Bruker Avance 800 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Image 01

Ultra-stabilized magnet of 18.8-Tesla magnetic field strength. The proton frequency is 800 MHz. The temperature of liquid helium in the magnet is reduced to ~2.2 K from 4.2 K using BMPC

The Avance console supports three radio frequency channels plus 2H decoupling of 20 Watts. The powers of 1H and two broadband channels are 100, 500 and 500 Watts, respectively.

70 Gauss/cm z-axis pulsed field gradient (PFG).

Ultra-stabilized magnet of 14.1-Tesla magnetic field strength. The proton frequency is 600 MHz. The temperature of liquid helium in the magnet is 4.2 K.

The Avance console supports three radio frequency channels plus 2H decoupling of 20 Watts. The powers of 1H and two broadband channels are 50, 300 and 300 Watts, respectively.

35 Gauss/cm xyz-axis pulsed field gradient (PFG). We have two probes: 1) TXI: three-channel inverse probe (1H/13C/15N) 2) QXI: four-channel inverse probe (1H/13C/15N/31P)