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Physics 3309 Homework 12
Chapter 10
10-9. Choosing the same coordinate system as in Example 10.3 (see Fig. 10-9), we see that the lateral deflection of the projectile is in the x direction and that the acceleration is
Integrating this expression twice and using the initial conditions, and , we obtain
Now, we treat the z motion of the projectile as if it were undisturbed by the Coriolis force. In this approximation, we have
from which the time T of impact is obtained by setting z = 0:
Substituting this value for T into (2), we find the lateral deflection at impact to be

The small parameters which govern the approximations that need to be made to find the southerly deflection of a falling particle are:
The purely gravitational component is defined the same as in Problem 10-12. Note that although both d and a are small, the product is still of order and therefore expected to contribute to the final answer.
Since the plumb line, which defines our vertical direction, is not in the same direction as the outward radial from the Earth, we will use two coordinate systems to facilitate our analysis. The unprimed coordinates for the Northern Hemisphere-centric will have its x-axis towards the south, its y-axis towards the east, and its z-axis in the direction of the plumb line. The primed coordinates will share both its origin and its y¢-axis with its unprimed counterpart, with the z¢- and x¢-axes rotated to make the z¢-axis an outward radial (see figure). The rotation can be described mathematically by the transformation
as found from Problem 10-12.
a) The acceleration due to the Coriolis force is given by
Since the angle between w and the z¢-axis is p – l, (7) is most appropriately calculated in the primed coordinates:
In the unprimed coordinates, the interesting component is
At our level approximation this becomes
Using the results for and , which is correct to order w (also found from Example 10.3),
Integrating twice and using the zeroth order result for the time-of-fall, , we obtain for the deflection
b) The centrifugal force gives us an acceleration of
The component equations are then
where we have included the pure gravitational component of force as well. Now transform to the unprimed coordinates and approximate
We can use Problem 10-12 to obtain sin e to our level of approximation
The prompts a cancellation in equation (19), which becomes simply
Using the zeroth order result for the height, , and for the time-of-fall estimates the deflection due to the centrifugal force
c) Variation in gravity causes the acceleration
where is the vector pointing to the particle from the center of the spherical Earth. Near the surface
so that (23) becomes, with the help of the binomial theorem,
Transform and get the x component
Using (20),
where we have neglected the term. This is just thrice the part (b) result,
Thus the total deflection, correct to order , is
(The solution to this and the next problem follow a personal communication of Paul Stevenson, Rice University.)
Chapter 11
11-3. The equation of an ellipsoid is
which can be written in normalized form if we make the following substitutions:
Then, Eq. (1) reduces to
This is the equation of a sphere in the (x,h,z) system.
If we denote by dv the volume element in the system and by dt the volume element in the (x,h,z ) system, we notice that the volume of the ellipsoid is
because is just the volume of a sphere of unit radius.
The rotational inertia with respect to the passing through the center of mass of the ellipsoid (we assume the ellipsoid to be homogeneous), is given by
In order to evaluate this integral, consider the following equivalent integral in which z = r cos q :
Since the same analysis can be applied for any axis, the other moments of inertia are

The force between the force center and the disk is, from the figure
Only the component along x does any work, so that the effective force is . This corresponds to a potential . The kinetic energy of the disk is
where we use the result for a disk and dx = R dq. Lagrange’s equations give us
This is simple harmonic motion about x = 0 with an angular frequency of oscillations

The diagram shows the slab rotated through an angle q from its equilibrium position. At equilibrium the contact point is Q and after rotation the contact point is P. At equilibrium the position of the center of mass of the slab is C and after rotation the position is C¢.
Because we are considering only small departures from q = 0, we can write
Therefore, the coordinates of C¢ are (see enlarged diagram below)
so that


from which
The kinetic energy is
where I is the moment of inertia of the slab with respect to an axis passing through the center of mass and parallel to the z-axis:
The potential energy is
and where Eq. (3) has been used for y.
The Lagrangian is
The Lagrange equation for q is

Combining, we find
For the case of small oscillations, and , so that Eq. (15) reduces to
The system is stable for oscillations around q = 0 only if
This condition is satisfied if , i.e.,
Then, the frequency is
Simplifying, we have
According to Eqs. (9) and (10), the potential energy is
This function has the following forms for and :

To verify that a stable condition exists only for , we need to evaluate at q = 0:
so that

We suspend the pendulum from a point P which is a distance l from the center of mass. The rotational inertia with respect to an axis through P is
where is the radius of gyration about the center of mass. Then, the Lagrangian of the system is
Lagrange’s equation for q gives
For small oscillation, . Then,
from which the period of oscillation is
If we locate another point P¢ which is a distance l¢ from the center of mass such that the period of oscillation is also t, we can write
from which . Then, the period must be
This is the same as the period of a simple pendulum of the length l + l¢. Using this method, one does not have to measure the rotational inertia of the pendulum used; nor is one faced with the problem of approximating a simple pendulum physically. On the other hand, it is necessary to locate the two points for which t is the same.

The plate is assumed to have negligible thickness and the mass per unit area is . Then, the inertia tensor elements are

Defining A and B as above, becomes
Therefore, the inertia tensor has the form
11-23. We have

so that,
This result is easy to verify for the various examples involving the cube.
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Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu>