Holzworth, A. R. Hughes, M. Kokorowski, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, G. H. Share, A. Y. Shih, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SH23A-0333, 2005.

265.     Global monitoring of relativistic electron precipitation with balloon networks: MINIS and beyond, R. M. Millan, D. M. Smith, J. G. Sample, S. Bale, E. A. Bering III, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, R. H. Holzworth, A. R. Hughes, M. Kokorowski, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, P. Stoker, and L. Woodger, EOS, Trans. AGU, 86(56 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM51D-04, 2005.

266.     The helicon discharge in the VASIMR® experiment, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, G. E. McCaskill, F. C. Chang-Díaz, F. W. Baity, M. D. Carter, R. H. Goulding, R. D. Bengtson, E. A. Bering III, and M. Brukardt, in Abstracts, National Radio Science Meeting, 4-7 January 2006, edited by P. Uslenghi, p. 260, USNC/URSI, Boulder, CO, 2006.

267.     Ion cyclotron resonance heating in the VASIMR, M. Brukardt, E. A. Bering III, F. C. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, and V. T. Jacobson, in Abstracts, National Radio Science Meeting, 4-7 January 2006, edited by P. Uslenghi, p. 261, USNC/URSI, Boulder, CO, 2006.

268.     Recent improvements in ion cyclotron heating efficiency in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, III, M. Brukardt, J. P. Squire, V. T. Jacobson, T. W. Glover, and G. E. McCaskill, Paper AIAA-2006-0766 presented at the 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 9-12 January 2006, Reno, Nevada.

269.     Promoting student interest in science and engineering: Mars Rover Competition Grades 3-8, J. Ramsey and E. Bering. Paper AIAA-2006-5146 presented at the 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 9-12 July 2006, Sacramento, California.

270.     A public database of Antarctic atmospheric electricity measurements: A data system for the International Polar Year. E. A. Bering, III, B. J. Nemec, E. A. Bering IV, B. D. Reddell, G. B. Burns, O. A. Troshichev, and A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, Paper 0085 presented at the 2nd SCAR Open Science Conference, SCAR XXIX/COMNAP XVIII, 12-14 July, 2006, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

271.      Antarctic studies of stratospheric and ionospheric electrodynamics using multiple balloons: The PPB and MINIS campaigns, E. A. Bering, III, R. H. Holzworth, A. Kadokura, D. M. Smith, B. D. Reddell, M. F. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, The PPB Collaboration, and The MINIS Collaboration. Paper 0086 presented at the 2nd SCAR Open Science Conference, SCAR XXIX/COMNAP XVIII, 12-14 July, 2006, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

272.      The atmospheric electric circuit: Its relation to and influence on weather and climate, G. B. Burns, B. A. Tinsley, O. A. Troshichev, E. A. Bering, A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky, and M. J. Jarvis. Paper 0042 presented at the 2nd SCAR Open Science Conference, SCAR XXIX/COMNAP XVIII, 12-14 July, 2006, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

273.      Magnetospheric electric field variations caused by storm-time shock fronts, B. Reddell, E. Bering, M. Ruohoniemi, and The MINIS Team. Paper D3.2-0032-06 presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 18-23, 2006, Beijing, China.

274.      Simulation of ion cyclotron heating in the auroral current region in the VASIMR, E. A. Bering, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, M. Brukardt, T. W. Glover, R. D. Bengtson, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, and L. Cassady. Paper C5.2-0010-06 presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 18-23, 2006, Beijing, China.

275.      Simultaneous observations of Pc 1 micropulsation activity and stratospheric electrodynamic perturbations on 27 January 2003, E. Bering, M. Engebretson, R. H. Holzworth, A. Kadokura, M. Kokorowski, B. Reddell, and H. Yamagishi. Paper C2.1-0046-06 presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 18-23, 2006, Beijing, China.

276.      The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics pre-college outreach program, E. Bering, L. Bacon, K. Copper, L. J. Hansen, M. Sanchez, and AIAA Precollege Outreach Committee. Paper SPECIAL SESSION 2-0006-06 presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 18-23, 2006, Beijing, China.

277.      VASIMR® simulation study of auroral ion cyclotron heating, M. Brukardt, E. A. Bering III, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, L. D. Cassady, and R. D. Bengtson, EOS, Trans. AGU, 87(57) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM31B-0313, 2006.

278.      Auroral zone energetic proton precipitation and Pc1 micropulsation activity on 27 January 2003, E. A. Bering, III, M. J. Engebretson, J. L. Posch, R. H. Holzworth, A. Kadfokura, M. Kokorowski, B. D. Reddell, and A. Yamagishi, EOS, Trans. AGU, 87(57) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM43B-1484, 2006.

279.      Convection responses to the CME shock fronts of 21 January 2005, B. D. Reddell, E. A. Bering III, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, J. G. Sample, D. Smith, and M. Ruohoniemi, EOS, Trans. AGU, 87(57) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM43B-1498, 2006.

280.      Sudden stratospheric vertical electric field fluctuations over Antarctica during a hard solar energetic particle event, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, M. P. McCarthy, E. A. Bering III, A. Seppälä, E. Turunen, B. D. Reddell, and J. N. Thomas, EOS, Trans. AGU, 87(57) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31-1042, 2006.

281.      High power ion cyclotron heating in the VASIMR® engine, E. Bering, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, V. Jacobson, L. Cassady, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2007-0586 presented at the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 8-11 January 2007, Reno, Nevada.

282.      Progress in the application of auroral mechanisms to electric propulsion, E. Bering, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, M. Brukardt, T. W. Glover, R. D. Bengtson, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, L. D. Cassady, and W. J. Chancery, in Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly Perugia, Italy 2007: IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Association Symposia and Workshops, edited by P. Rizzoli, p. 572, IUGG, Perugia, Italy, 2007. (2-13 July)

283.      Effects of solar energetic particles and radiation belt precipitation on the middle atmosphere and the global electric circuit, E. Bering, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, M. J. Engebretsen, J. L. Posch, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, A. Kadokura, B. D. Reddell, and H. Yamagishi, in Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly Perugia, Italy 2007: IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Association Symposia and Workshops, edited by P. Rizzoli, p. 317, IUGG, Perugia, Italy, 2007. (2-13 July)

284.      Progress of the ion cyclotron resonance heating experiment in the VASIMR, M. S. Brukardt, E. A. Bering III, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, and G. W. Cassady. Paper presented at the 2007-URSI CNC/USNC North America Radio Science Meeting, 22-26 July, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2007.

285.        VASIMR: A private enterprise solution to space transportation beyond LEO, E. A. Bering, III, T. W. Glover, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, L. D. Cassady, M. S. Brukardt, and B. Longmier. Paper AIAA-2007-6134 in Proceedings of Space 2007, 18-20 September, Long Beach, CA, AIAA, Long Beach, CA, 2007.

286.      High power VASIMR® experiments using deuterium, neon, and argon, J. P. Squire, F. Chang Díaz, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, R. D. Bengtson, and E. A. Bering. Paper IEPC-2007-181 presented to the 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 17-20 September, Florence, Italy, 2007.

287.      Use of auroral processes in spacecraft propulsion: A VASIMR® VX-100 status report, M. Brukardt, E. A. Bering, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, L. D. Cassady, V. T. Jacobson, W. J. Chancery, and B. W. Longmier, EOS, Trans. AGU, 88(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM23B-1405, 2007.

288.      Parameterization of a cross polar cap potential decrease during a hard solar energetic particle event using the Hill saturation model, M. M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, M. P. McCarthy, E. A. Bering, A. Seppälä, and E. Turunen, EOS, Trans. AGU, 88(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SA23A-1124, 2007.

289.      The VASIMR® ion cyclotron heating experiment, M. S. Brukardt, E. A. Bering III, B. W. Longmier, F. R. Chang Díaz, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, and L. D. Cassady, in Abstracts, National Radio Science Meeting, 3-6 January, 2008, edited by P. G. Uslenghi, USNC/URSI, Boulder, CO, 2008.

290.      Post-noon Pc 1 micropulstion activity and auroral energetic proton precipitation on 27 January 2003, E. Bering, M. Kokorowski, R. H. Holzworth, M. J. Engebretsen, J. L. Posch, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, A. Kadokura, B. D. Reddell, and H. Yamagishi, in Abstracts, National Radio Science Meeting, 3-6 January, 2008, edited by P. G. Uslenghi, USNC/URSI, Boulder, CO, 2008.

291.      VASIMR® VX-100 Engine: Next step to high power electric propulsion, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, V. Jacobson, and M. Brukardt, in Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 7-10 January, 2008, AIAA, Reno, NV, 2008.

292.      Validating a plasma momentum flux sensor against an inverted pendulum thrust stand, B. Longmier, B. Reid, A. Gallimore, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, and E. Bering. Paper AIAA-2008-4739 presented at the 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 21-23 July 2008, Hartford, Connecticut, 2008.

293.     VASIMR® Performance measurements at powers exceeding 50 kW and lunar robotic mission applications, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, T. W. Glover, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, V. T. Jacobson, G. E. McCaskill, C. S. Olsen, E. A. Bering, M. S. Brukardt, B. W. Longmier, Paper GP-I5(invited talk) presented at the International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Gaseous and Liquid Plasmas, Akiu/Sendai, Japan, Sept. 5-6 2008.

294.      VASIMR® VX-100: High power electric propulsion for space transportation beyond LEO, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2008-7623 presented at the AIAA Space 2008 Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA, 9-11 September, 2008.

295.      Exhaust plume measurements of the VASIMR® VX-200, B. Longmier, E. Bering III, J. Squire, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, and M. Brukardt, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 53(14 Suppl. 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics), 216, 2008.

296.      High power electric propulsion using the VASIMR® VX-200: A flight technology prototype, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, J. Squire, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, and M. Brukardt, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 53(14 Suppl. 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics), 216, 2008.

297.      Creating flowing space plasma environments with VASIMR, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, and M. Brukardt, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 53(14 Suppl. 50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics), 252, 2008.

298.      Ion cyclotron waves in the VASIMR, M. S. Brukardt, E. A. Bering, F. R. Chang-Díaz, J. P. Squire, and B. Longmier, EOS, Trans. AGU, 89(53 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM31A-1683, 2008.

299.      MINIS observations during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005: ULF waves, E. A. Bering, R. H. Holzworth, M. Kokorowski, D. M. Smith, M. Comess, and J. G. Sample, EOS, Trans. AGU, 89(53 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM33A-1742, 2008.

300.      High power electric propulsion using the VASIMR® VX-200: A flight technology demonstrator, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, T. Glover, F. Chang-Díaz, J. Squire, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-245 presented at the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 5-8 January, 2009.

301.      Thrust and exhaust plume measurements of the VASIMR® VX-200, B. Longmier, E. Bering, J. Squire, T. Glover, F. Chang Díaz, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-0246 presented at the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 5-8 January, 2009.

302.      Ambipolar Ion Acceleration in the Expanding Magnetic Nozzle of the VASIMR® VX-200i, B. W. Longmier, J. P. Squire, M. D. Carter, L. D. Cassady, T. W. Glover, W. J. Chancery, C. S. Olsen, A. V. Ilin, G. E. McCaskill, F. R. Chang Díaz, and E. A. Bering, Paper AIAA 2009-5359 presented at the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Denver, CO, August 2-5, 2009.

303.      VASIMR® Technological Advances and First Stage Performance Results, L. D. Cassady, W. J. Chancery, B. W. Longmier, C. S. Olsen, G. E. McCaskill, M. D. Carter, T. W. Glover, J. P. Squire, F. R. Chang Díaz, and E. A. Bering, Paper AIAA-2009-5362 presented at the 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Denver, CO, August 2-5, 2009.

304.      VASIMR® VX-200: High power electric propulsion for space transportation beyond LEO, E. Bering, B. Longmier, F. Chang Díaz, J. Squire, T. Glover, J. Chancery, M. Carter, L. Cassady, and M. Brukardt. Paper AIAA-2009-6481 presented at theAIAA Space 2009 Conference and Exposition, 14-17 September, 2009, Pasadena, CA, 2009.

305.      Superconducting 200 kW VASIMR® Experiment and Integrated Testing, J. P., Squire, L. D. Cassady, F. R. Chang Díaz, M.D. Carter, T. W. Glover, A. V. Ilin, B. W. Longmier, G. E. McCaskill, C. S. Olsen, E. A. Bering III, Paper IEPC-2009-209 presented at the 31st International Electric Propulsion Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, September 20-24, 2009.

306.     MINIS Observations of ULF Waves Before the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 January 2005, E. A. Bering, R. H. Holzworth, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, and M. Comess, EOS, Trans. AGU, 90(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM43C-02, 2009.

307.     High Power Ion Cyclotron Heating in the VASIMR®, B. W. Longmier, M. S. Brukardt, E. A. Bering, C. S. Olsen, M. Ballenger, F. Chang Díaz, and J. P. Squire, EOS, Trans. AGU, 90(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM53A-1364, 2009.

308.     Exhaust plume spatial structure of the VASIMR® VX-200, E. Bering, III, B. Longmier, W. Chancery, C. Olsen, M. Ballenger, J. Squire, and F. Chang Díaz. Paper AIAA-2009-0622 presented at the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-7 January, 2010, Orlando, FL, 2010.

309.     Performance and Exhaust Plume Measurements of the VASIMR® VX-200, Benjamin W. Longmier, Jared P. Squire, Leonard D. Cassady, Chris S. Olsen, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Tim W. Glover, Mark D. Carter, Greg E. McCaskill, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, and Edgar A. Bering III, presented at the AIAA Annual Technical Symposium, April 29, 2010, Houston, TX

310.     Measuring the atmospheric circuit from the Antarctic plateau, Gary Burns,  Brian Tinsley, John French, Alexander Frank-Kamenetsky, Oleg Troshichev, Edgar Bering, Invited paper D21-0027-10 presented at the 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany, 19-23 July, 2010.

311.     VASIMR® Performance Results, L.D. Cassady, B.W. Longmier, C.O. Olsen, M.G. Ballenger, G.E. McCaskill, A.V. Ilin, M.D. Carter, T.W. Glover, J.P. Squire, F.R. Chang Díaz, and E.A. Bering, III, Paper AIAA-2010-6772 in Proceedings of the 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Nashville, TN, 25-28 July, 2010.

312.     Performance Measurements and Technology Demonstration of the VASIMR® VX-200, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Jared Squire, Tim Glover, Leonard Cassady, Andrew Ilin, Mark Carter, Chris Olsen, Greg McCaskill, Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2010-8669 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2010 Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, California, Aug. 30- Sept. 2, 2010. 

313.     A computationally intensive undergraduate thesis: Lessons Learned, E. A. Bering, III, and C. A. Henderson, Booth talk, Super Computing 2010, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 15-18, 2010.

314.     The VASIMR® VF-200-1 ISS Experiment as a Laboratory for Astrophysics, T. Glover, J. P. Squire, B. W. Longmier, M. D. Carter, A. V. Ilin, L. D. Cassady, C. S. Olsen, F. R. Chang Díaz, G. E. McCaskill, E. A. Bering, D. Garrison, S. Girimaji, D. Araya, L. Morin, J. V. Shebalin, EOS, Trans. AGU, 91(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM51C-1831 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

315.     Performance Measurements and Technology Demonstration of the VASIMR® VX-200, B. W. Longmier, E. A. Bering, J. P. Squire, T. W. Glover, L. D. Cassady, A. V. Ilin, M. D. Carter, C. S. Olsen, G. E. McCaskill, F. R. Chang Díaz, EOS, Trans. AGU, 91(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM21A-1890 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

316.     ULF Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 Dec 2005, E. A. Bering, R. M. Millan, M.  McCarthy, R. H. Holzworth, L. A. Woodger, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, D. M. Smith, EOS, Trans. AGU, 91(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM22A-02 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

317.     Performance studies of the VASIMR® VX-200, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Maxwell Ballenger, Chris Olsen, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2011-1071 in Proceedings of the 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, Florida, Jan. 4-7, 2011.

318.     ISS Space Plasma Laboratory (ISPL): A boundary free laboratory to investigate reconnection, E. A. Bering, III, S. K. Antiochos, M. Carter, L. Cassady, F. R. Chang Díaz, C. R. DeVore, B. W. Longmier, J. McFadden, J. V. Shebalin, D. M. Smith, J. Squire and B. J. Thompson, Poster presented to the 11th International Workshop on the Interrelationship between plasma experiments in the laboratory and in space (IPELS), Whistler, British Columbia, Canada July 10-15, 2011.

319.     VASIMR® VX-200 Performance Measurements and Helicon Throttle Tables Using Argon and Krypton, Benjamin W. Longmier, Jared P. Squire, Leonard D. Cassady, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Tim W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, Greg E McCaskill, Chris S. Olsen, Edgar A. Bering, III, and Juan Del Valle, International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011.

320.     VASIMR® VX-200 Operation at 200 kW and Plume Measurements; Future Plans and an ISS EP Test Platform, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Leonard D. Cassady, Benjamin W. Longmier, Chris S. Olsen, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Mark D. Carter, Tim W. Glover, Greg E. McCaskill, and Edgar A. Bering, III, International Electric Propulsion Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2011.

321.      VASIMR®: Deep Space Transportation for the 21st Century, Edgar Bering, Benjamin Longmier, Chris Olsen, Leonard Cassady, Jared Squire, and Franklin Chang Díaz, Paper AIAA-2011-7247 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, California, Sep. 27-29, 2011

322.     Experimental determination of plasma detachment from the diverging magnetic nozzle of the VASIMR® VX-200 Electric Thruster, C. S. Olsen, J. P. Squire, B. W. Longmier, M. G. Ballenger, L. D. Cassady, M. D. Carter, A. V. Ilin, P. A. Cloutier, E. A. Bering, M. Giambusso, Paper PP9.00163 presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, UT, November 14-18, 2011.

323.     Application of the Physics of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Auroral Upward Current Region for Use in the VASIMR® Deep Space Electric Propulsion System, Edgar A. Bering, Chris Olsen, Benjamin Longmier, Maxwell Ballenger, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Leonard Cassady, Franklin Chang Díaz, Tim Glover, Greg McCaskill, and Jared Squire, EOS, Trans. AGU, 92(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM13B-2084 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 4-9 Dec. 2011.

324.     Mars Rover Model Celebration: Using Planetary Exploration To Enrich STEM Teaching In Elementary And Middle School, Edgar A. Bering, John Ramsey, Wallace Dominey, Andrew Kapral, Coleen Carlson, Ioannis Konstantinidis, Jennifer James, Sarah Sweaney, and Rosalinda Mendez, EOS, Trans. AGU, 92(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED51A-0737 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 4-9 Dec. 2011.

325.     Overview of the electric propulsion plasma diagnostics suite for the VASIMR® VX-200 testbed, Christopher Olsen, Benjamin Longmier, Maxwell Ballinger, Jared Squire, Tim Glover, Mark Carter, Edgar Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Paper DT1.00001 Presented to the 65th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, TX, October 23, 2012.

326.     Science and Literacy: Incorporating Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Research Methods, and Writing into the Science Curriculum, Kenneth Nieser, Coleen Carlson, Edgar A. Bering, Elana Slagle, EOS, Trans. AGU, 93(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11C-0763 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. 2012.

327.     Mars Rover Model Celebration: Developing Inquiry Based Lesson Plans to Teach Planetary Science In Elementary And Middle School, Edgar A. Bering, Elana Slagle, Kenneth Nieser, Coleen Carlson, Andrew Kapral, Wallace Dominey, John Ramsey, Ioannis Konstantinidis, Jennifer James, Sarah Sweaney, Rosalinda Mendez, EOS, Trans. AGU, 93(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED21A-0702 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. 2012.

328.     Project Aether Aurora: STEM outreach near the arctic circle, Benjamin W. Longmier, Edgar A. Bering, EOS, Trans. AGU, 93(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED21A-0709 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. 2012.

329.     AIAA Educator Academy: Enriching STEM Education for K-12 Students, Elana Slagle, Edgar A. Bering, Benjamin W. Longmier, Elizabeth Henriquez, Tom Milnes, Paul Wiedorn, EOS, Trans. AGU, 93(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED33C-0771 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec. 2012.

330.     Ionospheric And Stratospheric Electric Field Responses To An Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event, Edgar A. Bering, Michael Kokorowski, John G. Sample, Robert H. Holzworth, Michael P. McCarthy, Robyn M. Millan, Leslie Woodger, and David M. Smith, Paper IAGA2013- presented at the 12th Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 26-31 August 2013.

331.     VASIMR® Spaceflight Engine System Mass Study and Scaling with Power, Jared P. Squire, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Matthew Giambusso, Tim W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, Chris S. Olsen, and Edgar A. Bering, III, Paper IEPC-2013- presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, DC, 6-10 October, 2013.

332.     An Experimental Study of Plasma Detachment from a Magnetic Nozzle in the Plume of the VASIMR® Engine, Christopher S. Olsen, Maxwell G. Ballenger, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Matthew Giambusso, Timothy W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, Benjamin W. Longmier, Jared P. Squire, and Edgar A. Bering III, Paper IEPC-2013- presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, DC, 6-10 October, 2013.

333.     The ISS Space Plasma Laboratory: A Proposed Electric Propulsion On-Orbit Workbench, Edgar A. Bering, III, Gregg Edeen, Spiro K. Antiochos, C. Richard DeVore, Barbara J. Thompson, Mark Carter, Matthew Giambusso, Chris S. Olsen, Jared Squire, Davin Larson, James P. McFadden, Benjamin Longmier, and David M. Smith, Paper IEPC-2013-104 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, DC, 6-10 October, 2013.

334.     A Plan to Study the Radiated Emissions from a VASIMR Engine Exhaust Plume, Matthew Giambusso, Gregg Edeen, Edgar A. Bering III, Chris S. Olsen, Mark D. Carter, Jared P. Squire, Paper IEPC-2013- presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Washington, DC, 6-10 October, 2013.

335.     Plasma Adiabaticity in a Diverging Magnetic Nozzle, J. P. Sheehan, Benjamin W. Longmier, Edgar A. Bering, Christopher S. Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Mark D. Carter, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Timothy W. Glover, Andrew V. Ilin, and Leonard D. Cassady, Paper IEPC-2013-159 presented at the 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, October 6 – 10, 2013.

335.     Mars Rover Curriculum: Teacher Self Reporting of Increased Frequency and Confidence in their Science and Language Arts Instruction, Edgar A. Bering, Coleen Carlson, Kenneth Nieser, Elana Slagle, EOS, Trans. AGU, 94(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0712 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013.

336.     AIAA Educator Academy - Mars Rover Curriculum: A 6 week multidisciplinary space science based curriculum, Elizabeth Henriquez, Edgar A. Bering, Elana Slagle, Kenneth Nieser, Coleen Carlson, Andrew Kapral, EOS, Trans. AGU, 94(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0713 presented at 2013 Fall, Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013.

337.     AIAA Educator Academy: The Space Weather Balloon Module, Benjamin W. Longmier, Elizabeth Henriquez, Edgar A. Bering, Elana Slagle, EOS, Trans. AGU, 94(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED21A-0712 presented at 2013 Fall, Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2013.

338.     ISS Space Plasma Laboratory: An ISS instrument package for investigating the opening/closing of solar and heliospheric magnetic fields, Edgar A. Bering, Gregg Edeen, Spiro K. Antiochos, C. Richard DeVore, Barbara J. Thompson, Mark Carter, Matthew Giambusso, Christopher Olsen, Jared Squire, Benjamin W. Longmier, Davin Larson, James McFadden, David Smith, Paper AIAA-2014-1422 presented to the 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, National Harbor, MD, January 13-17, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-1422

339.     Adiabatic plasma expansion in a magnetic nozzle, J. P. Sheehan, B. W. Longmier ; E. A. Bering ; C. S. Olsen ; J. P. Squire ; M. D. Carter ; L. D. Cassady ; F. R. Chang Díaz ; T. W. Glover ; A. V. Hin ; M. G. Ballenger, Paper presented at IEEE 41st International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS) held with 2014 IEEE International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS), Washington, D.C., 25-29 May 2014, DOI:10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012590

340.     Using VASIMR® for the Proposed Europa Mission, Edgar A. Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Christopher Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Franklin Chang Diaz, Benjamin W. Longmier, Paper AIAA-2014-4344 presented at AIAA SPACE 2014 Conference and Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 5-9, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-4344

341.     Development Toward a Spaceflight Capable VASIMR® Engine and SEP Applications, Jared P. Squire, Mark Carter, Franklin Chang Diaz, Matthew Giambusso, Andrew Ilin, Christopher Olsen, Edgar A. Bering, Paper AIAA-2014-4173 presented at AIAA SPACE 2014 Conference and Exposition, 2014, 10.2514/6.2014-4173

342.     Using Mars Rover Missions as a Vehicle for Introducing Space Science and Engineering in Grades 3-8, E. A. Bering, E. M. Slagle, K. Nieser, C. Carlson, A. J. Kapral, and L. A. Jacobs, Paper 202.05 presented at the American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #46 Tucson, AZ, November, 2014. 2014DPS....4620205B

343.    Using Space Missions as a Vehicle for Introducing Engineering Education in Grades 3-8, E. Bering, E Slagle, K Nieser, C. Carlson, A. Kapral, and L. Jacobs, EOS, Trans. AGU, 95(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED23C-3491 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec. 2014.

344.     An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, Edgar A. Bering, Rachel Gamblin, Paper AIAA 2015-3043 in Proceedings of AIAA Balloon Systems Conference, Dallas, TX, June 2015, 10.2514/6.2015-3043

345.     Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to develop new technology to Study the aurora and stratospheric chemistry using ultralight balloon payloads, Rachel Gamblin, Daniel Hermosillo, Erika Marrero, Edgar A. Bering, III, Barry Lefer, Bonnie J. Dunbar, Hamza Ahmad, Daniel raul joseph Canales, Christopher Bias, John Cao, Diego Guala, Arian Ehteshami, Michelle Nowling, Megan Pina, and Sikender Shahid, Poster A25p-169 presented at 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July, 2015.

346.     Obtaining Faster Transit to Europa, Edgar A. Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Chris Olsen, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Diaz, Benjamin Longmier, Paper AIAA 2015-4548 in Proceedings of AIAA SPACE 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, California, 31 Aug-2 Sep 2015, 10.2514/6.2015-4548

347.     Assessment of Impact on Students and Teachers of Student-led, inquiry-based planetary science instruction in Grades 3-8, Edgar Andrew Bering, Coleen Carlson, Kenneth Nieser, Elana Slagle, Paper 219.12 presented at the American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #47, National Harbor, MD, November, 2015.

348.     MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, Edgar A. Bering, Lawrence S. Pinsky, Liming Li, David Jackson, Ji Chen, Helen L. Reed, Mark Moldwin, Justin C. Kasper, J. P. Sheehan, James R. Forbes, Thomas Heine, Anthony Case, Michael Stevens, David G. Sibeck, Paper 312.10 presented at the American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #47, National Harbor, MD, November, 2015.

349.     Fast Transit Access to the Outer Solar System, Jared Squire, Edgar Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Andrew Ilin, Franklin R Chang Diaz, Paper 312.13 presented at the American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #47, National Harbor, MD, November, 2015.

350.     Graduate Education in a Small Business Environment, E. A. Bering, B. Longmier, and M. Giambusso, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED11E-0877 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

351.     An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project (USIP) to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads, Michelle Nowling, Hamza Ahmad, Rachel Gamblin, Diego Guala, Daniel Hermosillo, Megan Pina, Erika Marrero, Daniel raul joseph Canales, John Cao, Arian Ehteshami, Edgar A. Bering, Barry Lefer, Bonnie J. Dunbar, Christopher Bias, Sikender Shahid, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0841 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

352.     An Attempt to Sample Upper Atmospheric Bacteria, Daniel raul joseph Canales, Edgar Bering III, Barry L Lefer, Bonnie J. Dunbar, Rachel Gamblin, Arian Ehteshami, Michelle Nowling, Hamza Ahmad, Christopher Bias, Megan Pena, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0842 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

353.     Calculating Total Electron Content under the presence of the Aurora Borealis in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Kiruna, Sweden, Arian Ehteshami, Hamza Ahmad, Edgar Bering III, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0843 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

354.     Impact Assessment on Teachers of Student-led, Inquiry-based Planetary Science Instruction in Grades 3-8, Edgar A Bering, Elana M Slagle, Coleen Carlson, Kenneth Nieser, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED11A-0846 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

355.     MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, Edgar A. Bering, Lawrence S. Pinsky, Liming Li, David Jackson, Ji Chen, Helen L. Reed, Mark Moldwin, Justin C. Kasper, J. P. Sheehan, James R. Forbes, Thomas Heine, Anthony Case, Michael Stevens, David G. Sibeck, EOS, Trans. AGU, 96(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract EP53C-1041 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec. 2015.

356.     MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster, Edgar A. Bering, Lawrence S. Pinsky, Liming Li, David Jackson, Ji Chen, Helen L. Reed, Mark Moldwin, Justin C. Kasper, J. P. Sheehan, James R. Forbes, Thomas Heine, Anthony Case, Michael Stevens, David G. Sibeck, Paper AIAA 2016-1466 in Proceedings of 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, 3-8 January, 2016, 10.2514/6.2016-1466

357.     Student Organized Research via High-Altitude Balloon Investigations: Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project, RB Gamblin, EA Bering, D Canales, M Nowling, A Ehteshami, H Ahmad, B Lefer, E Marrero, M Pina, J Cao, D Hermosillo, BJ Dunbar, Paper T311-196 [#3014] presented at 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, 20-25 March, 2016.

358.     Planetary Science Missions as Vehicles for Introducing Space Science and Engineering in Grades 3-8: Mars Rover Celebration, EA Bering, EM Slagle, K Nieser, C Carlson, AJ Kapral, RB Gamblin, A Ehteshami, Paper T311-200 [#1658] presented at 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, 20-25 March, 2016.

359.     Fast Transit Access to the Outer Solar System, Edgar A. Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Timothy W. Glover, Andrew Ilin, Christopher Olsen, Jared P. Squire, Franklin Chang Diaz, Benjamin W. Longmier, Paper IAC-16-C4.IP.34x34255 presented to 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016.

360.     Student Instrumentation in Atmospheric Profiling, Megan Pina, Edgar Bering, Poster.00005 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

361.     A New Approach on Sampling Microorganisms from the Lower Stratosphere, Kiana Garcia Darlington , Bryan Gunawan , Jamie Lehnen , John Prince , Ciara Lalata, Edgar Bering, Poster.00006 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October,2016

362.     Studying Atmospheric Gravity Waves Through Airglow, Anthony Martinez , Itay Porat , Tu Van Nguyen, Edgar Bering, Poster.00007 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

363.     Results from the USIP-UH contribution to the BARREL-4 campaign, Christian Behrend , Michael Greer , Edgar Bering , Samar Mathur , Maria Lalata, Poster.00008 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

364.     Total Electron Content and Tomography of the Ionosphere, Brett Velasquez , Edgar Bering, Poster.00009 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

365.     Detector Orientation Star Tracker, Michelle Nowling , Luis Victor , Minh Pham , Tri Nguyen, Edgar Bering, Poster.00010 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

366.       High Altitude DC Electric Field Measurements Using Balloons, Christopher Bias, Edgar Bering, Poster.00011 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

367.     Gas Analysis using Auroral Spectroscopy, Michel Medellin, George Thomas , Marc Alozie, Edgar Bering, Lowell Wood, Poster.00012 presented at the 2016 APS National Mentoring Community Conference, APS, Houston, Texas, 21-23 October, 2016

368.     Results from the USIP_UH contribution to the BARREL-4 campaign, CC Behrend, EA Bering III, A Ehteshami, A Fenton, R Gamblin, M Greer, S Mathur, CL Glennie, B Velasquez, J Marpaung, MC Lalata, EOS, Trans. AGU, 97(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED22A-03 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec. 2016.

369.     The Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects at the University of Houston, Edgar A Bering, Robert W Talbot, Craig L Glennie, Debora Rodrigues, Chen Jinghong, Marc Alozie, Christian C Behrend, Chris Bias, Arian Ehteshami, Alexis Fenton, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Will Harrison, Jameel Jordan, Maria Ciara Lalata, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, Anthony Martinez, Samar Mathur, Michel Medillin, Tri Nguyen, Tu Van Nguyen, Michelle Nowling, Diego Perez, Minh Pham, Megan Pina, Itay Porat, John Prince, George Thomas, Brett Velasquez, Luis Victor, EOS, Trans. AGU, 97(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED23B-0826 presented at 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 12-16 Dec. 2016.

370.     Pitfalls and Drawbacks of engaging junior faculty in interactive education and outreach activities, Edgar A. Bering, III and Robert Talbot, Paper presented to the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, August 30, 2017.

371.     A Brief History of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee, E. Bering, N. Gross, R. Lopez, M. Moldwin, C. Morrow, L. Peticolas, P. Reiff, D. Scherrer, Paper presented to the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, August 30, 2017.

372.     The Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project: A Foray into Instrument Design, Payload Fabrication, and Project Management, Michael L. Greer, Edgar A. Bering, Robert Talbot, Bonnie Dunbar, Craig Glennie, Deborah Rodrigues, Jinghong Chen, Marc Alozie, Christian Behrend, Christopher Bias, Arian Ehteshami, Alexis Fenton, Bryan Gunawan, Jamie Lehnen, Anthony Martinez, Samar Mathur, Michel Medellin, Tri Nguyen, Tu Van Nguyen, Michelle Nowling, Diego Perez, Minh Pham, Megan Pina, Itay Porat, John Prince, George Thomas, Brett Velasquez, Luis Victor, Rachel Gamblin, Nicole Moelders, Donald Hampton, Robyn Millan, and Alexa Halford, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2017-5136),, 2017.

373.     Trimetric Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere Using a CubeSat Constellation, Edgar A. Bering, Laila Andersson, Ji Chen, James Cutler, Kentaro Hara, David Jackson, Mark Lemmon, Lawrence Pinsky, JP Sheehan, Umair Siddiqui, Russell Stoneback, Paul Withers, Rod Heelis, Mark Moldwin, Helen Reed, and James Forbes, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2017-5252),, 2017.

374.     The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach, E.A. Bering, P. Dusenbery, N.A. Gross, R. Johnson, R.E. Lopez, R.L. Lysak, M. Moldwin, C.A. Morrow, M. Nicols-Yehling, L.M. Peticolas, P.H. Reiff, D.K. Scherrer, J. Thieman, M. Wawro, E.L. Wood, EOS, Trans. AGU, 97(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED54A-05 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec. 2017.

375.     A New Approach on Sampling Microorganisms from the Lower Stratosphere, Bryan Gunawan, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, John Prince, Edgar Bering III, Debora Rodrigues, EOS, Trans. AGU, 98(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED23C-0307 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana., 11-15 Dec. 2017.

376.     Analysis of Fluctuations of Electron Density in the D-region During the 2017 Solar Eclipse using a Very Low Frequency Receiver, Samar Mathur, Alexis Fenton, Christian C Behrend, Edgar Bering III, Elizabeth Hernandez, EOS, Trans. AGU, 98(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SA21B-2523 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana., 11-15 Dec. 2017.

377.     Gravity Wave Detection through All-sky Imaging of Airglow, Tu Van Nguyen, Anthony Martinez, Itay Porat, Donald L Hampton, Edgar Bering III, Lowell Wood, EOS, Trans. AGU, 98(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SA33A-2574 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana., 11-15 Dec. 2017.

378.     University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects, Edgar A Bering, Robert W Talbot, Donald L Hampton, Nicole Molders, Robyn M Millan, Alexa Jean Halford, Bonnie Dunbar, Gary A Morris, John Prince, Rachel Gamblin, Arian Ehteshami, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, Michael Greer, Itay Porat, Marc Alozie, Christian C Behrend, Chris Bias, Alexis Fenton, Bryan Gunawan, Will Harrison, Anthony Martinez, Samar Mathur, Michel Medillin, Tri Nguyen, Tu Van Nguyen, Michelle Nowling, Diego Perez, Minh Pham, Megan Pina, George Thomas, Brett Velasquez, Luis Victor, EOS, Trans. AGU, 98(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED23C-0306 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, Louisiana., 11-15 Dec. 2017.

380.     New Approach on Sampling Microorganisms from the Lower Stratosphere, Jamie Lehnen, Bryan Gunawan, John Prince, and Edgar A. Bering, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-0086),, 2018.

381.     MARSCAT: MARS ARRAY OF IONOSPHERIC RESEARCH SATELLITES FORMING THE CONSTELLATION FOR AERONOMY AND TOMOGRAPHY, Edgar A. Bering, Laila Andersson, Ji Chen, James Cutler, Kentaro Hara, David Jackson, Mark Lemmon, Lawrence Pinsky, Tom Heine, Russell Stoneback, Paul Withers, Rod Heelis, Mark Moldwin, and James Forbes, Paper B0.2-0017-18 presented at the 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 14-22, 2006, Pasadena, CA, USA.

382.     Investigation of Electric Field Oscillations related to VASIMR® VX-200 Plasma Plume Detachment, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Franklin Chang Diaz, Greg McCaskill, Jared P. Squire, and Edgar A. Bering, 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA 2018-4505),, 2018.

383.     Obtaining Faster Transit to Saturn Without A Jovian Flyby, Edgar Bering, Matthew Giambusso, Mark Carter, Jared Squire, Franklin Chang Díaz, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2018-5104),, 2018.

384.     Measurement of Trace Gas Profile in The Arctic Winter, E. Hernandez, M. Pina, E. Bering, III, N. Moelders, R. W. Talbot, G. A. Morris, EOS, Trans. AGU, 99(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract A31L-2961 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec. 2018.

385.     University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects: Third Alaska Campaign,, Edgar A Bering III, Donald L Hampton, Nicole Molders, Robert W Talbot, Marc Alozie, Christian C Behrend, Sergio Cortina-Sanchez, Sawan Dalal, Abraham Elizarraras, Alexis Fenton, Rachel Gamblin, Carlos Gomez, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Elizabeth Hernandez, Barton King, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, Anthony Martinez, Samar Mathur, Michel Medillin, Tri Nguyen, TV Nguyen, Michelle Nowling, Diego Perez, Minh Pham, Megan F Pina, Itay Porat, John Prince, George Thomas, Jorge Trevino, Luis Victor, EOS, Trans. AGU, 99(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED43G-1291 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec. 2018.

386.     Evaluating Diversity and Implications of Microbia Presence in the Upper Atmosphere, Bryan Gunawan, John Prince, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, Sawan Dalal, Edgar A Bering III, Nicole Molders, Mary Beth Leigh, Debora Rodrigues, EOS, Trans. AGU, 99(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED43G-1292 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec. 2018.

387.     Analysis of TEC content in the atmosphere during high solar activity. Barton King, EA Bering III, Brett Velasquez, Arian Ehteshami, Donald L Hampton, Jorge Trevino, Abraham Elizarraras, Sergio Cortina-Sanchez, Carlos Gomez, EOS, Trans. AGU, 99(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED43G-1293 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec. 2018.

388.     A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography, EA Bering III, Ji Chen, David R Jackson, Lawrence S Pinsky, Laila Andersson, James Cutler, JP Sheehan, Mark Moldwin, Ken Hara, Mark T Lemmon, Roderick A Heelis, Russell Stoneback, James Forbes, Denise Thorsen, Paul Withers, EOS, Trans. AGU, 99(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract P54D-01 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC, 10-14 Dec. 2018.

389.     Rocket Studies of the X-ray Flux in the High Latitude Mesosphere and Stratosphere, Edgar A. Bering and James L. Roeder, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2019-0313),, 2019.

390.     Solar Electric Propulsion Missions to Saturn, Neptune, and Beyond, EA Bering, M Giambusso, M Carter, JP Squire, FR Chang-Diaz, Paper 1159 in Proceedings of the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, 18-22 Mar, , 2019

391.     Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to An Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event, Edgar A. Bering, Michael Kokorowski, Robert Holzworth, Michael McCarthy, Robyn Millan, Leslie A. Woodger, John G. Sample, David M. Smith, and Juan V. Rodriguez, Paper presented to the 2019 GEM Workshop, 17-21 June, Santa Fe, NM, 2019.

392.     Mesospheric Profiles of the X-ray Aurora, Edgar A. Bering and James L. Roeder,Paper A06p-256 presented to 27th IUGG General Assembly, 8-18 July, Montreal, Canada, 2019.

393.     Opportunity’s Legacy: The Mars Rover Celebration Curriculum, Edgar A Bering, Elana Slagle, Kenneth Nieser, Coleen Carlson, Andrew Kapral, Laura Jacobs, Heather Domjan, Paper JA12p-350 presented to 27th IUGG General Assembly, 8-18 July, Montreal, Canada, 2019.

394.     Solar and Hybrid Electric Propulsion Missions to the Outer Solar System, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambusso, Alex Parker, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, Paper EPSC-DPS2019-341 presented to EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, held 15-20 September 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

395.     Opportunity's Legacy: The Mars Rover Celebration Curriculum, Edgar A Bering, Elana Slagle, Kenneth Nieser, Coleen Carlson, Andrew Kapral, Laura Jacobs, Heather Domjan, Paper EPSC-DPS2019-618 presented to EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, held 15-20 September 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

396.     Electric Propulsion Missions to Uranus, Neptune and Beyond, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambussoa, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, Franklin R. Chang Díaz, and Alex H. Parker, Paper IAC-19-C4,4,13,x50465 in Proceedings of the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington D.C., United States, 21-25 October 2019.

397.     Teaching Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft: An Inquiry-based Approach to Teaching Geoscience and Engineering, E. A. Bering, D.L. Hampton, N. Moelders, R.W. Talbot, R. Gamblin, M. Greer, B. Gunawan, J.N. Lehnen, M. Pina, I. Porat, and J. Prince, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(57 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED22A-07 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec. 2019.

398.     Sub-Auroral Ionospheric and Stratospheric Electric Field Responses to an Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Event, Edgar A. Bering, Michael Kokorowski, Robert Holzworth, Michael McCarthy, Robyn Millan, Leslie A. Woodger, John G. Sample, David M. Smith, and Juan V. Rodriguez, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SM11C-3309 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019.

399.     All-Sky Imaging for Airglow and Auroral Observations, I Porat, A Martinez, TV Nguyen, E Bering III, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SA23B-3115 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019.

400.     Trace Gas and Ozone Profile measurement in The Arctic Winter, E Hernandez, E Bering III, RW Talbot, N Molders, B Leffer, GA Morris, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED24B-02 eLightning poster presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019.

401.     An inquiry based approach to learning how to build spacecraft for undergraduate students and how we have benefited from the experience, Elizabeth Hernandez, Edgar Bering III, Nicole Molders, Robert W Talbot, Rachel Gamblin, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Jamie Nicole Lehnen, EOS, Trans. AGU, 100(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Invited Abstract ED23C-02 presented at 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019.

402.     Electrodynamic Coupling Between The Atmospheric and Space Environments after an Extreme Space Weather Event, Edgar A. Bering, Michael Kokorowski, Robert Holzworth, Michael McCarthy, Robyn Millan, Leslie A. Woodger, John G. Sample, David M. Smith, and Juan V. Rodriguez, AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA SPACE Forum, (AIAA 2020-1547),, 2020.

403.     Missions to Haumea and Eris Using Solar Electric Propulsion, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambusso, Alex H. Parker, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, and Franklin R. Chang Díaz, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4063),, 2020.

404.     Undergraduates Building Spacecraft: Using Inquiry-based Methods to Teach Spacecraft Engineering, Edgar A. Bering, III, Robert Talbot, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Laura T. Jacobs, Rachel B. Gamblin, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Elizabeth Hernandez, Jamie Lehnen, Megan Piña, Itay Porat, John R. Prince, Ana Gabriela Pessoa, Alexandra Ulinski, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4155),, 2020.

405.     Teaching Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft During The Covid-19 Lockdown, Edgar A. Bering, III, Donald L. Hampton, Nicole Moelders, Denise Thorsen, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Elizabeth Hernandez, Alexandra Briggs-Ulinski, Ana Gabriela S. S. R. Pessoa, Rachel B. Gamblin, Megan Piña, Bryan Gunawan, EOS, Trans. AGU, 101(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED042-02 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec. 2020.doi:10.1002/essoar.10505168.1

406.     Moving Forward with Atmospheric Conductivity Research While Adapting to COVID-19 Disruptions, Alexandra Ulinski, Edgar Bering III, Rachel Nathan, Andy Nguyencuu, Elizabeth Hernandez, Adrian Rangel, EOS, Trans. AGU, 101(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED042-03 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec. 2020.doi:10.1002/essoar.10505347.1

407.     Remote Sensing Teams LiDAR Landslide Mapping Project Continues Despite COVID Related Setbacks,Presley Greer, Afriaa Nasir, Abraham Vega, Tommy Tran, Nam Dang, Edgar Bering III, Shuhab Khan, EOS, Trans. AGU, 101(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED042-04 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec. 2020.

408.     Radio Frequency Research during COVID-19, Elizabeth Hernandez, Edgar A Bering, Ana Gabriela S. S. R. Pessoa, Mark Manriquez, James W Labelle, Nathaniel A Frissell, EOS, Trans. AGU, 101(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract ED045-0001 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec. 2020.

409.     HamSci Radio Research Using VLF and HF to measure aurora emissions and related phenomena, Elizabeth Hernandez, Edgar A Bering, Ana Gabriela S. S. R. Pessoa, Mark Manriquez, Nathaniel A Frissell, James W Labelle, EOS, Trans. AGU, 101(52 Fall Meet. Suppl.), Abstract SA028-0004 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec. 2020.

410.       Missions to Haumea and Eris Using Solar Electric Propulsion, Edgar A. Bering, III, Matthew Giambusso, Alex H. Parker, Mark Carter, Jared P. Squire, and Franklin R. Chang Díaz, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4063),, 2020.

411.       Undergraduates Building Spacecraft: Using Inquiry-based Methods to Teach Spacecraft Engineering, Edgar A. Bering, III, Robert Talbot, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Laura T. Jacobs, Rachel B. Gamblin, Michael Greer, Bryan Gunawan, Elizabeth Hernandez, Jamie Lehnen, Megan Piña, Itay Porat, John R. Prince, Ana Gabriela Pessoa, Alexandra Ulinski, AIAA ASCEND 2020, (AIAA-2020-4155),, 2020.

412.       Student Space Missions–Facilitating Pathways to Success for Next Generation Professionals in Space, Bering, E., Khan III, S., Moges, M., Hampton, D., Mölders, N., Thorsen, D., Dunbar, B., Lefer, B., Gamblin, R., & Greer, M. Paper IAC-21, E1, 3, 12, x65407, IAF Space Education and Outreach Symposium 2021 at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, Dubai, UAE, 2021.

413.        "Getting to Eris and MakeMake Using Solar Electric Propulsion", Edgar Bering, Alex Parker, Matthew Giambusso, Tim Glover, Franklin Chang Díaz, Andrew Ilin, Jared Squire, Paper IAC-21, A3, 4B, 6, x64027, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, Dubai, UAE, 2021.

414.       2021 Results from the UH Program to Teach Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft, E. Bering, D. Hampton, N. Moelders, D. Thorsen, S. Khan, M. Moges, E. Hernandez, A. Ulinski, A. G. SSR Pessoa, and P. Greer, in 2021 AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, pp. ED15D-0544, 2021.

415.       High Altitude Balloon Payload for Electromagnetic Emissions Detection Using Very Low, Medium and High Frequencies. Mark Manriquez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Ana Gabriela S. S. R. Pessoa, Edgar A Bering, Nathaniel A Frissell, and James W Labelle, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED15D-0546 2021.

416.       “Trace Gases and Ozone Profile measurements”, Hernandez E, Pessoa AG, Ulinski A, Gomez K, Bering EA, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED15D-0547, 2021.

417.        "Investigation of Plasma Kinetic Neutral Dynamics Model in Local Gyrokinetic Simulations of Earth’s Ionosphere and Aurora," Emily Humble, Tess Bernard, Edgar A. Bering, and Ammar Hakim, In AGU Fall Meeting 2021 Abstracts, 2021.

418.       “Balloon-Borne Payload Investigation of Atmospheric Conductivity at High Altitudes," Nathan RL, Ulinski AR, Hernandez E, Nguyencuu A, Salas C, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED14B-04, 2021.

419.       “High Energy Particle Precipitation and Very Low Frequency Wave Emissions of the Aurora Borealis,” Tovar C, Simmons J, Nathan R, Bering EA, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED15D-0545, 2021.

420.       "USIP IV Remote Sensing Team: Using LiDAR to Predict Landslides," R. Chitturi, P. Greer, E. Bering III, A. Vega, and A. Nasir (2021), In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED15D-0548, 2021.

421.       "An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project to Develop Instruments Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Lightweight Balloon Payloads", Edgar A Bering, Elizabeth Hernandez, Alexandra Ulinski, Ana G Pessoa, Presley Greer, 2022 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2022-0931),, 2022.

422.       "A Method for Sampling Microplastics and Extremophiles in the Stratosphere", James E Simmons, Desmond Etumnu, Maxwell Omanga, Hai Pham, Phillip Pham, Chloe Tovar, Edgar Bering, 2022 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2022-2621),, 2022.

423.       MARSCat: Imaging of the Martian Ionosphere using a CubeSat Constellation, L. Andersson, and E. A. Bering (2022), paper presented at Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration, March 01, 2022.

424.       Observing Our Changing Planet: Using Project Based Methods to Teach Geoscience and Heliophysics, Edgar Bering, Rachel Gamblin, John Prince, Jamie Lehnen, Michael Greer, Itay Porat, Bryan Gunawan, Don Hampton, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Zheng Chen, Bo Zhao, Presley Greer, Emily Humble, Rachel Nathan, Megan Pina, Ana Gabriela Pessoa, James Simmons, Chloe Tovar, Alexandra Ulinski, Nicole Mölders, Denise Thorsen, Elizabeth Hernandez 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Held 16-24 July, 2022, Athens, Greece.

425.       Understanding the change in permafrost by imaging the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, Fairbanks, Alaska, Greer, P., A. Ulinski, S. D. Khan, E. Bering, A. Vega, R. Chitturi, S. Panda, and D. Vandevort, in SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, pp. 1390-1392, OnePetro, Houston, TX. (2022)

426.       The Science Objectives of the 2022-2023 University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrument Project, Edgar A. Bering, Iii, Aliashgar Shariff, Jeffrey Dinse, Nikolai Sardo, Shuhab Khan, Mequanint Moges, Donald Hampton, Nicole Mölders, Mark A. Meier, Andrew Renshaw, Robert R. Stewart, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, ED13B-07, 2022.

427.       Sampling Microplastics and Extremophile Organisms on Balloon Borne Payloads, Simmons, J. E., E. A. Bering, J. Ruszkowski, A. Smith, N. Sardo, and K. Myren, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P55D-1610, 2022.

428.       There is an “X” in Texas, Edgar A Bering III, Andrew Renshaw, Jason Ruszkowski, Kyle Myren, Tristan Krysos, Maclaren Mosier, Ryan Jochims, Donald L. Hampton, Denise L. Thorsen, Rudy Gostowski, David A. Turnshek, Angela Des Jardins, Randy Larimer, Marissa Saad, James Flaten, Shuhab Khan, poster preseted to the American Astronomical Society Solar Eclipse Planning Workshop, Held 29-30 September, 2023, San Antonio, Texas.

429.       The Sustained Success of the 2012-2023 University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrument Project: The 2023 Campaign, E. A. Bering, A. Renshaw, D. L. Hampton, D. Thorsen, N. Moelders, S. Khan, Z. Chen, N. Sardo, A. Shariff, and J. Dinse, in AGU23, ED24A-08, San Francisco, CA. 2023.

430.       Building a Foundation in Atmospheric Research and Fieldwork within The University of Houston’s Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project via Capture of Emission Spectra of the Aurora Borealis, A. Dykema, E. A. Bering, A. Renshaw, A. Shariff, J. Mendez, T. Philo, and D. Sosa (2023), in AGU23, ED13C-1810, San Francisco, CA, 2023.

431.       Observing Natural Radio Emissions due to Auroral Patterns and Behaviors, C. Perry, E. A. Bering, A. Renshaw, J. Dinse, N. Sardo, E. Flores, and J. Ruszkowski (2023), in AGU23, A41J-2753, San Francisco, CA. 2023.

432.       Study of an Annular and Total Eclipse from the Crossing Point in Utopia, Texas, Andrew L Renshaw, Edgar Bering III, Jason Ruszkowski, Kyle Myren, Angela Colman Des Jardins, and Randal Larimer, in AGU23, U41B-0868, San Francisco, CA. 2023.

433.       Student Built Ground Observatories for the Annual and Total Solar Eclipses, Ruszkowski, J., Myren, Kyle, Alhadad, Tristan, Mosier, Macy, Jochims, Ryan, Garcia, Sergio, Engineer, Zeel, Renshaw, Andrew, Bering, E. A., Öztürk, Doga, Cohen, A (2023), in AGU23, U41B-0867, San Francisco, CA, 2023.

434.       Ground-based DC Magnetometer Observations of Annular and Total Solar Eclipses, J. Ruszkowski, K. Myren, A. Renshaw, E. A. Bering, D. Öztürk, and A. Cohen (2023), in AGU23, ED41C-0814, San Francisco, CA, 2023.

435.       Sampling Microplastics and Extremophile Organisms on Balloon Borne Payloads, A. Smith, J. Ruszkowski, K. Myren, N. Sardo, A. Renshaw, and E. A. Bering, in AGU23, GC53J-0940 , San Francisco, CA. 2023.

436.        Preliminary Findings of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering with Satellite Transmission, J. Ruszkowski, E. A. Bering, and A. Renshaw (2024), in National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. 2024

437.       Auroral Spectroscopy - USIP V, Aliasghar I Shariff, Alicia Dykema, Tyler Philo, Joshlyn Mendez, Diego Sosa, Edgar Bering, 2024 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2024-0145),, 2024.

438.       Results from the ISSI Langmuir Probe Workshop: A 100-Year Workhorse, Easy to Fly but Difficult to Interpret, Leila Andersson, Hassanali Akbari, Edgar A Bering, John W Bonnell, Anders Eriksson, Brian Gilchrist, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Wojciech J Miloch, Sylvain Ranvier, Abe Takumi, 2024 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2024-2521),, 2024.

439.        Educating Undergraduate Students on the Changes in Space Weather During an Eclipse, Tristan Alhadad, Jason Ruszkowski, Maclaren Mosier, Nathan Fraske, Ryan Jochims, Sergio Garcia, Christopher Kelley, Edgar Bering, Andrew Renshaw, Hitarth Thanki, Yuha Hosoki, Zeel Engineer, Mike Bastidas, Cessabella Astraquillo, Valeria Torres, and Kyle Myren, AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024, (AIAA-2024-4903), 29 July - 2 August 2024, Las Vegas, NV. , 2024.

440.       A Student Designed and Improved All-Sky Imager, Jochims-Torres, R., Bastidas, M., Bering, E.A., Dykema, A., Mendez, J., Singh, G., Philo, T., Renshaw, A.L., Ruszkowski, J., Sosa, D. and Thanki, H., in AGU24, SA33A-2491, Washington, DC, 2024.

441.       The effect of artificial plasma inhomogeneities on the propagation of VLF waves, Krysos, T., Engineer, Z., Astraquillo, C., Bering, E.A. and Renshaw, A.L., in AGU24, SA33B-2607, Washington, DC, 2024.

442.       The Sixth Iteration of the Uhiversity of Houston's Undergraduate Student Instrument Project: Innovation and Resilience in Action, Bering, E.A., Renshaw, A.L., Krysos, T., Astraquillo, C., Jochims, R.C., Bastidas, M., Myren, K. and Ruszkowski, J., in AGU24, ED31E-2263, Washington, DC, 2024.

443.       Field Spectroscopy of the Ionospheric AirGlow Reflector Experiments as an Expansion of Undergraduate Physics Research at the University of Houston, Dykema, A., Bering, E.A., Renshaw, A.L., Sosa, D., Mendez, J. and Ruszkowski, J., in AGU24, SA13A-2729, Washington, DC, 2024.

444.       The University of Houston Contribution to the Nationwide Eclipse Balloon Project, Bering, E.A., Renshaw, A.L., Ruszkowski, J., Myren, K., Krysos, T., Jochims-Torres, R., Mosier, M., Bastidas, M., Thanki, H. and Singh, G., in AGU24, U11B-2343, Washington, DC, 2024.

445.       The Undergraduate Student Researcher's Experience During the Eclipse (Invited), Krysos, T., Astraquillo, C., Usugan-Weddington, N.J., Fordman, R., Kyle, A., Thorsen, D., Bering, E.A., and Renshaw, A.L., in AGU24, U14A-05, Washington, DC, 2024.










So much for the past.



Assuming, of course, that there is a future




1.          ``A Balloon Payload for Studying the Energy Balance in the Infrared Aurora," Univ. of Houston Research Inititation Grant, 1976; Principal Investigator.

2.         ``Study of Electromagnetic Fields at High Altitude from Thunderstorms and Atmospheric Conductivity," NSF; 1976-1977. Associate Investigator: ($10,600).

3.         ``Program to Investigate Ionospheric Disturbances Using a Parachute Deployed Payload," NASA; Faculty Research Associate: (1974-1978 - various funding levels).

4.         ``Investigations of Electron Precipitation Associated with VLF Activity at Siple Station, Antarctica," NSF, 1977-1978. Faculty Associate; ($75,000).

5.         ``Study of Triggered Electron Precipitation from an Explosive Detonation in the Ionosphere," NSF, 1977-1978. Co-Principal Investigator; ($16,695).

6.         ``Study of Triggered Electron Precipitation from an Explosive Detonation in the Ionosphere," NASA; Co-Principal Investigator; (Government supplied equipment and services).

7.         ``Study of Electromagnetic Fields at High Altitude from Thunderstorms and Atmospheric Conductivity," NSF; 1977-1978. Associate Investigator; ($22,133).

8.         ``Investigation of Electron Precipitation Associated with VLF Activity at Siple Station, Antarctica," NSF; 1978-1979. Faculty Associate; ($56,963).

9.         ``Rocket-Borne Study of Auroral Electric Fields and Currents," NSF; 1978-1979. Principal Investigator; ($16,700).

10.       ``Study of Triggered Electron Precipitation from an Explosive Detonation in the Ionosphere,"; NSF; 1978-1979. Co-Principal Investigator; ($6,979).

11.       ``Program to Measure Electron Precipitation Induced by Barium Injections in the Magnetosphere: Flight of Parachute Deployed Payloads During the Barium GEOS Experiment," NASA; 1979-1980; Associate Investigator; ($42,000).

12.       ``Study of Conjugate Magnetospheric Electric Fields at L=4, Naturally Occuring and Artificially Stimulated Magnetospheric ULF Radiation, and Associated Modulations of Electron Precipitation," NSF; 1979-1980; Principal Investigator; ($8,000).

13.       ``Rocket Borne Study of Auroral Electric Fields and Currents," NSF; 1979-1980; Principal Investigator; ($18,359).

14.       American Geophysical Union International Travel Grant, 1979 ($800).

15.       ``Investigation of Electron Precipitation Associated with VLF Activity at Siple Station," NSF, 1979-1981, Faculty Associate, ($40,000).

16.       ``Rocket Borne Study of Auroral Electric Fields and Currents," NSF, 1981-1982; Principal Investigator; ($25,000).

17.       ``Program to Observe X-ray Auroral Quenching in Waterhole II," NASA, 1981-1982, Associate Investigator, ($55,000).

18.       ``Program to Observe X-ray Auroral Quenching in Waterhole II1," NASA, 1982-1983, Associate Investigator, ($55,000).

19.       ``Analysis of Ionospheric Electric Field Data from Siple Station, Antarctica Acquired During the 1980-81 Season," NSF, 1982-1984, Principal Investigator, ($63,000).

20.       ``Search Coil Magnetometer Experiment for Project Tor," NASA, 1984-1985, Co-Investigator, ($1,000).

21.       ``Travel to the 1984 Antarctic Upper Atmosphere Researchers Meeting," UHLGIA, 1984, Principal Investigator, ($550).

22.       ``Instructional and Research Uses of the Microcomputer in Space Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy," UH Computer Intensive Environment, 1984-1985, Principal Investigator, ($5,142).

23.       ``Proposal for Improved Computational and Data Analysis Facility for Space Physics Group," NSF, 1985-1986, Co-Investigator, ($10,500).

24.       ``Travel to the 1985 Antarctic Upper Atmosphere Researchers Meeting ," UH LGIA 1985, Principal Investigator, ($600).

25.       ``Balloon-Borne Study of the Ionospheric Electric Field at the South Geographic Pole," NSF, 1985-1988, Principal Investigator, ($290,000).

26.       ``Balloon-Borne Study of the Ionospheric Electric Field at the South Geographic Pole," Univ. of Maryland subcontract, 1985-86, Principal Investigator, ($4,000).

27.       ``Development of a Miniaturized, Energy Sensitive X-ray Video Camera Using Photon Counting Image Tube Technology for Aerospace and Related Applications," TATRP, 1986-87, Principal Investigator, ($350,000).

28.       ``Analysis of Data Obtained by a Balloon-Borne Study of the Ionospheric Electric Field Above the South Geographic Pole," NSF, 1988-90, Principal Investigator, ($175,000).

29.       ``Development of a Micro-minaturized Energy Sensitive X-ray Camera for Use in Sounding Rocket Studies of Auroral Physics," TARP, 1988-89, Principal Investigator, ($395,440.)

30.       ``Travel to XX SCAR and NATO Advanced Research Workshop," UH LGIA, 1988, ($400.)

31.       ``Measurement of Vertical Atmospheric Electric Current at a Network of Sites in Antarctica Including Manned Stations and Automatic Geophysical Observatories," NSF, 1990-93, Principal Investigator, ($189,000).

32.       ``Balloon-borne studies of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere above Antarctica," NSF, 1991-1994, Principal Investigator, ($300,000).

33.       ``Instrumentation for long duration balloon measurements of the electric field," Marubun Co., 1990-1992, Principal Investigator, ($12,000).

34.       ``Coordinated imaging study of the Xray and visible aurora borealis," NASA, 1992-1994, Principal Investigator, ($30,000).

35.       ``Balloon-borne studies of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere above Antarctica," NSF, 1994-1995, Principal Investigator, ($60,000).

36.       ``A survey of simultaneous Pc3 micropulsations and high latitude impulsive events for the GEM Boundary Layer Campaign," NSF, 1996-1999, Principal Investigator, ($150,000).

37.       `` Characterization of the Exhaust Plume of the Variable Specific Impulse Plasma Rocket," NASA, 1996-1999, Principal Investigator, ($59,500).

38.       `` Detection of High Voltage Charging and Defects in Power Transmission Systems," NASA, 1996-1998, Principal Investigator, ($59,500).

39.       ``Ground and Balloon-borne Observations of Sprites and Jets," NASA, 1997-2000, Principal Investigator, ($396,882).

40.       ``Joint US-Japan Workshop on studies of Upper Atmospheric Physics using Long Duration Balloons in the Polar Regions," NSF, 1997-1998, Principal Investigator, ($6,715).

41.       ``Thrust and Exhaust Diagnostics for the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket," THECB-ATP, 2000-2002, Principal Investigator, ($198,500).

42.       ``Study of Polar Electrodynamics Using the 2002-2003 Polar Patrol Balloons,” National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, 2002-2003,Principal Investigator, ($39,342).

43.       ``Study of Polar Electrodynamics Using the 2002-2003 Polar Patrol Balloons,” NSF, 2002-2006,Principal Investigator, ($216,254).

44.       ``VASIMR® Plasma Diagnostics for the Demonstration of TRL-4,” NASA, 2003-2006, Principal Investigator, ($212,000).

45.       ``Making Antarctic Atmospheric Electricity Data Available to Living With a Star And Climate Change Investigators,” NASA, 2003-2004, Principal Investigator, ($24,462).

46.       ``Balloon Observations of MEV Precipitation,” University of California, Berkeley, 2003-2006, Institutional Principal Investigator, ($70,000).

47.       ``Study of the Development of the VASIMR® engine,'' AdAstra Rocket Company, 2006-2014, Principal Investigator, ($849,418).

48.       ``Collaborative Research: Relativistic Particle Precipitation and Upper Atmospheric Effects,'' NSF, 2008-2011, Principal Investigator, ($50,000).

49.       ``The Mars Rover Model Celebration: Enhancing Formal and Informal STEM Education in Grades 3-8 and Improving Teacher Training Using the Excitement of NASA's Latest Mars Missions,'' NASA, 2011-2014, Principal Investigator, ($414,428).

50.       ``An Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Project to Develop New Instrument Technology to Study the Auroral Ionosphere and Stratospheric Ozone Layer Using Ultralight Balloon Payloads,'' NASA, 2013-2015, Principal Investigator, ($50,000).

51.       ``The Mars Rover Model Celebration: Enhancing Formal and Informal STEM Education in Grades 3-8 and Improving Teacher Training Using the Excitement of NASA's Latest Mars Missions,'' Texas Space Grant Consortium, 2013-2015, Co-Investigator, ($15,000).

52.       ``Students improving ultralight balloon technology for auroral and stratospheric studies,'' NASA, 2016-2019, Principal Investigator, ($100,000).

53.       "Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project," Montana State University, 2021-2024, Principal Investigator, (Government Furnished Equipment).

54.        “STUDY OF AN ANNULAR AND TOTAL ECLIPSE FROM THE CROSSING POINT IN UTOPIA TEXAS”, University of Texas at Austin, 2023-2025, Principal Investigator, ($23,250).








1.         "Atmospheric Conductivity Measurements from 15 to 35 Kilometers at Latitude 40°N," C. O. Seubert; Senior Honors Thesis; April, 1977.

2.         "Atmospheric Electrical Conductivity Measurements from Balloon-Borne Payloads Equipped with Passive Double Probe Electric Field Detectors," C. O. Seubert; M.S. Thesis, December, 1981.

3.         "A Study of the Photoelectric Current Emitted by Aquadag Coated Probes in the Stratosphere," D.M. Oró, Senior Honors Thesis, April, 1987.

4.         "The subionospheric electromagnetic response to magnetopause processes," Z.-M. Lin, Ph.D. dissertation, June, 1991.

5.         "Design of A Langmuir Double Probe for Use by EVA Crewmen," C. H. Armstrong, M.S. thesis, August, 1993.

6.         "Power Spectral Analysis of the Ionospheric ULF Micropulsation Data Obtained from the 1980-81 Siple and the 1985-86 South Pole Balloon Campaigns," K. Lee, Ph.D. dissertation, August, 1996.

7.         "Global observations and conclusions of the effect of a sustained north-south oscillation in the IMF on January 2, 1993," B. J. Nemec, M.S. thesis, December, 2005.

8.         "Particle-in-cell model of plasma behavior of VASIMR using OOPIC Pro," Corey A. Henderson, Undergraduate Thesis, May, 2010.

9.         "Design of a communication architecture for robust and flexible communication networks," Brian D. Oliver, MSEE thesis, April, 2011.


11.         Stimulated Brillouin Scattering by Satellite Transmission, Jason Alexandré Ruszkowski, Senior Honors Thesis, December, 2024.

12.         Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse Functions and Protecting the Artemis Spacecraft, Nathan S. Roberts, Ph.D. Dissertation, December, 2024.


April 1980

R.M. Robinson, Ph.D. Rice University

Feb. 1981

R. Hackenburg, M.S.

August 1982

J.L. Roeder, Ph.D.

April 1983

C.G. Gelpi, Ph.D.

Jan. 1990

J.R. Theall, Ph.D.

July 1991

B. B. Liao, Ph.D.

Nov. 1991

S. Robbe, M.S.

Sep. 1992

B. Sen, Ph.D.

June 1994

S. Malachowski, Ph.D., LaTrobe University, External Examiner

Dec. 1997

S. Majumbder, Ph.D. (EE)

July 1999

R. Kabadi, M.S.E.E.

June 2000

P. Nenovksi, Sc.D., Bulgarian Academy of Science, External Referee

November, 2005

C. DeYoung, M.S.E.E.

July, 2007

O. Kanlioglu, Ph.D.(EE)

March, 2008

W. Dong, Ph.D.(EE)

December, 2017

X. Liu, Ph.D.(EE)

August, 2018

R. Yaniv, Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, External Examiner





Electricity and Magnetism, I and II


Space Physics*

Advanced Space Physics*

Introduction to Plasma Physics

Upper Level

Introduction to Astrophysics

Modern Astrophysics*

Electricity and Magnetism

Modern Physics

Quantum Mechanics


Balloonborne Systems Data Sensing

Lower Level

Major Sequence, I, II, and III

Engineering Sequence, I and II

Pre-med Sequence, I and II

Non-major Astronomy*

* The curricula for these courses have been substantially redeveloped by me for my own use.






Department Committees

Seminar Committee



1980-1981 Chairman



Undergraduate Admissions and Recruiting Committee


Faculty Recruiting Committee(s)




1989-1990 Chairman

2011-2012 Chairman

Library Committee


Graduate Studies Committee


Personnel Committee




Teaching Evaluation Committee

1987-1988 Chairman

Outreach Committee


Awards Committee


College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Committees

Curriculum Committee


Policy Committee


College Government Committee


2002-2003 Chair

2005-2020 Chair

Ad Hoc Committee on Next Generation Classroom Technology


University-wide and extra-Collegial Committees

Subcommittee on Computer Graphics


Houston Shakespeare Festival and Festival Angels, Inc. (A Drama Dept. program and support group, respectively.)

1982-1983 Volunteer Coordinator

1983-1984 Treasurer, Festival Angels, Inc.

1984 President, Festival Angels, Inc.

1984 Board of Directors, Festivals Company, Inc.

1987-1988 member, Benefits Steering Committee, Festival Angels, Inc.

University Hearing Board

1989-1992, 2013-2015

University of Houston Child Care Center Advisory Committee

1993-1995, 2003-2005

Health Professions Advisory Committee


UH and AIAA Houston Mars Rover Model Celebration

2002-2014, Chair

UH Convention Display Booths

2005, AGU Spring Assembly

2005, AGU Fall Meeting

2006, AIAA 2nd Space Exploration Conference, Exploration Alley

2007, AIAA Space 2007 Conference, Education Alley

2008, AIAA 3rd Space Exploration Conference, Education Alley

2008, AIAA Space 2008 Conference, Education Alley

2009, AIAA Space 2009 Conference, Education Alley

2010, AIAA Space 2010 Conference, Education Alley

2010, SuperComputing

2011, AIAA Space 2011 Conference, Education Alley



Journal Editing

EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,

Space Physics and Aeronomy Editor, 1992-1994

National and International Committees

Ad hoc Committee on Implementation of Future Programs in Antarctic Upper Atmosphere Physics of the Polar Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science


NASA Explorer Mission Concept Review Panel


NASA Timed Experiment Selection Review Panel


NASA MITM Sr&T Suborbital Review Panel


NASA Columbia Accident Investigation

Member, Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Physics Panel


NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probe Technical, Management and Cost Panel


NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probe Geospace Missions of Opportunity Phase A Concept Study Reports Technical, Management and Cost Panel


NASA Mars Scout Phase A Concept Study Reports Technical, Management and Cost Panel


NASA IIP Review Panel


American Geophysical Union

Convener, Sprites Special Session

1999 Fall Meeting

Convener, January 20-21, 2005 Space Weather Event Special Session

2005 Fall Meeting

Convener, Educator Professional Development and Student Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research Special Session

2015 Fall Meeting

2016 Fall Meeting

2017 Fall Meeting

2018 Fall Meeting

Convener,The Solar Eclipses of 2023 and 2024: Results from Participatory Science Efforts, the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), and Related Engagement Activities Union Session

2024 Fall Meeting

European Science Foundation

Scientific network "Space Weather and Earth's Weather: Space Processes and Electrical Changes Influencing Atmospheric Layers (SPECIAL)


Commission H, USNC, URSI

Convener, Sprites Symposia

2002 Annual Meeting

2003 Annual Meeting

Convener, Symposium on Lab Experiments and Dusty Plasma

2006 Annual Meeting

2007 Annual meeting

Convener, Symposium on the Total Eclipse

2024 Annual Meeting

World Space Congress, 2002

Member, Houston Organizing Committee

Member, Education Task Force

Chair, Mars Rover Competition

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Deputy Director, K-12 STEM Outreach, Region IV


Member, K-12 STEM Outreach Committee


Vice-Chair, K-12 STEM Outreach Committee


Chair, K-12 STEM Outreach Committee


Member, Atmospheric and Space Environments Technical Committee


AIAA and Houston Mars Rover Model Celebration

2002-2015, Chair

Associate Fellows Selection Committee

2018-2023, Region IV Representative

Institute of Aeronomy and Geomagnetism

InterDivsional Commission on Education and Outreach

2015-2019, Chair


Proposals refereed for




Papers refereed for

Journal of Geophysical Research, A

Journal of Geophysical Research, D

Geophysics Research Letters

Annales Geophysicæ

Planetary and Space Science

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Radio Science

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

Advances in Space Research

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Earth, Planets and Space

Physics of Plasmas

Atmospheric Research

Journal of Propulsion and Power


Books refereed for




Simon & Schuster


Frostwood Elementary School, SBISD

1995-2001 Computer Instruction

Spring Branch Independent School District

2001-2002 HS Physics Textbook Selection Committee

2001-2007 HS Physics Guest Lecturer

2004-2006 Chaperone and Mentor, MHS Robotics

West Houston P-16 Council

2011-present Member

Guest Presentations, Various Schools

2005, 2006 Post Oak Montessori

2007 Carver Elementary

2007 Rainerd School

2008 Kinkaid School

2013 Johnston Middle School

2013 Johnston Middle School AVID STEM Day


Far West Ski Association

1970-1971 Chairman, Consumer Affairs Committee

1971-1974 Chairman, Ski Touring and Mountaineering Committee

1971-1974 Director

United States Ski Association

1973-1979 Chairman, Ski Touring and Mountaineering Committee

1975-1981 Nordic Coordinator, U. S. National Ski Week Committee

1976-79 Vice-President - Nordic Recreation

XIII Olympic Winter Games

1979 Sports Official, 1979, Lake Placid PreGames

1980 Sports Official, XIII Olympic Winter Games

Sierra Club

1978-1981 Trip Leader, Houston Regional Group

1981-1983 Executive Committee, Houston Regional Group

Gulf Coast World Affairs Council

1982-1986 Board of Directors, Houston Chapter

1984-1988 Board of Directors

Houston World Affairs Council

1988-1998 Board of Directors

1989-1995 First Vice-Chairman

1993-1995 Chairman, Program Committee

The Arts Symposium of Houston

1982-1983 Philanthropy Committee

Festival Angels, Inc.

1982-1983 Volunteer Coordinator, Houston Shakespeare Festival

1983-1984 Treasurer

1984 President

1984 Board of Directors, Festivals Company, Inc.

1987-1988 member, Benefits Steering Committee

Space City Ski Club

1984-1985 Trip Coordinator

Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church

1994-1996 Lay Reader/Lector

St. Francis Episcopal Church

1996-2015 Choir Member

1997-1998 Director, Children’s Choir

1999 Coach, 4th Grade Boys Baseball

2001-2002, 5th Grade Sunday School

Boy Scouts of America,

Cub Scout Pack 747

1996-1999 Assistant Den Leader, Den 10

Troop 642

2000-present Merit Badge Counselor

2001-2012 Summer Camp Adult Leader

2001-2004 Recruiting Committee

2004-2005 Senior Scout Retention

2006-2015 Assistant Scoutmaster

2012 Kandersteg High Adventure Crew Advisor

Spring Branch-Memorial Sports Association

1999-2000 Coach, 2nd-3rd Grade Girls Basketball





Well, that’s about it for now, folks. At this point, you could pack it in for the day, return to the top of this page, go to the UH Space Physics Group’s entire list of Other Useful Links, go back to Dr. Bering’s home page, or go to the UH Space Physics Group Web Site.

Send your cards and letters to me, Prof. E. A. Bering, at <>.


Prof. Edgar A. Bering, III, Physics Department, University of Houston,