3309logos.jpg (6168 bytes)Recommended Additional Exercises
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Recommended Additional Exercises for Physics 3309

The list of required homework problems should NOT be taken to represent the entirety of the problem solving that you should be doing in studying this material. The size of the homework assignments is determined by the grading budget not by pedagogical considerations. Ideally, you should do every exercise at the back of each chapter. Practically, this may not be possible for many of you. As a minimum target, you should try to do at least 24 exercises in addition to the required homework each week. The exact choice is up to you. Since the total number of problems per chapter in the text is roughly 32, I have not posted any recommendations beyond the obvious one... do ALL of them. . These problems are not required and should not be turned in. 

At this point, you can go to the 3309 page, the UH Space Physics Group Web Site, or my personal Home Page.

Edgar A. Bering, III , <eabering@uh.edu>