Welcome to the webpage of Dr. Ratti's Nuclear Theory Group. Our activities are focused on mapping out the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter through numerical simulations from first principles, combined with heavy-ion and neutron star phenomenology
Johannes Jahan gave an invited overview talk at the FAIRNESS2024 international conference in Croatia
We have a new paper on the arXiv, in which we consider the mean-field Ising model critical point, study the coexistence line preserving the information on the metastable and unstable phases and transpose it on the QCD phase diagram.
Dr. Ratti gave an invited plenary talk at the XVI International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum in Cairns (Autralia)
We put a new paper on the arXiv, which analyzes the convergence properties of different methods to expand the QCD Equation of State to finite density. With Dr. Vovchenko, graduate student Kahangirwe, NuSTEAM trainee Irene Gonzalez and NuSTEAM co-PI Jorge Muñoz
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