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Physics 3309 Homework 7
Chapter 5

position of particle. For , we calculate the force by assuming that all mass for which is at r = 0, and neglect mass for which . The force is in the radially inward direction ( ).
The magnitude of the force is

where M = mass for which 


5-15. When the mass is at a distance r from the center of the Earth, the force is in the inward radial direction and has magnitude :

where r is the mass density of the Earth. The equation of motion is

This is the equation for simple harmonic motion. The period is

Substituting in values gives a period of about 84 minutes.

Because the moon’s orbit about the Earth is in the same sense as the Earth’s rotation, the difference of their frequencies will be half the observed frequency at which we see high tides. Thus
which gives ; 12 hours, 27 minutes.
Chapter 6
6-3. The element of distance in three-dimensional space is
Suppose x, y, z depends on the parameter t and that the end points are expressed by , . Then the total distance is
The function f is identified as
Since , the Euler equations become
from which we have
From the combination of these equations, we have
If we integrate (6) from to the arbitrary t, we have
On the other hand, the integration of (6) from to gives
from which we find the constants , , and . Substituting these constants into (7), we find
This is the equation expressing a straight line in three-dimensional space passing through the two points , .

The time to travel the path shown is (cf. Example 6.2)
Although we have v = v(y), we only have when y = 0. The Euler equation tells us
Now use and y¢ = –tan q to obtain
n sin q = const. (3)
This proves the assertion. Alternatively, Fermat’s principle can be proven by the method introduced in the solution of Problem 6-8.

The constraint condition can be found from the relation ds = Rdq (see the diagram), where ds is the differential arc length of the path:
which, using , yields
If we want the equation of constraint in other than a differential form, (2) can be integrated to yield
where A is a constant obtained from the initial conditions. The radius of curvature of a parabola, , is given at any point (x,y) by . The condition for the disk to roll with one and only one point of contact with the parabola is ; that is,
Chapter 7

If we take angles q and f as our generalized coordinates, the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the system are
where m is the mass of the sphere and where U = 0 at the lowest position of the sphere. I is the moment of inertia of sphere with respect to any diameter. Since , the Lagrangian becomes
When the sphere is at its lowest position, the points A and B coincide. The condition A0 = B0 gives the equation of constraint:
Therefore, we have two Lagrange’s equations with one undetermined multiplier:
After substituting (3) and and into (5), we find
From (7) we find l:
or, if we use (4), we have
Substituting (9) into (6), we find the equation of motion with respect to q :
where w is the frequency of small oscillations, defined by

If we take as our generalized coordinates, the x,y coordinates of the two masses are
Using (1) and (2), we find the kinetic energy of the system to be
The potential energy is
Therefore, the Lagrangian is
from which
The Lagrange equations for and are
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Edgar A. Bering, III ,
Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu>