Reviews and Book Chapters
- Zhou, X., Zhu, Q., Eicken, C., Sheng, N., Zhang, X., Yan, L. and Gao, X. (2011) "Micro RNA Profiling using uParaFlo Microfluidic Array Technology" in Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 822 "Next-Generation MicroRNA Expression Profiling Technology" Editor J.-B. Fan.
- GenBank deposit of antigenomic DNA sequences.
(Sequence Authors: Zhu,Q., Wang,J., Yu,P., Zhang,X., Matejko,A., Shen,N., Drabek,R.,Setterquist,B., Wang,X., Zhou,X. and Gao,X. DQ855004:Synthetic construct clone AG019.0111 external RNA Control Consortium (ERCC) sequences, gi|116662509|gb|DQ855004.2|[116662509], and a total of 15 synthetic DNA constructs of non-natural sequences, total length: 9,328 bps.
- Mohite, A. J., Annirudha J Chillar, A. J., Cori Wijaya, C., Shui-Ping So, S.-P., Gao, X. and Ruan, K. H. (2009)) Endogenous prostacyclin signaling regulating microRNA expression in mammalian cells FASEB J. LB373.
- Li, T., Zuo, Z., Zhu, Q., Hong, A., Zhou, X., Gao, X. (2009) Web-based design of peptide microarrays using uPepArray Pro. Invited review in "Peptide Microarrays" in Methods and Protocols. 570, 391-402. Ed. Cretich, M.
- Chen, G., Zuo, Z., Zhu, Q., Hong, A., Zhou, X. Gao, X., and Li, T. (2009) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of peptide microarray binding experiments using SVM-PEPARRAY. Invited review in "Peptide Microarrays" in Methods and Protocols. 570, 403-411. Ed. Cretich, M.
- Vainrub, A., Deluge, N., Zhang, X., Zhou, X., and Gao, X. (2007) "Predicting DNA duplex stability on oligonucleotide array" in Methods Mol. Biol. Microarrays, 2nd Ed. Vol 2: Applications and data analysis. 393-403. Ed. Rampal, J. B..
- Zhu, Q., Hong, A., Sheng, N., Zhang, X., Jun, K.-Y., Srivannavit, O., Gulari, E., Gao, X., and Zhou, X. (2007) "Microfluidic biochip for nucleic acid and protein analysis" in Methods Mol. Biol. Microarrays. 382, 287-312 Ed. Rampal, J. B.. [Abstract]
- Zhu, G., Xia, Y., Lin, D., and Gao, X. (2004) TROSY-based correlation and NOE spectroscopy for NMR structural studies of large proteins. Ch. 5 in Methods in Molecular Biology/Molecular Medicine. Ed. Walker, J. M. 278, 57-78. Hamans, UK. [Abstract]
- Zhu, G., Xia, Y., Lin, D., and Gao, X. (2004) TROSY-based NMR experiments for the study of macromolecular dynamics and hydrogen bonding. Ch. 8 in Methods in Molecular Biology/Molecular Medicine. Ed. Walker, J. M. 278, 164-184. Hamans, UK. [Abstract]
- Gao, X. (2004) In situ parallel synthesis of addressable peptide microarrays, in Proceedings of the 7th China Peptide Symposium. Peptides. Biology and Chemistry. Eds. Du, Y-C.,
- Zhang, Y. S., and Tam, J. P. Shanghai Sicentific & Technology Publishers.
pp. 29-33.
- Gao, X., Pellois, J. P., Kim, K., Na, Y. , Gulari, E., and Zhou, X.
(2004) High density peptide microarrays. In situ synthesis and applications,
Molecular Diversity. 8, 177-187. [Abstract]
- Gao, X., Gulari, E., and Zhou, X. (2004) In situ synthesis of oligonucleotide
microarrays, Biopolymers. 73, 579-596. [Abstract]
- Gao et al. (2003) In situ synthesis of oligonucleotide microarrays.
In Biopolymers.
- Gao et al. (2003) Peptide microchips. In Molecular Diversity.
- Gulari, E., Gao, X., and Zhou, X. (2003) Light directed massively parallel
on-chip synthesis of peptide arrays with t-Boc chemistry. Proteomics 3,
2135-2141. [Abstract]
- Gao, X. (2002) In situ parallel synthesis of addressable peptide microarrays, in Proceedings of the 7th China Peptide Symposium.
- Han, X. and Gao, X. (2001) Sequence specific recognition of ligand-DNA
complexes studied by NMR. Cur. Med. Chem. Review. 8, 551-579.