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Physics 3309 Homework 13
Chapter 11


From Eq. (11.102)

Since , we have
From Eq. (11.131)

(2) becomes
From (1), we may construct the following triangle

from which 
Substituting into (3) gives

11-29. When the motion is vertical q = 0. Then, according to Eqs. (11.153) and (11.154),
and using Eq. (11.159), we see that
Also, when q = 0 (and ), the energy is [see Eq. (11.158)]
Furthermore, referring to Eq. (11.160),
If we wish to examine the behavior of the system near q = 0 in order to determine the conditions for stability, we can use the values of , , and E¢ for q = 0 in Eq. (11.161). Thus,
Changing the variable to z = cos q and rearranging, Eq. (5) becomes
The questions concerning stability can be answered by examining this expression. First, we note that for physically real motion we must have . Now, suppose that the top is spinning very rapidly, i.e., that is large. Then, the term in the square brackets will be negative. In such a case, the only way to maintain the condition is to have z = 1, i.e., q = 0. Thus, the motion at q = 0 will be stable as long as
Suppose now that the top is set spinning with q = 0 but with sufficiently small that the condition in Eq. (8) is not met. Any small disturbance away from q = 0 will then give a negative value and q will continue to increase; i.e., the motion is unstable. In fact, q will continue until z reaches a value that again makes the square brackets equal to zero. This is a turning point for the motion and nutation between z = 1 and will result.
From this discussion it is evident that there exists a critical value for the angular velocity, , such that for the motion is stable and for there is nutation:
If the top is set spinning with and q = 0, the motion will be stable. But as friction slows the top, the critical angular velocity will eventually be reached and nutation will set in. This is the case of the “sleeping top.”
Chapter 12

The equations of motion are
We attempt a solution of the form
Substitution of (2) into (1) yields
In order for a non-trivial solution to exist, the determinant of coefficients of and must vanish. This yields
from which we obtain
This result reduces to for the case (compare Eq. (12.7)].
If were held fixed, the frequency of oscillation of would be
while in the reverse case, would oscillate with the frequency
Comparing (6) and (7) with the two frequencies, and , given by (5), we find

so that

so that
If , then the ordering of the frequencies is

We define the coordinates and as in the diagram. Including the constant downward gravitational force on the masses results only in a displacement of the equilibrium positions and does not affect the eigenfrequencies or the normal modes. Therefore, we write the equations of motion without the gravitational terms:
Assuming a harmonic time dependence for and in the usual way, we obtain
Solving the secular equation, we find the eigenfrequencies to be
Substituting these frequencies into (2), we obtain for the eigenvector components
For the initial conditions , the normal coordinates are
Therefore, when , and the system oscillates in Mode 1, the antisymmetrical mode. When , and the system oscillates in Mode 2, the symmetrical mode.
When mass 2 is held fixed, the equation of motion of mass 1 is
and the frequency of oscillation is
When mass 1 is held fixed, the equation of motion of mass 2 is
and the frequency of oscillation is
Comparing these frequencies with and we find

Thus, the coupling of the oscillators produces a shift of the frequencies away from the uncoupled frequencies, in agreement with the discussion at the end of Section 12.2.
12-9. The general solutions for and are given by Eqs. (12.10). For the initial conditions we choose oscillator 1 to be displaced a distance D from its equilibrium position, while oscillator 2 is held at , and both are released from rest:
Substitution of (1) into Eq. (12.10) determines the constants, and we obtain
As an example, take ; vs. is plotted below for this case.
It is possible to find a rotation in configuration space such that the projection of the system point onto each of the new axes is simple harmonic.
By inspection, from (2) and (3), the new coordinates must be
These new normal axes correspond to the description by the normal modes. They are represented by dashed lines in the graph of the figure.


Following the procedure outlined in section 12.6:


Thus we must solve

This reduces to


If the first term is zero, then we have

If the second term is zero, then

which leads to

To get the normal modes, we must solve

For k = 1 this gives:

Substituting for each value of r gives

Doing the same for k = 2 and 3 yields

The equations

can thus be written as

We get the normal modes by solving these three equations for , , :


The normal mode motion is as follows

12-19. With the given expression for U, we see that has the form
The kinetic energy is
so that is
The secular determinant is
This equation is of the form (with )
which has a double root if and only if
Therefore, (5) will have a double root if and only if
This equation is satisfied only if
Consequently, there will be no degeneracy unless the three coupling coefficients are identical.
12-23. The total energy of the r-th normal mode is
In order to calculate and , we must take the squares of the real parts of and :
so that
so that
Expanding the squares in and , and then adding, we find

So that the total energy associated with each normal mode is separately conserved.
For the case of Example 12.3, we have for Mode 1
so that
which is recognized as the value of the potential energy at t = 0. [At t = 0, , so that the total energy is .]
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Edgar A. Bering, III ,
Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu>