Our group is investigating several aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) , the fundamental theory of strong interactions, under extreme conditions of temperature and density.
Our main approaches include first principle lattice QCD simulations, Holography, Hadron Resonance Gas Model, 3D Ising model, Machine Learning algorithms, Bayesian analyses, Polyakov Nambu Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model, models with hadronic degrees of freedom.
Our attention is mainly focused on mapping out the QCD phase diagram, supporting the RHIC and FAIR experimental programs in the search for the QCD critical point, generating state-of-the-art equations of state to be used in simulations of heavy ion collisions, neutron stars and their mergers.
Recently, we are interested in the possibility that Dark Matter is made out of strangelets, clusters of strange quark matter that might have formed during the Primordial Universe.
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