
Dr. Xiaolian Gao
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry,
and Biomedical Engineering
Rm: 369-SR2
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77004-5001
Office: 4004-SERC
T: 713 743-2805
F: 713 743-2636
E: xgao@uh.edu
URL: gaolab.chem.uh.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- 1992-present University of Houston Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering
- 1990-1992 Glaxo Inc. Research Laboratories - Senior Research Scientist & Research Investigator, Structural Biology
- 1986-1989 Columbia University - Postdoc & Associate Research Scientist, Biochemistry & Biophysics - NMR of DNA and Ligand-DNA complexes
- 1982-1986 Rutgers University, New Brunswick - Ph.D. in Chemistry Synthesis and NMR Characterization of Isotope Labeled Oligodeoxyribonucleotides
- 1978-1982 Beijing Institute of Chemical Engineering - B.S. in Polymer Science
Professional Positions
- 2004-present Profession of Biology and Biochemistry, the University of
join appointment at Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering
- 2002-2004 Professor of Chemistry, Joint appointment at Biology and Biochemistry
- 1998-2002 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Joint appointment at
Biology and Biochemistry
- 1992-1998 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Joint appointment at
Biology and Biochemistry
- 1992-1998 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Houston
- 1991-1992 Research Investigator, Dept. Struct. & Biophys. Chemistry,
Glaxo Research Institute
- 1991-1992 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. Biochemistry, Univ. of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- 1990-1992 Senior Research Scientist, Dept. Struct. & Biophys. Chem.,
Glaxo Inc. Research Lab. France
- 1989-1991 Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Biophysics, Ecole Polytechnique,
- 1989 Associate Research Scientist, Dept. Biochem. & Biophys., Columbia
Honors and Awards
- 2006 Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, University of Houston
- 2006 The AWC Award for Leadership in Technology - the Top Houston Women in Computing (2006)
- 1996 Research Excellence Award for Assistant Professors, University
of Houston
- 1995 Recipient of the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Alumni Association's
Faculty Development Project Grant
- 1994-1996 Junior Faculty Award, American Cancer Society
- 1993 The First Award, NIH
- 1993 Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, the Oak Ridge Associated Universities
- 1989-1990 Leukemia Society Special Fellowship, the Leukemia Society
of America
- 1984-1985 Louis Bevier Graduate Fellowship, Rutgers University
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