Group members


Dr. Claudia Ratti is MD Anderson Professor of Physics. She received her Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the University of Torino (Italy) in 2003. She has been a post-doctoral researcher at the Technical University of Munich (Germany), ECT* in Trento (Italy), State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA) and Wuppertal University (Germany). In 2010 she became junior professor and group leader at Torino University. In 2014 she became an assistant professor at the Physics Department of the University of Houston, where she is a tenured professor since 2022. Author of more than ninety publications in peer-reviewed international journals, she presented the results of her research in more than a hundred seminars at international conferences and universities. She has been awarded the ‘2011 International Zonta Prize for Women in Science’, the ‘2012 Prize Giuseppe Borgia' by the Italian Academy of Science (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), the NSF Career Award in 2017, and she was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2021. Her research is mainly focused on the study of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions of temperature and density, such as the one created at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL, or that can be found in the core of neutron stars and their mergers.

Google Scholar Record

Curriculum Vitae

Postdoctoral Researchers
Johannes Jahan
MUSES Collaboration

- Equation of State for heavy-ions
- Fluctuations of conserved charges
- Software development for the MUSES collaboration
- EPOS development team

Google Scholar Record

Konstantin Maslov
NP3M Fellow (currently at Texas A&M University)

- T-matrix approach to hot and dense quark-gluon plasma
- Hadronic Equation of State with hyperons
- Self-consistent approach to PNJL model

Joaquin Grefa
NP3M Fellow (Currently at Kent State University)

- Chiral Mean Field model beyond mean field approximation
- Merging different Equations of State at finite temperature and density
- Holography

Google Scholar Record

Tulio Eduardo Restrepo Medina

- Neutron Star Equation of State
- QCD perturbation theory
- Chiral models

Graduate Students
Ahmed Abuali
Expected Graduation: 05/2026

- Machine Learning of phase transitions
- Lattice QCD equation of state at finite T, μB, μS, μQ

Google Scholar Record

Lorenzo Formaggio
Expected Graduation: 05/2029

- Cosmic trajectories in the 4D phase diagram

Gabriel Frohaug
Expected Graduation: 05/2025

- Equation of state with hyperons for neutron stars and mergers

Prachi Garella 

Expected Graduation: 05/2027   

- Equation of state from holography

Personal Webpage

Jonathan Gonzales
Expected Graduation: 05/2028

- Fluctuations of conserved charges

Micheal Kahangirwe
Expected Graduation: 05/2025

- QCD Equation of State with 3D Ising critical point
- Lattice QCD equation of state at finite T, μB, μS, μQ
- Comparison of convergence properties for different finite-density expansion schemes

Google Scholar Record

Musa Rahim Khan
Expected Graduation: 05/2027

- QCD phase diagram from holography

Hitansh Shah
Expected Graduation: 05/2026

- Self-consistent PNJL model
- Constraints on the location of the QCD critical point
- Lattice QCD equation of state at finite T, μB, μS, μQ

Google Scholar Record

Undergraduate Students

Nathan Herrada

- Lattice QCD equation of state at finite T, μB, μS, μQ

Anabella Leon
NuSTEAM Trainee

- Lattice-based critical point prediction

Jonathan Parra
NuSTEAM Trainee

- Local conservation effects on fluctuations of conserved charges

Geetika Yadav

- Cosmic trajectories in the 4D Phase Diagram

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